Vasily Valerievich Serbin
Candidate of technical sciences
Associate Professor
Acting Head of the Department
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of "Cybersecurity, information processing and storage"
Email: v.serbin@satbayev.111
Professional biography
2001-2005 гг. – педагог дополнительного образования Республиканского учебно-методического центра дополнительного образования;
2003-2011 гг. – тренер курсов повышения квалификации учителей информатики г. Алматы, Алматинского областного института информатики и Республиканского института повышения квалификации учителей системы образования Министерства образования и науки РК «Орлеу»;
2009-2013 гг. – старший научный сотрудник Национального научно-практического центра коррекционной педагогики Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан;
2007-2012 гг. – заведующий Научно-исследовательской лабораторией студентов «Информационные технологии» АУЭС;
2007-2013 гг. – доцент Алматинского университета энергетики и связи;
2012-2013 гг. – руководитель проектов Департамента управления проектами АО «Каспий Банк».
С 2013 по 2014 годы – руководитель проектов Департамента управления проектами АО «Каспий Банк».
2014–2015 гг. – заведующий кафедрой информационных систем и математического моделирования Международного университета информационных технологий.
С 2015 по 2020 год – заведующий кафедрой информационных систем Международного университета информационных технологий.
с 2021-2022 гг. – декан ИТ-факультета Евразийского технологического университета.
С 2023 года Satbaev University является ассоциированным сотрудником.
2002-2007 y. – Almaty University of Power Engeneering and Telecommunications. Specialty – Electronic systems and technologies. Qualification – engineer. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Specialty 05.25.05 – "Information systems and processes, legal aspects of computer science". Academic title
Associate Professor, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Science
1. Serbin V.V. Entertaining about informatics // Newspaper "Planet of Childhood", No. 1 (11), Republican Palace of Schoolchildren. – Almaty, 2003.
2. Serbin V.V. Technology for creating animation and animation projects and interactive multimedia applications used in the development of electronic educational and methodological complexes in the educational process // Student scientific and practical conference. – Almaty: Almaty Institute of Energy and Communications, 2004.
3. Serbin V.V. Multimedia: sound editing and nonlinear video editing, 1 part. Sound processing and sound editing. – Almaty: RUMTSDO, 2004.
4. Serbin V. In PhotoShop – designer's tool + CD. // Methodological guide for working on a personal computer. – Almaty: RUMTSDO, 2004.
5. Serbin V.V. Multimedia technologies. Technology – Shockwave for creating animation and animation projects and interactive multimedia applications using Flash (part 1). + CD. // Methodological guide for working on a personal computer (for continuing users). – Almaty: RUMTSDO, 2004.
6. Serbin V.V. Implementation of artificial intelligence elements in electronic educational and methodological complexes (on the example of learning systems for knowledge assessment // Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science", Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. – Almaty, 2005, pp.202-207.
7. Serbin V.V. Multimedia in education // Open School Magazine, No.4(41) April. – Almaty, 2005. – pp.37-38.
8. Serbin V.V. Has human life become more complicated or easier in the context of the computer revolution? // Educational and methodological journal "Extracurricular of Kazakhstan", issue No.1. – Almaty: RUMTSDO, 2005. – pp.47-48.
9. Serbin V.V. Shotan Zh.Zh., Sadgalin M.E., Afanasyev G.A., Lemeshko A.A. Examination testing program // Proceedings of the scientific and practical conference "Problems of energy and telecommunications development in the light of the strategy of industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan", AIES. – Almaty, 2005. – p.147.
10. Serbin V.V. Implementation of adaptive test systems (adaptive learning intellectual and control systems for objective assessment of knowledge) + CD // Educational and methodical manual. – Almaty: RUMTSDO, 2006.
11. Serbin V.V. How to entertain guests: games, contests, riddles and entertainment for all occasions. // Methodical collection for a wide range of readers. – Almaty: RUMTSDO, 2005.
12. Serbin V.V. Multimedia in education (the use of multimedia technologies in the development of electronic educational and methodological programs and applications), methodological recommendations based on the materials of Kazakhstani, Russian and foreign specialists. – Almaty: RUMTSDO, 2005.
