Yeligbayeva Gulzhakhan Zhakparovna
Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Head of Department
Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov
Email: g.yeligbayeva@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Head of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor.
Over the years, she worked as a researcher, teacher, associate professor, head of the department of “Chemical and Biochemical Engineering”, “Chemical Technology of Organic Substances”, “Chemical Technology of Organic Substances and Polymers” at Satbayev University. The total experience of scientific and pedagogical work is more than 35 years of work.
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017);
Corresponding Member of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012);
Member of the national team of experts on reforming higher education in Kazakhstan (2012-2016)
Over the years, she completed scientific and pedagogical internships at various universities: Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain); University of Oslo (Norway); University of Zagreb (Croatia); Nazarbayev University; National Institute of Education and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore); Texas Tech University (USA).
Completed advanced training “Management in education: management of educational programs” (certificate No. 256-2023); Anti-corruption management systems. ISO 37001:2016. (Certificate No. 21.047.47); “Preparation of a report on self-assessment of a university within the framework of specialized accreditation” (Certificate No. 14); “Processes of preparation and processing of hydrocarbon gases” (TF LLP “Amangeldinsky Gas Processing Plant”).
Winner of a grant from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for young scientists, under which she completed a scientific internship at University College London (UCL, UK).
Has experience in international activities: took part in the implementation of international projects Tempus-Tacis T-JEP-10096-5 and 144935-TEMPUS-1-2008-1-UK, participated as an expert in the EU Tempus-Erasmus program CD_JEP-25188-2004, organizer of an international seminar on a British Council project.
Initiator of the organization of the Chemical Engineering Resource Center at KazNRTU together with the Fluor Corporation Foundation (England) and the annual Fluor scholarship program for the best students of chemical engineering.
Author of more than 240 scientific papers, incl. indexed in the Scopus and Web of science databases – 35 (Q1,Q2,Q3), also 10 patents, 4 textbooks, 3 teaching aids.
Under the scientific guidance of Yeligbaeva G.Zh. 7 PhD doctoral students and 35 master’s students were trained;
- Member of the Industry Council for professional qualifications of the oil and gas, oil refining and petrochemical industries under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2023);
- Member of the joint Dissertation Council at KazNRTU (2013-2017), member of the joint Dissertation Council at SKSU named after. Auezova (2019-2021).
- Winner of the personal award named after. K.I. Satpayev for the best scientific research in the field of natural sciences for the work “Ways to increase the efficiency and environmental friendliness of the development of subsoil resources” (2023);
- Laureate of the title “Best University Teacher” (2010 and 2023).
Awards and incentives: Medal "10 zhyl Astana" (2009); Medal of the Ministry of energy "Munay GAZ keshenin damytuga koskan ulesu ushin" (2014); Laureate of the title of MES RK "Best teacher" (2010); medal of KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev "Ayryksha enbegi ushin" (2009).
Kazakh State University named S.M.Kirov (since 1991 al-Farabi Kazakh National University)
Specialty "Chemistry", Chemist, Chemistry Teacher
Kazakh National Technical University named K.I.Satpayev
Postgraduate study
Scientific projects
Scientific director of the project commercialization of the Science Foundation AP15573473 “Production of environmentally friendly epoxy resins for industrial use” (2022-2024);
Scientific director of the project GF AR19676789 Production of biodegradable plastic bags based on ethylene and corn starch (2023-2025);
Scientific director of the project of the PCF subprogram No. BR21881822 “Development of technical solutions for optimizing geological and technical operations when drilling wells and oil production at the late stage of field exploitation (2023-2025).
Over the years, she has been a scientific director, executive officer, and researcher on more than 20 scientific projects, including over the last 10 years: 1. "Macromolecular design and functioning of stimulus-sensitive polymers", contract work, ("Research Institute of New chemical technologies and materials") Agreement No. 1 of 2018, Agreement No. 123 of 2019 (2018-2020);
2. “Development of advanced technologies for the production, treatment and transportation of oil and gas in the fields of Kazakhstan” on the topic of research work No. 723 UGM.09 “New technologies for the hydrocarbon and mining and metallurgical sectors and related service industries”, 2009 - 2011;
3. “Experimental studies of the effectiveness of using physical and chemical methods for increasing oil recovery from productive formations,” Agreement No. 613-22/2011 dated December 23, 2011 (KING JSC), 2011-2012;
4. “Scientific basis for the creation of chemical systems for the oil production and oil transportation industry” (Agreement No. 669 of 04/15/2013, Agreement No. 342 of 02/04/2014, Agreement No. 544 of 04/07/2015), 2013-2015;
5. “Research of a new method of dehydration and desalting of oil at the oil treatment plant of the fields of Embamunaigas JSC in order to improve their quality,” Agreement No. 525-105 dated 04/17/2014;
6."Conducting experimental laboratory studies and pilot industrial tests of the method of thermochemical exposure with activated alloys at the oil production facilities of Embamunaigas JSC, Agreement No. 888-105 dated July 20, 2015.
