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Uskembaeva Bagdat Oralbekovna

Uskembaeva Bagdat Oralbekovna

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Department of civil engineering and building materials

Email: b.uskembayeva@satbayev.111


Professional biography

1. 06.09.1993-18.10.1993 - AADI, department "DM", laboratory assistant

2. 18.10.1993-30.08.1996 - AADI, department "Machine parts", trainee teacher

3. 01.07.1996-13.09.2001 - KazATK, faculty of TT, department "MiDM", assistant

4. 02.09.2002-31.08.2004 - KazATK, faculty of TT, department "Mechanics and machine parts", senior lecturer

5. 01.09.2004-31.08.2005 - KazATK, faculty of TT, department "SMS", senior lecturer

6. 01.09.2005-31.08.2008 - KazATK, faculty of TT, department "SMS", assistant

7. 01.11.2008-17.11.2008 - KazATK, faculty of TT, department "Standardization, metrology and certification", teacher

8. 02.09.2009-01.09.2011 - KazATK, faculty of TT, department "Cars, road equipment and standardization", teacher

9. 01.09.2011-31.08.2012 - KazATK, faculty of TT, department "ADTS", teacher

10. 01.09.2012-28.08.2013 - KazATK, faculty of TT, department "ADTS", Ph.D., associate professor

11. 01.09.2013-21.09.2015 - KazATK, faculty of Transport technology, department "ADTS", Ph.D., associate professor - KazNRTU, IPI, department of MITPI, Ph.D., Art. teacher

13. 08.22.2016-30.06.2017 - KazNRTU, IPI, Department of PMiIG, Ph.D., Sinier lecturer

14. 01.09.2016-30.06.2017 - KazADIim.L.B. Goncharova, Department of Technical and Technical Problems, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assoc.professor

15. 01.09.2017-30.06.2018 - AUPET, Department of Electronics and Robotics, Ph.D., Art. teacher

16. 01.09.2018-30.06.2019 - AUPET, Department of Space Engineering and Technology, Ph.D., Art. teacher

17. 01.09.2019–28.06.2020 - AUPET, Department of Space Engineering, Ph.D., Art. teacher

18. 01.09.2020 - 30.07.2021 - KazATK, faculty TTiS, department "TS", assistant professor

19. 01.09.2021 to the present - KazNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev, A&S institute, department "SSM", assistant professor


1. Ust-Kamenogorsk Automobile Road Institute, specialty hoisting-and-transport, construction, road machines and equipment 1988.

2. Almaty Automobile and Road Institute, specialty hoisting-and-transport, construction, road machines and equipment, 1993


1. Анализ синтеза рыхлителей с оптимальными параметрами и методика их проектирования. Вестник КазГАСА, №5. (60) Алматы, 2016 г.

2. Обоснование параметров роторного рабочего органа с циклоидальным движением ковшей и его кинематические особенности. Вестник, КРСУ, Киргизия, №5 том 21 16.08.2021 г

3. Определение методик испытаний. Вестник, КРСУ, Киргизия, №5 том 21 16.08.2021 г.

4. A dynamic analysis of  six-bar mechanical press. Published un  Vibroegineering Procedia. Published un, 2017, Volume 13, Pages 249-254

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