Uskembaeva Zaure Kabievna
Senior Lecturer
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
"Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology" Department
Email: zaka_u@mail.333
Professional biography
1989 to 1995 Engineer of the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, KazPTI after Lenin
1995 to 2018: KazNRTU named after K.I Satpayev, teacher-trainee, teacher, senior teacher. Tutor of the department "General chemistry", "Chemistry", "Applied chemistry".
2018 to 2019: KazITU, Senior lecturer of the Department of Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology.
2020 to 2021: Satbayev University, Engineer, Department of Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology.
September 2021 – present: Satbayev University, lecturer, Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business named after K. Turysova
Department of Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology
1982-1987 - Almaty Architectural and Construction Institute, Faculty of Technology. Specialty: "Production of building products and structures", qualification process engineer
2002-2004 - Kazakh National Technical University named after S. K.I.Satpayev. Specialty: "Chemical technology of oil, gas and coal", qualification process engineer
Scientific projects
Development: Implementation of funded research projects and contractual work (for an amount of at least 3 million tenge). Performer in the project "Creation of a scientific and methodological basis for a unified integrated system for automating the processes of medical services for the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan", Agreement for the implementation of research work No. 451 of 03/07/2014. Targeted development of university science focused on innovative results "for 2011-2014.
- Uskenbaeva R.K., Uskembaeva Z.K. The use of modern information technologies in teaching chemistry at the University. I International scientific-practical conference "Improving the quality of teaching information technologies in universities: Ways and Opportunities" Almaty, January 28-29, 2010. 305-308 pp.
- Uskenbaeva R.K., Uskembaeva Z.K. Features of the use of information technology in the study of chemistry. "Information and innovative technologies: integration of science and education, 2011. 202-206 p.
- Uskembaeva Z.K., Nauryzbaeva Sh.K. "Integration of non-business chemistry" bilimdi modernization ". Changes in Education: New Frontiers and Priorities 2011 78-82 p.
- Uskembaeva Z.K., Nauryzbaeva Sh.K., Tolendina A.K. Khimiyadan uzdixiz bilim take zhyesin akparatttyk tekhnologar zhyesinde damytu. "Information and communication technologies in adult education", 2011. 270-274 pp.
- Uskembaeva Z.K., Nauryzbaeva Sh.K., Kurmanalieva D, T. Chemistry courses in the process of student training "Proceedings ІІ - Materials of the international scientific conference" High technologies - the guarantee of sustainable development "1 volume 23-24 May 2013", KazNTU, Almaty. 87-90 p.
- Uskembaeva Z.K., Tsoi V., "Hydrotreating of diesel fuel", Industry of Kazakhstan "No. 1 (82) 2014
- Nauryzbaeva Sh.K., Zheksembieva G., Uskembaeva Z.K.
- Z. Uskenbayeva, R. Uskenbayeva, Young Im Cho, G. Bektemyssova "Recursive decomposition as a method for integrating heterogeneous data sources" Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), 2015, Seoul, South Korea, 15th International Conference on Year: 2015, Pages: 623-626, DOI: 10.1109 / ICCAS.2015.7364993, IEEE Conference Publications
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