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Uskenbayeva Raissa Kabievna

Uskenbayeva Raissa Kabievna

Doctor of technical sciences


Vice-Rector for Academic Work

Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of Software Engineering

Email: r.k.uskenbayeva@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpaev 2021 Director of the Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

International University of Information Technologies, Almaty 2019 - 2021 Rector

2012 - 2019 Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Science

Kazakhstan Engineering and Technological University 2018 Rector

Kazakh National Technical University 2003 - 2012 Head of Department of Software Systems and Networks of the Institute of Information Technologies, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof.

1999 - 2003 Doctorate KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaeva

1978 - 1999 Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer

Alma-Ata Special. Design Bureau of the USSR MPSS 1975 - 1978 Engineer-mathematician


2000-2003 Doctoral studies: Institute of Information Technologies, KazNTU, Specialty: 05.13.11 - Mathematical and software for computers, complexes and computer networks

1990-1993 Institute of applicability: Faculty: "Automation and control systems" KazPTI,

Specialty: "Automation of technological processes and production" (05.13.07)

1970-1975 Higher education: S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University, Specialty: Mathematics

Scientific projects


No. 748 MES RK 12.8. Creation of a scientific and methodological basis for a unified integrated system for automating the processes of medical services for the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, scientific superviser

2018 "Development and pilot implementation of educational programs for higher and postgraduate education based on professional standards." Contract No. KZSJ-1.2 / CS-04-CQS State Institution "Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan" JSC IITU, scientific superviser

2018-2020 IRN BR05236517 "Platform for digital transformation of business processes" under the program-targeted financing of scientific research of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. JSC IITU, project manager

2018-2020 IRN AP05134071 "Development of methodology, architectural and software solutions for the transformation of business processes of their automation based on cloud-based BPaaS technologies (on the example of administrative processes of public administration)" under the program of grant funding for scientific research of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan JSC IITU, project manager

IRN №AP05132050 "Development of" improved "tools to facilitate high-quality and effective analysis of unstructured data" JSC IITU, project executor

IRN №AR08857604 Boundary and inverse problems for the Navier-Stokes equations of homogeneous, inhomogeneous fluids, thermal convection and Kelvin-Voigt JSC IITU, project executor


Uskenbayeva, R., Altayeva, A., Gusmanova, F., Abdulkarimova, G., Berkimbaeva, S., Dalbekova, K., Suiman, A., Zhanseitova, A., Amreyeva, A. Indoor air quality control using backpropagated neural networks (2022) Computers, Materials and Continua, 70 (2), pp. 3837-3853.

Bolshibayeva, A.K., Uskenbayeva, R.K., Kuandykov, A.A., Rakhmetulayeva, S.B., Astaubayeva, G.N. Development of business process design methods (2021) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 99 (10), pp. 2344-2358.

Uskenbayeva, R., Chinibayeva, T. Model, data integration algorithms of information systems based on ontology (2021) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 99 (9), pp. 2125-2143.

USKENBAYEVA, R., KALPEYEVA, Z., KASSYMOVA, A. Research of approaches and methods for organization of computational processes in the cloud environment (2020) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 98 (24), pp. 3932-3947.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Mukhanov, S.B. Contour analysis of external images (2020) PervasiveHealth: Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, статья № 3410811, .

Abu, K., Raissa, U. Designing business processes based on an integrated approach: Process, model and architectural (2020) PervasiveHealth: Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, статья № 3410792, .

Suliman, A., Uskenbayeva, R., Altayeva, A. Applying Neuro-Fuzzy Model in Indoor Comfort Microclimate Control (2020) 2020 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Multimedia, ICIMU 2020, статья № 9243606, pp. 177-182.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Kuandykov, A.A., Aubakirova, G.G., Kuatbayeva, G.K., Kossynbayev, B.T., Kuatbayeva, A.A., Aubakirova, B. Algorithm for determining a person's posture in a video sequence (2020) Proceedings - 2020 IEEE 22nd Conference on Business Informatics, CBI 2020, 2, статья № 9140223, pp. 87-90.

Kuandykov, A., Kassymova, A., Uskenbayeva, R., Kalpeyeva, Z., Zhunissov, N. Model representation of business processes (2020) Proceedings - 2020 IEEE 22nd Conference on Business Informatics, CBI 2020, 2, статья № 9140242, pp. 82-86.

Moldagulova, A., Satybaldiyeva, R., Uskenbayeva, R., Kassymova, A., Kalpeyeva, Z. Architecture development for certain classes of university business processes (2020) Proceedings - 2020 IEEE 22nd Conference on Business Informatics, CBI 2020, 2, статья № 9140228, pp. 91-95.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Abu, K., Bolshibayeva, A., Rakhmetulayeva, S.B. An algorithm for creating an automated system based on platform of business process (2020) Procedia Computer Science, 175, pp. 253-260. Цитирован(ы) 1 раз.

Bektemyssova, G., Uskenbayeva, R., Kerimbay, Y., Kerimbay, A., Kabdrgalinova, S. Intelligent analytical data system (2020) CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2656, pp. 131-141.