13.Serbin V.V. Implementation of artificial intelligence elements in electronic educational and methodological complexes // Educational and methodological journal "Vneshkolnik of Kazakhstan", issue No. 4. – Almaty: RUMTSDO, 2005. – pp.37-39.
14. Serbin V.V. Implementation of adaptive systems for objective assessment of knowledge with elements of artificial intelligence. // Proceedings of the IV International Forum "Informatization of education in Kazakhstan and the CIS countries". – Almaty: MES RK, IICIO (Unesco), RCIO, 2006. – pp. 182-188.
15. Serbin V.V. Application of multimedia technologies in electronic educational and methodological complexes // Proceedings of the IV international scientific and practical conference "Problems and prospects of education of linguistic culture and formation of linguistic personality of a young journalist and philologist of the Eurasian space". – Moscow, RUDN, 2006. – pp.58-62.
16. Serbin V.V. The use of multimedia technologies in electronic educational and methodological complexes. // Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and prospects of education of linguistic culture and formation of the linguistic personality of a young journalist and philologist of the Eurasian space". – Almaty, 2006. – pp.62-66.
17. Serbin V.V. Elements of artificial intelligence in learning knowledge verification systems // Open School Journal, N4(53). – Almaty, 2006, pp.21-26.
18. Serbin V. Realization of adaptive systems of objective evaluation of students’ knowledge with machine intelligence elements. // Proceedings of the VI interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Kazakhstan in the context of globalization". – Almaty, MAB, 2006. - pp.76-78.
19. Serbin V. V. Technology and methodology of creating an information and training system. // Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "School Informatics: experience, problem and prospects". - Almaty, 2007. - pp.160-165.
20. Serbin V.V. Development of knowledge management models and algorithms in an information and training system. // International Kazakh-Kyrgyz electronics and computer conference. - Almaty, 2007. - pp.79-83.
21. Serbin V.V. Automation of knowledge management in the educational process // Proceedings of the international conference "Theory and practice of general education school management in conditions of renewal". – Almaty: AOIPRK, 2007.
22. Serbin V.V. Educational electronic information system in additional education // Educational and methodological journal "Extracurricular of Kazakhstan", issue No. 1. – Almaty: RUMTSDO, 2007. – pp.40-43.
23. Serbin V.V. Technology of designing software products based on universal components in Delphi7. + CD. // Methodological guide for working on a personal computer (for continuing users). – Almaty: RUMTSDO, 2007.
24. Serbin V.V., Suleev D.K., Uskenbayeva R.K. Strategy for the formation of the content of an information and training system based on a multi-criteria assessment model. // Bulletin of KazATK. - 2008. - No.1. - pp.288-292.
25. Serbin V.V. Development of a multi-criteria model for assessing the learner's knowledge. // Search magazine. - 2008. - No.2. - pp.120-126.
26. Serbin V.V. Algorithms for managing the learning process in an electronic educational and methodological complex. // Bulletin of KazNTU. - 2008. - No.3. - pp.164-170.
27. Serbin V.V., Suleev D.K. Development of models for assessing the level of knowledge of a student // Bulletin of KazNTU. - 2008. - No.3. - pp.37-41.
28. Serbin V.V., Uskenbayeva R.K. Decision-making of the organization of the learning process in the information and training system. // Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference "Information and innovative technologies: integration of science, education and business". – Almaty, 2008. - pp.203-208.
29. Serbin V.V., Mukazhanov V.N., Berikuly A.B. Many-criteria model of Rating knowledge of students in an electronic educational resource. // International conference on "IT Promotion in Asia 2008". Tashkent, 2008. pp.101-103.
30. Serbin V.V. Modeling of the learning process in electronic educational resources. // Proceedings of the regional scientific and practical conference "School informatics: yesterday, today, tomorrow". - Almaty, 2008. - pp.18-22.
31. Serbin V.V. Information and training system based on a multi-criteria decision-making model. Diss. ... candidate of Technical Sciences. – Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2009. – 156 p.
