Yerezhep Darkhan

Yerezhep Darkhan

Ph.D., Candidate of technical sciences

Head of Department

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Standardization, Certification and Metrology

Email: d.yerezhep@satbayev.111


Professional biography

01.05.15-01.06.15 - CAD engineer trainee, Agromashholding Plant, Kostanay, RK.

01.10.15-31.06.16 - Engineer, International Laboratory "Direct Energy Conversion and Nanoengineering of Thermoelectric Structures" (ITMO University), St. Petersburg, Russia.

01.09.16-30.06.18 - Engineer, International Laboratory "Materials and Structures for Electro- and magnetocaloric Energy Converters" (ITMO University), St. Petersburg, Russia.

01.02.18-28.07.19 - Design Engineer, CJSC PO "Roselectromotor", St. Petersburg, Russia.

01.09.19-28.07.20 - Engineer, Faculty of Energy Systems, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia.

01.10.20 - present. time is Ved. sci. Employee, Laboratory of Cryophysics and Cryotechnologies, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, KZ.

02.01.21 - 31.05.23 - Senior lecturer, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, KZ.

01.04.23-31.08.23 - Leading researcher, KazNITU named after K. I. Satpayev LLP "Physico-Technical Institute", Almaty, KZ.

01.09.23 - present. time - Associate Professor, KazNITU named after K. I. Satpayev, Almaty, KZ.

02.09.23 - 12.26.23 - Acting head of the department "SSiM", KazNITU named after K. I. Satpayev, Almaty, KZ.

27.12.23 - present. time - Head of the department "SSiM", KazNITU named after K. I. Satpayev, Almaty, KZ.


2011-2015 - Bachelor's degree - D.F. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEH" (St. Petersburg, Russia), Faculty of Information and Control Systems, specialty: "Standardization, Certification and Metrology";

2015-2017 - Master's degree - ITMO National Research University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Megafacultet of Biotechnologies and Low-temperature Systems, specialty: "Refrigeration, cryogenic equipment and life support systems";

2017-2020 - Postgraduate studies - ITMO National Research University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Faculty of Training of Highly qualified Personnel, direction: "Physics and Astronomy" (accelerated).

2018-2019 - Second higher education - ITMO National Research University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Faculty of Additional Professional Education, specialty: "Financial Management";

September 2020 - Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD) in the specialty "Thermophysics and theoretical heat engineering";

April 2021 - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) majoring in Technical Physics.

Scientific projects

2013-2016 - Contractor - Functional materials for thermoelectric generators and solid-state coolers (MNVO RF);

2014-2017 - Performer - Carrying out a theoretical analysis of the temperature regimes of spark plasma sintering (IPS) and the possibility of creating a high-efficiency generator material of a new generation on the example of the Cu2-xSe model material (MNVO RF);

2014-2016 - Performer - Development of methods for modeling the synthesis of nanothermoelectrics by spark plasma sintering (MNVO RF);

2015-2017 - Performer - Improving the efficiency of thermoelectrics based on bismuth and antimony chalcogenides by creating volumetric nanostructures with controlled properties (MNVO RF);

2017-2020 - Performer - Resource-saving and environmentally safe technologies of hydrocarbon energy and low-temperature systems (MNVO RF);

2020-2022 - Performer - Structural-phase transformations and relaxation processes in thin films of cryovacuum condensates of glass-forming organic molecules (MES RK);

2020-2022 - Performer - Study of the effect of cryo-condensed radiation on the optical characteristics of the working surfaces of cryogenic equipment (MES RK);

2020-2022 - Performer - Study of cryosacception and desorption of linear molecules in a water film at low temperatures (MES RK);

2022-2024 - Executor - Study of the sintering mechanism of bulk nanostructured thermoelectric materials in the process of their formation (EOM RK);

2023-2025 - Performer - Photoinduced formation of complex molecular compounds in ice with a high content of organic substances under various astrophysical conditions (EOM RK);

2023-2025 - Contractor - Development of a universal cryosurface for cooling and scientific research of physico-chemical and optical properties of substances from room temperatures up to 80K (INVO RK);

2023-2025 - Scientific Consultant - Investigation of the efficiency limit of organometallic perovskites based on CH3NH3SnI3 and CH3NH3PbI3 for photovoltaics (INVO RK);


Базы цитирования Web of Science, Scopus:

Yerezhep, D.; Omarova, Z.; Aldiyarov, A.; Shinbayeva, A.; Tokmoldin, N. IR Spectroscopic Degradation Study of Thin Organometal Halide Perovskite Films. Molecules 2023, 28, 1288.

