Ushurova Saadat Malikovna
Master of pedagogical Sciences
Institute of Project Management
Department of Foreign Languages
Email: s.ushurova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
08.2019 - present - Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages at Satbayev University.
2015 - 2019 - English teacher at school-gymnasium № 101, Almaty.
1. 2017-2019-Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Pedagogy and Humanities, specialty-6 M011900 Foreign language: Two foreign languages, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
2. 2012-2015-Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan, Pedagogical faculty of foreign languages, Bachelor in specialty 5B011900Foreign language: Two foreign languages
Scientific projects
Research interests and current projects: The benefits and challenges of implementing CLIL.Publications
1. Scientific article “English as a Medium of Instruction in teaching computer science at secondary schools”. Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai №2(26), 2019.
2. Scientific article “Using English as a means of teaching computer science: problems and possible solutions”. 8th international conference of ICT in education and science 27.04.19.
3. Scientific article “English as a Medium of Instruction in teaching computer science at secondary schools”. Trends of modern science 2019 Sheffield Science and education LTD 2019. May 30- June 7
4. Yermekbayeva Sh.B., Nassimova Zh.M., Ushurova S.M, “Teaching Professional English Through Case Study Is Effective”, "The Europe and the Turkic World: Science, Engineering and Technology" Materials of the VI International Scientific-Practical Conference May 5-7, online, 2021 г., Bursa (Turkey)
5. Yermekbayeva Sh.B., Ushurova S.M., “Enriching the students’ professionally oriented vocabulary at a non-linguistic university” III-международная научно-практическая интернет-конференция "Вопросы развитиясфер образования, науки и культуры: теория, практика, опыт", онлайн г. Нурсултан, 17.09.2021 г.
6. Yermekbayeva Sh.B., Zhubanova Sh.A, Yershimanova D.O., Zhanzhaxinova B.K., Ushurova S.M, “Teaching the Specialty -Oriented Terminology at Higher Educational Institutions”, “Membership in the WTO: Prospects of Scientific Research and International Technology Market”.VI Scientific- Practical Conference, online, October 20-22, 2021 г., Monreal (Canada).
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