32. Serbin V.V. Information and training system based on a multi-criteria decision-making model. The author's abstract. diss. ... candidate of Technical Sciences. – Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2009. – 26 p.
33. Serbin V.V. Uskenbayeva R.K. Development of a user identification agent matrix in an information and training system. // Bulletin of the AIES. - 2009. – No.2. – pp.49-53.
34. Serbin V.V. Draft concept of distance education for gifted children. // Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference "Prospects for open distance education in the context of the development of information and communication technologies". Volume 1. – Almaty, 2009. – pp.72-78.
35. Serbin V.V. System of knowledge diagnostics based on the method of measuring the level of doubt // Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference "Prospects for open distance education in the context of the development of information and communication technologies". Volume 2. – Almaty, 2009. – pp.26-30.
36. Serbin V.V., Korablev D.S., Zhdankova E.S. Development of an information and educational portal aies.kz // Proceedings of the XI Regional Scientific Conference of students, undergraduates, and young scientists of universities in the Almaty region. – AIES: Almaty, 2009. – pp.119-122.
37. Serbin V.V. Method of measuring the level of doubt // Proceedings of the XI Regional scientific conference of students, undergraduates, and young scientists of universities of the Almaty region. – AIES: Almaty, 2009. – pp.122-125.
38. Serbin V.V. Development of scientific projects in computer science: method. recom. - Almaty: RUMTSDO, 2009. - 200 p.
39. Serbin V.V. Technology, methodology of creation and development of information and training systems: monograph. - Almaty: AIES, 2010. - 198 p.
40.Serbin V.V. Influence of learning monitoring on the quality of the information and training education system // Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference "Education for sustainable development: methodological foundations of the introduction of ICT into the educational process as a condition for quality education". – Almaty, 2010. - pp.71-76.
41. Serbin V.V. Development of a method for measuring the level of user doubts in the knowledge diagnostics system based on computer testing. // Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference "Information and innovative technologies: integration of science, education and business". – Almaty, 2011. - pp.203-208.
42. Serbin V.V. System of knowledge diagnostics based on the method of measuring the level of doubt. // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Fundamental Sciences and Education". Biysk, 2012. – pp. 106-114.
43. Serbin V.V. Mathematical model of measuring the level of doubt user in the system computer testing for diagnostic knowledge. // Bulletin of the AUES. – 2012. – No.1. – pp.52-55.
44. Serbin V.V., Smirnova Yu.G. Psychometric indicator of doubt in computer tests. Education as the Basis of the Humanity Evolution in Conditions of the Information Environment of the Society Domination: Materials digest of the International Research and Practice Conference and II stage of the Championship in Pedagogical sciences. London, 2013-05-21 – 2013-05-26. – London: IASHE, 2013. [http://gisap.eu/node/24970]
45. Serbin V. Methodology for measuring the level of users doubts: start of a new theory.230-233 // European Applied Sciences is an international (No.1). – Stuttgart, Germany: ORT Publishing. 2013. – P.230-233.
46. Serbin V.V., Smirnova Y.G. Toward a Frequency Dictionary in the Teaching LSP: Automation Compiling a Glossary of terms// European Applied Sciences is an international (№1). – Stuttgart, Germany: ORT Publishing. 2013. – P.133-135.
47. Serbin V. Multicriteria metod diagnosis of the intellectual and socialpsychological characteristics of personality // 2nd International Scientific Conference “European Applied Sciences: modern approaches in scientific researches”: Volume 3, Papers of the 1st International Scientific Conference (Volume 3). - Stuttgart, Germany: Hosted by the ORT Publishing and The Center For Social and Political Studies “Premier”. – 2013. – p.93-97.
