Uzak Meruyert Kanatkyzy

Uzak Meruyert Kanatkyzy

Master of Technical Sciences


Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies

Email: m.uzak@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Uzak Meruyert graduated from the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov in 2018 with a degree in 5B071900 Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications."

And in 2021 he successfully completed a master's degree at the State University "Zhytomyr Polytechnic" in the specialty "TRM192-2 – Telecommunications and radio engineering".

Has 1 publication. Uzak Meruyert conducts classes in the disciplines "Microelectronics", "Modeling of electronic systems in the MATLAB environment and other software products", "Fiber-optic sensors and systems", "Radio transmitting and receiving devices", "Digital communication technology".

He is also engaged in social work at the department and takes an active part in the life of the department and the institute.

Uzak Meruyert is not only a qualified teacher, but also a responsible, kind and attentive specialist.


2014 - 2018 - Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, Astana

Physics and Technology Faculty

specialty - "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications"

2020 - 2021 - "Radio engineering and telecommunications"

State University "Zhytomyr Polytechnic" 2020-2021

 faculty - "Information and computer technologies"

 specialty - "Telecommunication and radio engineering"


"Анализ методов повышения локальных контрастов в тенях на аэрокосмических снимках высокого разрешения" Пулеко И. В., канд. техн. наук, доц., доцент кафедры КИиКБ, Узак Меруерт, магистрант, гр.ТРм-19-2. Режим доступа:

2020 гг. в 26-27 ноября – III Всеукраинской научно-практической интернет-конференции соискателей высшего образования и молодых ученых «Информационно-компьютерные технологии: состояние, достижения и перспективы развития», г. Житомир, Украина. Доклад на тему «Построение модели радиотехнический измерений в условиях априорной неопределенности динамики поведения измеряемому параметра» в секции «Современные информационные технологии в телекоммуникациях и биомедицине».