Uskenbayeva, R., Moldagulova, A., Mukazhanov, N.K. Creation of Data Classification System for Local Administration (2020) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 991, pp. 761-768. Цитировано 3 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R., Sabina, R., Aigerim, B. Managing Business Process Based on the Tonality of the Output Information (2020) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 991, pp. 882-890. Цитировано 4 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R., Abu, K., Sabina, R., Aigerim, B. Research of the Relationship Between Business Processes in Production and Logistics Based on Local Models (2020) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 991, pp. 861-870. Цитировано 3 раз.

Mukhanov, S.B., Uskenbayeva, R. Pattern Recognition with Using Effective Algorithms and Methods of Computer Vision Library (2020) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 991, pp. 810-819. Цитирован(ы) 1 раз.

Satybaldiyeva, R., Uskenbayeva, R., Moldagulova, A., Kalpeyeva, Z., Aitim, A. Features of Administrative and Management Processes Modeling (2020) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 991, pp. 842-849. Цитирован(ы) 1 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R., Kalpeyeva, Z., Kassymova, A., Kuandykov, A. Formation of Order Packages for Planning of the Orders Implementation Process in E-Commerce (2019) International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 2019-October, статья № 8971726, pp. 34-39. Цитировано 2 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Kuandykov, A.A., Rakhmetulayeva, S.B., Bolshibayeva, A.K. Properties of platforms for the transformation and automation of business processes (2019) International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 2019-October, статья № 8971550, pp. 29-33. Цитировано 3 раз.

Moldagulova, A.N., Uskenbayeva, R.K., Satybaldiyeva, R.Z., Kamennova, M.S., Kalpeeva, Z.B., Bektemyssova, G.U. On identification of hybrid business processes for effective implementation in the form of cloud services (2019) International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 2019-October, статья № 8971520, pp. 51-54. Цитировано 3 раз.

Nazarov, D., Tsukanova, O., Uskenbaeva, R. Foreword to the international workshop on the internet of things and smart services (2019) Proceedings - 21st IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, CBI 2019, 2, статья № 8808023, p. IX.

Uskenbayeva, R., Kuandykov, A., Kalpeyeva, Z., Kassymova, A. Formalization of Applications for Processing in the e-Commerce System (2019) Proceedings - 21st IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, CBI 2019, 2, статья № 8808059, pp. 13-15. Цитировано 2 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R., Kalpeyeva, Z., Satybaldiyeva, R., Moldagulova, A., Kassymova, A. Applying of RPA in Administrative Processes of Public Administration (2019) Proceedings - 21st IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, CBI 2019, 2, статья № 8807793, pp. 9-12. Цитировано 9 раз.

Altayeva, A., Uskenbayeva, R. Converged citizen service IOT platform reference model for smart cities (2019) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 97 (9), pp. 2540-2550.

Yerassyl, A., Yermek, A., Bektemyssova, G.U, Uskenbayeva, R.K Applications of machine learning algorithms to the problem of detecting unknown data (2019) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 97 (7), pp. 1948-1958.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Kuandykov, A.A., Rakhmetulayeva, S.B., Bolshibayeva, A.K. Basics of creating platforms for automation of business processes of logistics (2018) International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 2018-October, статья № 8571757, pp. 1265-1271. Цитировано 4 раз.

Shynybekov, D., Bektemyssova, G., Uskenbayeva, R. Application of project management methods for automation of complex business management processes (2017) Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, CSIT 2017, 2, статья № 8099442, pp. 159-164.

Uskenbayeva, R., Kurmangaliyeva, B., Bektemyssova, G. Mathematical support of the unified business licensing process in the republic of Kazakhstan (2017) Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, CSIT 2017, 2, статья № 8099441, pp. 150-158.

Uskenbayeva, R., Kuandykov, A., Kozhamzharova, D., Duisebekova, K., Alimzhanova, L., Alimanova, M., Sarbasova, A., Adilzhanova, S. The development of conceptual model of creation of an intelligent system: Application on robotic systems (2017) Proceedings - 2017 1st IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing, IRC 2017, статья № 7926565, pp. 362-364. Цитирован(ы) 1 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Kurmangaliyeva, B.K. Mobile business process construction principles on the mobile robot system platform (2015) ICCAS 2015 - 2015 15th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Proceedings, статья № 7364998, pp. 648-650. Цитирован(ы) 1 раз.

Kuandykov, A.A., Uskenbayeva, R.K., Mukazhanov, N.K. Development of methods for receiving analytical data from different SQL/ NoSQL databases and leading to uniform format (2015) ICCAS 2015 - 2015 15th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Proceedings, статья № 7364840, pp. 1309-1314.

Uskenbayeva, R., Cho, Y.I., Bektemyssova, G., Uskenbayeva, Z., Temirbolatova, T., Kassymova, A. Recursive decomposition as a method for integrating heterogeneous data sources (2015) ICCAS 2015 - 2015 15th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Proceedings, статья № 7364993, pp. 623-626. Цитировано 4 раз.