48.Serbin V.V., Smirnova Yu.G. Automation of compiling a minimum educational dictionary based on extracting terms from a certain array of texts: analysis of the state and solutions // “Problems of modern pedagogics in the context of international educational standards development: Materials digest of the XL International Research and Practice Conference and I stage of the Championship in Pedagogical sciences. – London: IASHE. 2013. – pp. 112-114.[http://gisap.eu/ru/node/18905 ]
49. Serbin V.V. Technology for creating information and training systems: conceptual design. Monograph (scientific publication). – Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG,. 2013. – 120 p. - ISSN: 978-3-659-32055-2
50. Serbin V.V. Distance learning for children with disabilities at home: creation of electronic educational resources. Part 2 (monograph). - Almaty: NNPC RK, 2014. – 91 p.
51. Serbin V.V. Distance learning for children with disabilities at home: organizational foundations. Part 1 (monograph). - Almaty: NNPC RK, 2014. – 78 p.
52. Serbin V.V. Scientific projects as independent search and creative work of students. // Edited by Korolev A.A., Baybosynova. Method. recommendations to the teacher on the methodology of working on school scientific projects of students: independent search and creative work of students by means of information technology. – Almaty, 2014. – pp.12-16
53. Serbin V.V., Musataeva G.T., Baizhanova D.O., Akizhanova Z.A., Shaikhin B.M. Adaptive learning process based on a multi-criteria decision-making model // Abstracts of the 9th International Scientific and Technical Conference "Energy, Telecommunications and Higher Education in modern conditions". – Almaty: AUES. 2014. – pp.339-340
54. Serbin V.V., Smirnova Y.G. Psychometric Indicator of Doubt in Computer Tests (TORFL). The psychometric indicator of doubt in computer tests. GISAP: Educational Sciences, No.4. – 2014. – pp. 43-46
55. Serbin V.V., Musataeva G.T., Baizhanova D.O., Akizhanova Z.A., Shaikhin B.M. Issues of developing adaptive methods and algorithms for the process of electronic and mobile learning // Collection of scientific papers on mat.International scientific and practical conference "Prospects for the development of science and education". Part IV. Moscow: AR-Consult, 2015. – pp.86-89.
56. Serbin V., Chalykin D. Research and development of a new data encryption method in satellite systems. Bulletin of the AUES: Almaty – 2015. – №4 (31). – Pp.52-55.
57. Serbin V.V. An innovative approach to knowledge diagnostics based on the method of measuring the level of doubt tested for E-learning //Research on the economics of information systems: Materials of the scientific and practical conference "Economic efficiency of information business systems" / Edited by V. L. Makarov, M. I. Lugachev, K. G. Skripkin. - M.: Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2015. – pp. 224-231
58. V.V. Serbin, A. Syrymbayeva, K. Tolebayeva Multi-criteria Decision-making Model for Information Learning System : A Critique of the Level of Doubt // International Journal of eGovernance and Networks, 3(1). – Korea: Inha University Global eGovernance Research Institute, 2015. – P. 56-65. Download...
59. V. Serbin, A. Syrymbayeva, K. Tolebayeva Multi-criteria decision-making model based on the level of doubt for information and training system. - Riga: Computer Modeling & New Technologies, 19(4C), 2015. – P.13-16
60. Serbin V.V. Features of the management of the learning process in the organization of the MOE. // Continuing economic education: modernization of education and methodological support: materials of the X Republican educational and Methodological Conference. – Almaty: Economics, 2015. – T.I. – 2015. – pp.251-259
61. V.V. Serbin, I.N. Filko The accuracy of biometric access restriction systems based on fingerprint recognition // Bulletin of KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev ISSN 1680-9211 No.2. - (107) 2016
62. V. Serbin, Y. Gorbunov Analysis of mpp-systems stress testing Based on big data // Proceedings of IEEEforum International Conference. – Phuket: Thailand: IEEEforum, 2016. - P.1-5.
63. Serbin V.V., Syrymbayeva A.M. Research of multicriterial decision-making model for educational information systems. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2016, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 946–951. doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-5-946-951 Download...
64. Serbin V.V. Research and development of a new method of information encryption // Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Vol.6. - Kokshetau: KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov, 2016. – pp. 246-253. Download...
65.Serbin V.V., Smayyl A.M. Online courses on IT technologies for information and training system // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Innovations in education and science" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 20th anniversary of Suleiman Demirel University. – Volume 1, Kaskelen: SDU, 2016. - pp.87-91. Download...