Total publications 242 as of January 1, 2024, including 4 textbooks and 3 study guides.
Sarmurzina R.G., Boiko G.I., Lyubchenko N.P., Karabalin U.S., Yeligbayeva G.Z., Demeubayeva N.S. / Hydrogen Obtaining From The System Activated Aluminum-Water/ News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6(456), -С.196–213 (2022) (Q3);
Bekbayeva L., Zakaria Z., Al Azzam K.M., Yeligbayeva G./ The effect of mixed fertilizers on the vegetative growth and reproductive characteristics of tomatoes/ International Journal of Biology and Chemistry. 15(1), 31, pp. 31- 47 (2022) Web of Science. ISSN 2218-7979;
Елигбаева Г.Ж., Молдабаева Г.Ж., Исмаилова Д.А., Мукашев А.Т. /Прогнозные модели осаждения парафина в трубопроводах/ «Маркшейдерия и Недропользование». № 1 (117), (2022). -С.42-45
Lyazzat Bekbayeva, El-Sayed Negim, Rimma Niyazbekova, Zhanar Kaliyeva, Gulzhakhan Yeligbayeva, J. Khatib/ The Effects of Modified Chitosan on the Physicomechanical Properties of Mortar/ International Journal of Technology 13(1) 125-135 (2022) ISSN: 2086-9614 (Q2). Наивысший процентиль 61%
Grigoriy Mun, Gulzhakhan Yeligbayeva, Ulantay Nakan, Aigul Amitova, Ibragim Suleimenov/ Some peculiarities of the kinetics of interaction of cationic hydrogels based on copolymers of vinyl esters of monoethanolamine and ethylene glycol with copper ions/ Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2021, 9(4), pp.291-304. (Q1) (2020). Наивысший процентиль: 79
Таженбаева У.Ж., Аяпбергенов Е.О., Елигбаева Г.Ж./ Исследование химических реагентов для борьбы с коррозией в условиях месторождениях Узень./ Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan. Volume 1, Number 73 (2021), 185 – 195
Таженбаева Улжан, Елигбаева Гулжахан, Серкебаева Базаргуль, Баймукашева Шынар, Сарбопеева Маншук/ Ингибиторы коррозии, применяемые на месторождениях Мангышлака/ Proceedings of XVII International Multidisciplinary Conference «Recent scientific investigation» (2021) Primedia E-launch LLC, Shawnee, USA. р. 33-43
Накан Улантай, Г.Ж.Елигбаева, М.Е.Нурсултанов, Ж.Б. Бошимова/ Әр түрлі ортадағы ГЭА мен ақ негізіндегі гидрогельдердің ісіну кинетикасы/ Вестник КазНИТУ. (2020). №6(142). -С.734-738
Nakan Ulantay, Mun G.A., Shaikhutdinov Y.M., Yeligbayeva G.Zh., S Bieerkehazhi, El‐Sayed Negim, Selenova B.S., Nauryzova S.Z. (2020). Hydrogels based on N-isopropylacrylamide and 2-hydroxyethylacrylate: Synthesis, characterization and investigation its antibacterial activity. Polymer International. Volume 69, pp 1220-1226. (Scopus IF=2.497)
Nakan Ulantay, Mun G.A., Rakhmetullayeva R.K., Balgyn Tolkyn, Bieerkehazhi Sh., Yeligbayeva G.Zh., El-Sayed Negim (2020). Thermosensitive N-isopropylacrylamide-CO-2-hydroxyethyl acrylate hydrogels interactions with poly(acrylic acid) and surfactants. Volume 32, pp 2676-2681. (Scopus IF=2.578)
Mun G.A., Moldakhan I., Kabdushev S.B., Yermukhambetova B.B., Shaikhutdinov R., Yeligbayeva G.Zh. (2020). To the methodology of phase transition temperature determination in aqueous solutions of thermo-sensitive polymers. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. Volume 22(2), pp 129-133. (Scopus IF=0,410)
Bekbayeva L., El-Sayed Negim, Yeligbayeva G.Zh. Eshmaiel Ganjian (2020). Modification of Chitosan as Chemical Admixture for Cement Pastes. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry. Volume 63, pp 1497-1508. (Scopus IF=0,460)
Bekbayeva L., El-Sayed Negim, Yeligbayeva G., Eshmaiel Ganjian (2020). Utilization of Poly(Polyvinyl Alcohol-g-2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate) as Admixture for Mortar. International Journal of Technology. V.11 (2). -P. 259-268 (Scopus IF=0.345)
Dzhumabaeva L.S., Zakarina N.A., Tret'yakov V.F., Yeligbayeva G.Zh., Zhumadullaev D.A., T. B Egorova (2019). n-Hexane Isomerization in the Presence of Nanodispersed Catalysts Supported on Acid-Activated Montmorillonite in the Sodium Form. Petroleum Chemistry 59(2), p. 160-166. (Scopus IF=0.932)
Nakan U., Rakhmetullaeva R.,.Mun G, Yeligbaeva G., Amitova A. (2018). Synthesis of water soluble copolymers and their interpolymer complexes with poly(acril acid). Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy 53(1), p. 88-93. (Scopus IF=0.2)