Uskenbayeva, P.K., Kuandykov, A.A., Amanzholova, S.T., Kalizhanova, A.U. Selection of network topologies at solving certain class of problems on distributed computer systems (2015) ICCAS 2015 - 2015 15th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Proceedings, статья № 7364991, pp. 614-618.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Kurmangaliyeva, B.K., Yedilkhan, D. Situational management for process implementation of working operations of the business process (2015) 2015 54th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2015, статья № 7285573, pp. 292-297. Цитировано 13 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Kalpeyeva, J.B., Kassymova, A.B. Organization of computational processes in distributed cloud environments (2015) 2015 54th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2015, статья № 7285564, pp. 947-952. Цитирован(ы) 1 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Kurmangaliyeva, B.K., Yedilkhan, D., Kassymova, A.B. Principles for achieving the optimal performance of the input tasks flow of a business process and optimal performance of the business process (2015) 2015 54th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2015, статья № 7285562, pp. 728-733. Цитировано 10 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Bektemyssova, G.B., Kurmangaliyeva, B.K., Yedilkhan, D. Development of the business process for national companies of Kazakhstan with the integration of the project 'E-Government (2015) 2015 54th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2015, статья № 7285454, pp. 724-727. Цитировано 10 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R., Kurmangaliyeva, B., Shynybekov, D., Temirbolatova, T. Application process mining techniques to optimize the business process models based on information systems issuing licenses and permits e-license: Practical research (2015) 2015 54th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2015, статья № 7285574, pp. 298-300. Цитировано 2 раз.

Kuandykov, A., Uskenbayeva, R., Cho, Y.I., Kozhamzharova, D., Baimuratov, O., Chinibayev, Y., Karimzhan, N. Multi-agent based anti-locust territory protection system (2015) Procedia Computer Science, 56 (1), pp. 477-483. Цитировано 3 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R., Kuandykov, A., Cho, Y.I., Temirbolatova, T., Amanzholova, S., Kozhamzharova, D. Integrating of data using the Hadoop and R (2015) Procedia Computer Science, 56 (1), pp. 145-149. Цитировано 9 раз.

Kuandykov, A.A., Uskenbayeva, R.K., Cho, Y.I., Kozhamzharova, D.K., Baimuratov, O.A., Karimzhan, N., Chinibayev, Y. Analysis and development of agent architecture for pest control systems (2015) Procedia Computer Science, 56 (1), pp. 139-144. Цитировано 2 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Kuandykov, A.A., Cho, Y.I., Kalpeyeva, Zh.B. Tasks scheduling and resource allocation in distributed cloud environments (2014) International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, статья № 6987770, pp. 1373-1376. Цитировано 4 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Kuandykov, A., Cho, Y.I., Bektemyssova, G.U., Kurmangaliyeva, B.K. A conceptual approach to construction of large information systems international (2014) International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, статья № 6987760, pp. 1317-1320. Цитировано 5 раз.

Kassenkhan, A., Uskenbayeva, R. Overview of seamless mobility in heterogeneous wireless networks (2014) International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, статья № 6987790, pp. 1458-1461.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Kuandykov, A.A., Cho, Y.I., Kozhamzharova, D.K., Baimuratov, O.A. Main principles of task distribution in multi-agent systems and defining basic parameters (2014) International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, статья № 6987793, pp. 1471-1474. Цитировано 4 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R., Chinibayev, Y., Kassymova, A., Temirbolatova, T., Mukhanov, K. Technology of integration of diverse databases on the example of medical records (2014) International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, статья № 6988003, pp. 282-285. Цитировано 4 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Cho, Y.I., Bektemyssova, G.B., Mukazhanov, N.K., Kozhamzharova, D.K., Kurmangaliyeva, B.K. Multidimensional indexing structure development for the optimal formation of aggregated indicators in OLAP hypercube (2014) International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, статья № 6987792, pp. 1466-1470. Цитировано 5 раз.

Muhamedyev, R.I., Kalimoldaev, M.N., Uskenbayeva, R.K. Semantic network of ICT domains and applications (2014) ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2014-November, pp. 178-186. Цитировано 11 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Kuandykov, A.A., Kalpeyeva, Z.B., Rakhmetulayeva, S.B., Mukazhanov, N.K. Scheduling and allocation of tasks and virtual machines in cloud computing (2014) Life Science Journal, 11 (8), pp. 532-538.

Kassenkhan, A.M., Uskenbayeva, R.K., Abdelouahab, A., Salih, N.D. Movement scenario of mobile devices in a heterogeneous network (2014) Life Science Journal, 11 (SPEC. ISSUE 8), pp. 207-210.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Kuandykov, A.A., Cho, Y.I., Kozhamzharova, D.K., Kalpeyeva, Z.B. Models and methods of joint work management of group of unmanned vehicles (2013) International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, статья № 6704000, pp. 552-555. Цитировано 7 раз.

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Kuandykov, A.A., Im, C.Y., Kalpeyeva, Zh.B., Kozhamzharova, D.K. Organization of computing processes in the large heterogeneous distributed systems (2013) 2013 44th International Symposium on Robotics, ISR 2013, статья № 6695697, . Цитировано 9 раз.

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

artificial intelligence, distributed computing, business process automation