66. Serbin V.V. Adaptive Computer Testing For Online Courses // Proceedings of 6th ICMTSET & 5th ICESBM 2016. - Dubai: Zelus International FZE, 2016. – P. 22-25. Download...
67.Kulanda Duysebekova, Vasily Serbin, Abu Kuandykov, Turar Duysebekov, Madina Alimanova, Sayatbek Orazbekov, Dinara Kozhamzharova, Laura Alimzhanova The Solution of Semi-Empirical Equation of Turbulent Diffusion in Problems of Polluting Impurity Transfer by Gauss Approach // The 11th International Conference on Future Networks and Communications (FNC 2016) / The 13th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC 2016) / Affiliated Workshops (MobiSPC 2016). Volume 94, 2016, P. 372–379. Download...
68. Serbin V. V., Duisebekova K. S., Altaibek A. Performance research of systems with massively parallel architecture on big data // Eurasian Union of Scientists: monthly scientific journal. No.1 (22), 2016. – pp. 118-122 Download...
69. Filko I., Serbin V.V. Method of variable threshold in the access restriction system // Reports of young scientists "Sustainable development of Central Asia: state, problems, prospects". – Almaty: KazNU, 2016. – pp.196-200.
70.V.Serbin, L. Kalymbetova The model of information system in balance of currency exchange rates // Proceedings of the 2th International Conference on Information technologies in science and industry 2016. – Almaty: International IT University Press, 2016. – P.72-78.
71.Serbin V.V., Kuanyshbekova M.B. Analysis of encryption algorithms RSA, DES, 3DES and AES// Proceedings of the 2th International Conference on Information technologies in science and industry 2016. – Almaty: International IT University Press, 2016. – P.99-104.
72.Serbin V.V., Jalmukhambetov K.S. Development of methods and algorithms of search solutions for the interoperability system// Proceedings of the 2th International Conference on Information technologies in science and industry 2016. – Almaty: International IT University Press, 2016. - P.59-62.
73.R.Uskenbayeva, V. Serbin, K.Duisebekova, A. Altaibek, A. Syrymbayeva Development of information and training system for online courses of Information Technology// Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information technologies in science and industry 2016. – Almaty: International IT University Press, 2016. – P.90-93.
74.Mukazhanova M.N., Serbin V.V. Research of load testing of systems with massive parallel architecture on Big Data// Proceedings of the 2th International Conference on Information technologies in science and industry 2016. – Almaty: International IT University Press, 2016. – P.79-82.
75. Serbin V.V., Sergazin A.D. Analysis of the portal gr.iitu.kz for improvement of information system’s tracking of vypuskniki.kz for the university graduates// Proceedings of the 2th International Conference on Information technologies in science and industry 2016. – Almaty: International IT University Press, 2016. - P.104-107.
76. V. Serbin, Y. Gorbunov Analysis of MPP-systems stress testing Based on big data // International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science. Volume-4, Issue-2, 2017. - P.56-60. Download…
77. A. Sergazin, V. Serbin, S. Kabdrgalinova Analysis of unified database of university graduates for effective improvement of employment. Bulletin of the AUES: Almaty, 2017. – №3 (38). – Pp.43-49. Download…
78. Serbin V., Duisebekova K., Kozhamzharova D., Ukubasova G.,Kebekpayeva Z., Aigul S., Rakhmetulayeva S., Diana R., Shaikhanova A. Design and development of automation system of business processes in educational activity// Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12 (18), 2017, pp.4702-4714. Download...
79. Serbin V.V. Ten A.S. Training algorithmic system "Camel" in computer science for 5th grade. CD. – Almaty: Atamura, 2017. 80. Mukhametzhanova S.T., Ten A.S., Isabaeva D.N., Serbin V.V. Informatics: textbook of the 7th grade for secondary schools. – Almaty: Atamura, 2017. – 176 p. Download…
80. Mukhametzhanova S.T., Ten A.S., Isabaeva D.N., Serbin V.V. Informatics: textbook of the 7th grade for secondary schools. – Almaty: Atamura, 2017. – 176 p. Download…
81. V.V. Serbin, Kuanyshbekova M.B. Research of a new hybrid encryption algorithm // Student Bulletin: collection of articles based on the materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Student Bulletin". – No. 5(5). Part 2. – M., Publishing house "Internauka", 2017. – pp. 71-76. Download...