Negim E.S., Bekbayeva L., Adam H., Yeligbayeva G., Ganjian E., Saleh M., Saad B. (2018). The effect of blend ratios on physico-mechanical properties and miscibility of cross-linked poly(vinyl alcohol)/urea blends. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1123(1), p. 1-9. (Scopus IF=0.2)
Rachmetullayeva R.K., Eligbayeva G.Zh., Shaikhutdynov Ye.M., Mun G.A., Abutalip M., Azhikeyeva A.N. (2017). New Thermo-Sensitive Hydrogel Based on Copolymer of 2-hydroxyethyl Acrylate and Ethyl Acrylate. Eurazian Chemico-Technological Journal 19(1), p. 47-55. (Scopus)
Negim E.S., Niyazbekova R., Bekbayeva L., Utelbayeva A, Herki B.M., Nursultanov M., Iskakov R. and Yeligbayeva G. (2017). Effect of Methyl Cellulose/Poly(Acrylic Acid) Blends on Physico-Mechanical Properties of Portland Cement Pastes. Oriental Journal of Chemistry 33(1), p. 450-457. (Thomson Reuters, Scopus IF=0.43)
Shakhvorostov A.V., Atabekova Z.B., Selenova B.S., Yeligbayeva G.Z., Dzhardimalieva G.I. (2016). Polyporphyrin Complexes of Some Transition Metals Synthesis and Catalytic Properties. Oriental Journal of Chemistry 32(5), p. 2473-2480. (Thomson Reuters, Scopus IF=0.43)
Nakan, U., Rahmetullaeva, R.K., Mun, G.A., Shaihutdinov, E.M., Yeligbaeva, G.Z., Negim, E.M. (2016). Linear Copolymer of N-isopropylacrylamide and 2-hydroxyethylacrylate: Synthesis, Characterization and Monomer Reactivity Ratios. Oriental Journal of Chemistry 32(5), p. 2347-2354. (Scopus, IF = 0,43)
Negim E.S.M., Mun G.A., Rakhmetullayeva R., Yeligbayeva G.Zh, Mamutova A.A., Bakytbekovna D., Iskakov R. (2015). Studying physico-mechanical properties of Portland cement mortar in presence of admixture based on copolymer latexes. Sylwan Journal 159(10), p. 163-174. (Tomson Peuter, Scopus, IF = 0,3221)
Negim E.S.M., Aisha A.M., Yessimkanova U., Kurmanbekova A., Irmukhametova G., Mun G., Yeligbayeva G.Zh., Khatib J.M. and other. (2015). The effect of termopolymer admixtured on physic-mechanical properties of cement pastes. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 4 (1), p. 10-18. (Scopus, IF = 1.2001)
Negim E.S., Kozhamzharova L., Yeligbayeva G., Khatib J., Bekbayeva L., Williams C. (2014). Effect of Copolymer Latexes on Physicomechanical Properties of Mortar Containing High Volume Fly Ash as a Replacement Material of Cement. The Scientific World Journal. №2. p. 1-11. (Tomson Peuter, Scopus, IF = 1.219)
Negim E.S.M., Rakhmetullayeva R.K., Yeligbayeva G.Zh., Urkimbaeva P.I., Primzharova S.T., Kaldybekov D.B., Khatib J.M., Mun G. A., Craig W. (2014). Improving biodegradability of polyvinyl alcohol/starch blend films for packaging applications. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 3 (3), p. 263-273. (Scopus, IF = 1.2001)
Nakan U., Rakhmetullayeva R.K., Urkimbaeva P.I., Shaikhutdinov E.M., Mun G.A., Yeligbayeva G. Zh. Negim E.S.M. (2014). The Effect of Nanoparticle Silver on the Thermal Stability of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAm). World Applied Sciences Journal 29 (3), p. 359-364. (Scopus, IF = 0.234)
Shaikhudinova A.A., Irmukhametova G.S., Yeligbayeva G.Zh., Negim E.S.M., Yermukhambetova B.B. and G.A. Mun. Effect of Electric Field on Complex Formation of Polyacrylic Acid Hydrogel and Linear Copolymers of 2- Hydroxyethylacrylate and Methylacrylate / / World Applied Sciences Journal 26 (3). (2013) P. 389-392
Negim E.S.M., Khatib J.M., Yeligbayeva G. Zh., Rakhmetullayeva R., Urkimbaeva P.I., Sakhy M., Shilibekov S., Mun G.A. (2013). Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Hydrophilic Copolymers on Physico-mechanical Properties on Cement Pastes. World Applied Sciences Journal 25 (7). p. 1044-1052.
Panchenko S.V., Obuhova P.V., Chezhimbaeva K.S., Tsoi A.M., Shaikhudinova A.A., Eligbaeva G.A., Negim E.M. and Dolayev M. (2013). Prospects of Using Waves of Suleimenov-Mun in “Green” Energetics. World Applied Sciences Journal 22 (10). p. 1460-1464.
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