Ultrakova Almagul Amirovna
Candidate of technical sciences
Head of Laboratory
Researchers of Satbayev University holding
Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation
Email: a.ultarakova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Ultarakova Almagul Amirovna - Head of the Laboratory of Titanium and Rare Refractory Metals at IMOB JSC, Candidate of Technical Sciences. In 1988 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys with a degree in non-ferrous metallurgy. After graduation she was sent to work at Kazgiprotsvetmet in Ust-Kamenogorsk. Since 1998, A.A. Ultarakova works at CJSC IMOB as a leading engineer. She entered full-time postgraduate study (state budget, fundamental research) of the RKKP "IMOB". In 2006 she defended her Ph.D thesis on the topic: "Investigation of the processes of dehydration and refining of chloride-magnesium salts and metal melts". During her scientific career, she participated in business agreements with LLP "Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium-Magnesium Combine".
A.A. Ultarakova was the project leader on the topic: "Development of technology for obtaining industrial products enriched with niobium and synthetic carnallite from industrial waste of titanium-magnesium production", which was part of the branch scientific and technical program "Scientific and technological substantiation of the development of the rare metal industry in Kazakhstan for 2011-2014”.
She supervised the project on the topic: "Development of a technology for obtaining synthetic carnallite from titanium-magnesium production waste", a grant from the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan for development and (or) research of applied risks (operator - JSC "National Agency for Technological Development") in 2012-2014. This technology shows the possibility of separating magnesium and potassium chlorides and extracting rare earth elements from the spent melt of titanium chlorinators.
She was the responsible executor of the grant on the topic: "Development of a technology for the integrated processing of titanomagnetites of the Masalskoye deposit" In 2015-2017 and the executor of the grant on the topic: "Development of a low-waste combined technology for the processing of ilmenite concentrates with a high chromium content". For grant funding of scientific research for 2018-2020. Supervised a grant on the topic: "Development of a technology for the integrated processing of titanium production sludge" (No. AP05130436).
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys with a degree in non-ferrous metallurgy in 1988.
In 2006 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "Investigation of the processes of dehydration and refining of chloride-magnesium salts and metal melts."
Scientific projects
Her scientific directions are associated with physical and chemical studies of chloride and metallic systems containing titanium, magnesium, niobium and rare earth metals for their deep extraction from ilmenite concentrates. Development of technologies for the complex extraction of titanium, magnesium, niobium and rare earth elements from titanium-magnesium production wastes to obtain marketable products.
Head of the grant project AP09258788 "Development of technology for extracting niobium from titanium-magnesium production waste".
Participates as an executor of the grant project AP08855505 "Development of a technology for the integrated processing of fine dust from electrosmelting of ilmenite concentrates for the extraction of silicon and titanium into marketable products."
Over the past 5 years, articles in foreign journals:
1. Ессенгазиев А., Ултаракова А., Кенжалиев Б., Питер Бернс. Исследование процесса выщелачивания промышленных отходов титанового производства азотной кислотой // Журнал химической технологии и металлургии, 2019. - Vol. 54, No. 5, P.1061-1071.
2. Ультаракова А.А., Ессенгазиев А.М., Касымжанов К.К., Улдаханов О.Х. Получение кристаллического нитрата кальция из растворов выщелачивания промышленных отходов титанового производства азотной кислотой // International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020. - Vol. 29, № 3, с. 2090-2105. Scopus: SJR (2018) - 0,13; Q3 http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/4209/2794
3. Ултаракова Алмагуль, Арман Шах, Балтабекова Жазира Исследования по извлечению ценных компонентов из отходов титано-магниевого производства // Журнал перспективных исследований в области гидромеханики и термических наук, 2020. - Vol. 75, № 3, С. 140–155. Scopus: SJR (2019) - 0,243; 3 квартал https://doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.75.3.140155
4. Ультаракова А.А., Ессенгазиев А.М., Кульдеев Е.И., Касымжанов К.К., Улдаханов О.Х. «Переработка шламов титанового производства с извлечением диоксида титана» / Металлургия 60 (2021) 3-4, 411-414 с. (Web of Science Q3).
Articles in Kazakh journals:
1. Онаев М.И., Ултаракова А.А., Найманбаев М.А., Маркаев Е.К., Касымжанов К.К. Определение оптимальных параметров переработки титаномагнетитовых концентратов Масальского месторождения. Известия НАН РК. Серия «Геология и технические науки». - 2017. - №2. - С. 132-142.
2. Патент РК №32065. Найманбаев М.А., Избасханов К.С., Онаев М.И., Ултаракова А.А., Уласюк С.М., Альжанбаева Н.Ш., Малдыбаев Г.К. Способ переработки низкотитановых титано-магнетитовых концентратов / опубл. 15.05.2017, бул. № 9.
3. Мамутова А.Т., Ултаракова А.А., Кульдеев Е.И., Есенгазиев А.М. Пути решения проблем переработки хлоридных отходов титано-магниевого производства // Комплексное использование минерального сырья. - Алматы. - 2018. - №4. - С. 174-181.
4. Yessengaziyev A.M., Ultarakova A.A., Uldakhanov O.H. Calcium nitrate generating out of nitrogen-acid solutions after breaking up slurries of titanium production // Comlex Use of Mineral Resources. - Аlmaty. - 2019. - No. 4. - P.74-81.
International conferences included in the scopus database:
1 Yessengaziyev A., Ultarakova A., Kenzhaliyev B., Onayev M., Kasymdzhanov K. Research of the purification processes of chloride magnesium melts from impurity components // SGEM 2018 International Multidisciplinary Scientific conference on Earth and Planetary Sciences, Albena. 2018. - P.125-130.
2 Алмагуль Ултаракова, Онаев Мурат, Есенгазиев Азамат, Баркытова Ботакоз, Производство синтетического карналлита из отходов титано-магниевого производства с извлечением ниобийсодержащих промпродуктов // XXIX Международный конгресс по переработке полезных ископаемых (IMPC 2018), Москва, 15 сентября- 21, 2018. - С.63-71.
3 Ултаракова А., Кенжалиев Б., Онаев М., Есенгазиев А., Касымжанов К. Исследования осадка отходов титанового производства и его выщелачивания азотной кислотой // 19-я Международная многопрофильная научная геоконференция и выставка SGEM 2019, Албена. 2019. -С.861-868.