82. Serbin V.V., Amanbaykyzy Z. Optimization of University Management on the Basis of a Technological Approach. // Internauka: scientific journal. № 10(14). Part 3. – M., Publishing house "Internauka", 2017. – pp. 66-68. Download…
83. Serbin V.V. Analysis of business processes of the university department as the basis for developing a strategy for automated management of the department / V.V. Serbin, Z. Amanbaykyzy // Young researcher: challenges and prospects: collection of articles based on the materials of the XXXIII International scientific and practical conference "Young researcher: challenges and prospects". – No. 8(33). – M., Publishing house "Internauka", 2017. Download…
84. Shynybenkov D.A., Uskenbayeva R.K., Serbin V.V., Duzbaev N.T., Moldagulova A.N., Duisebekova K.S., Satybaldieva R.J., Khasenova G.I., Urmashev B.A. Information and Communication Technologies. Information and communication technologies. Textbook: in 2 parts. Part 1. – 1st ed. – Almaty: MUIT, 2017. – 586 p.
85. Shynybenkov D.A., Uskenbayeva R.K., Serbin V.V., Duzbaev N.T., Moldagulova A.N., Duisebekova K.S., Satybaldieva R.J., Khasenova G.I., Urmashev B.A. Information and Communication Technologies. Information and communication technologies. Textbook: in 2 parts. Part 2. – 1st ed. – Almaty: MUIT, 2017. – 622 p.
86. Serbin V.V. Methodology of scientific research in the field of information technology: a textbook. –Almaty: MUIT, 2017. – 295 p.
87. V.V. Serbin, M.B.Kuanyshbekova Research of a new hybrid encryption algorithm // Bulletin of KAZNITU. III International Conference "Digital Technologies in Science and Industry-2017" (DTS&I 2017), KAZNITU, Almaty, 2017. – pp. 420-425. Download...
88. Serbin V.V., Sergazin A.D. Analysis of a unified database of university graduates for effective employment improvement // Bulletin of KAZNITU. III International Conference "Digital Technologies in Science and Industry-2017" (DTS&I 2017), KAZNITU, Almaty, 2017. – pp. 449-454.
89. Serbin V.V. Tleppaev M.B. Development of a portal for accounting the effectiveness of the teaching staff // Bulletin of KAZNITU. III International Conference "Digital Technologies in Science and Industry-2017" (DTS&I 2017), KAZNITU, Almaty, 2017. – pp. 398-402.
90. Serbin V.V. On the concept of transition to a SMART university // Collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference "The path to independence through decades" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Almaty, 2017. – pp.138-144.
91 Serbin V.V., Moldagulova A.N., Duysebekova K.S., Satybaldiyeva R.J., Bektemyssova G.U., Rakhmetulayeva S.B., Alimzhanova L.M., Orazbekov S.K., Zhuanyshev I.O., Tursynkulova A.M. Mathematical model for the research of systems with massively parallel processing based on big data // Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Volume 13, Issue 1, 2018. – pp. 137-149 Download…
92. Serbin V.V., Shildibekov E.J. Project management: a textbook. MUIT: Almaty, 2018. – 348 p.
93. Serbin V.V., Smaiyl A.M., Zakirova G.D., Maulenov Y.S. Modernization of Diagnostic Process of Knowledge Level for E&M Learning // Zhogary bilimdi internationaldandyru: birlesken europalyk zhobalardy ike asyru tazhiribesi / nternationalization of higher education: experience in implementing joint European projects. Kokshetau: "The World of Printing", Ustyugova N.F. Residential Complex, 2019. – pp.196-203.
94. Serbin V., Duisebekova, K. S., Smaiyl, A. M., Alimzhanova, L. M., Zakirova, G. D., Moldagulova, A. N., Satybaldiyeva, R. J., Maulenov, Y. S. Multicriteria Model of Students' Knowledge Diagnostics Based on the Doubt Measuring Level Method for E&M Learning // Mobile information systems, Hindawi, London, 2019. Download…
95. Serbin V. The development of benefits and requirements model Based on the project outcome for the effective it project management methodology // Bulletin of KBTU, Vol.16, V.3(50), KBTU: Almaty, 2019. – pp. 277-281. Download…
96. Serbin V.V., Seitzhanov M.K. M-learning: features and advantages // Student Forum: electron. scientific Journal. 2019. № 20(71). – Pp. 70-73. Download…
97. Serbin V.V., Seitzhanov M.K. Algorithms for analyzing answers to open-ended testing questions // Technical and mathematical sciences. Student Scientific Forum: electr. sat. art. on mat. XVII international student scientific and practical conference. № 6(17), 2019. - Pp.69-75. Download…
98. Serbin V.V., Pak V.V. Development of a model of the adaptive learning process based on personality psychotypes // Technical and mathematical sciences. Student Scientific Forum: electr. sat. art. on mat. XVII international student scientific and practical conference. № 6(17), 2019. - Pp.53-59. Download…
99 Zhumanova A.A., Serbin V.V. ERP SYSTEMS AND THEIR IMPACT ON MEDIUM-SIZED BUSINESSES // Student Bulletin: electron. scientific Journal 2020. No. 42(140). URL: https://studvestnik.ru/journal/stud/herald/140 (date of application: 06/02/2021).
100. Serbin V.V., Zhakhan E.D. Identification and verification based on person's behavior in M-learning // Internauka: electron. scientific journal 2020. No. 17(146). URL: http://internauka.org/journal/science/internauka/146 (date of application: 06/29/2020).
101. Serbin V.V., Eleusiz K.M. SEMANTIC BRAIN TUMOR SEGMENTATION BY DEEP CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORKS // Internauka: electron. scientific Journal 2020. No. 21(150). URL: http://internauka.org/journal/science/internauka/150 (date of application: 06/29/2020).
102. Nalikhan E.B., Serbin V.V. Development of an automated parking system based on car identification // Internauka: electron. scientific Journal 2020. No. 22(151). URL: http://internauka.org/journal/science/internauka/151 (date of application: 06/29/2020).
103. Dagdelen Z.H., Serbin V.V. Implementation of machine learning for solving real problems // Student Bulletin: electron. scientific journal 2020. No. 21(119). URL: https://studvestnik.ru/journal/stud/herald/119 (date of application: 06/29/2020).
104. Bekisheva A., Serbin V. Evaluation of students’ knowledge using multi-criteria model in mobile application by testing // International scientific and practical conference «SCIENCE AND INNOVATION: NEWS, PROBLEMS AND ACHIEVEMENTS», 2-volume 29-30, April 2020.
105. V.V.Serbin, V.V.Savelyeva Methodology of effective IT project management // Materials of the International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: "Modern Kazakhstan: reforms of education and science". - Almaty: Eurasian Technological University, 2021. – pp. 111-114.
106. V.V.Serbin, V.V.Savelyeva The role of the collaborative environment in the educational process // Materials of the International scientific and practical Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: "Modern Kazakhstan: reforms of education and science". - Almaty: Eurasian Technological University, 2021. – pp.124-127.
107. Serbin V.V., Maulenov E. Adaptive time management model based on the student's doubt level in m-learning // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: "Modern Kazakhstan: reforms of education and science". - Almaty: Eurasian Technological University, 2021. - pp.130-133.
108. Zhumanova A.A., Serbin V.V. THE ESSENCE AND RELEVANCE OF THE USE OF CLOUD ERP SYSTEMS// Proceedings of the V-VI International Multidisciplinary Conference «Innovations and Tendencies of State-of-Art Science». Mijnbestseller Nederland, Rotterdam, Nederland. 2021.
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