Omarova Z, Yerezhep D, Aldiyarov A, Tokmoldin N. In Silico Investigation of the Impact of Hole-Transport Layers on the Performance of CH3NH3SnI3 Perovskite Photovoltaic Cells. // Crystals. 2022; 12(5):699.

Omarova Zh., Yerezhep D.*, Aldiyarov A., Golikov O., Tokmoldin N. PERFORMANCE SIMULATION OF ECO-FRIENDLY SOLAR CELLS BASED ON CH3NH3SnI3 // Eurasian Physical Technical Journal. – 2022. – Vol.19. – No.2(40). – P.58-64.

Yerezhep, D., Tychengulova, A., Sokolov, D., Aldiyarov, A. A multifaceted approach for cryogenic waste tire recycling // Polymers, 2021, Vol. 13(15), p. 2494. Yerezhep, D., Piterskov, P., Pobirokhin, G.S. Investigation of the Effect of the Lighting Step on the Strength of a Ceramic Product in 3D Printing // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, 969(1), 012099

Yerezhep, D., Aldiyarov, A., Sokolov, D., Nurmukan, A. Computer simulation of thermal expansion of the charge of liquid nitrogen in the process of heat load // Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1661(1), 012091

Yerezhep, D., et. al. Mathematical modelling of the cryogenic-dynamic start-up process in a pneumatic installation // Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1661(1), 10.1088/1742-6596/1661/1/012092

Yerezhep D., Minikaev A.F., Zhignovskaia D.V., Pronin V.A., Yerezhep A. The study of thermal processes of the skin of the object of the whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) using numerical analysis//IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, Vol. 826, No. 1, pp. 012018

Minikaev A.F., Yerezhep D., Zhignovskaia D.V., Pronin V.A., Kovanov A. Power interactions of scroll compressor elements//IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, Vol. 826, No. 1, pp. 012022

Pronin V.A., Zhignovskaia D.V., Minikaev A.F., Yerezhep D. On the issue of calculating the force factors acting on the working bodies of a single rotor screw compressor//IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, Vol. 826, No. 1, pp. 012001

Yerezhep D., Minikaev A.F., Zhignovskaia D.V., Pronin V.A., Yerezhep A. Numerical analysis of the heat flux density of the whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) object coming from the skin//IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, Vol. 826, No. 1, pp. 012019

Yerezhep D., Baranov A.Y., Pakhomov O.V. Mathematical Modeling Non-Stationary Heat Exchange of Object Whole-Body Cryotherapy//2019 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon), 2019, pp. 8867742

Yerezhep D., Baranov A.Y., Pakhomov O.V. Analysis of Effect of Clothing in Procedure of Cryotherapy using Computer Simulation//2019 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon), 2019, pp. 8867818

Novotelnova A.V., Tukmakova A.S., Yerezhep D., Massalimov A., Fomin  V.E. The Study of Thermomechanical Processes During the Spark Plasma Sintering of Segmented Nanothermoelectrics//Materials Today: Proceedings, 2019, Vol. 8, No. Part 2, pp. 662-671

Yerezhep D., Umutbaeva N., Piterskov P., Baranov A.Y., Yerezhep A. The study of temperature fields of the WBC object in three-dimensional formulation using numerical methods//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, Vol. 1333, No. 3, pp. 032091

Pronin V.A., Kuznetsov Y.L., Zhignovskaia D.V., Minikaev A.F., Yerezhep D. Improving methodology calculating the leakages compressible environment in the working part of a screw compressor//AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019, Vol. 2141, pp. 030010

Yerezhep D., Yemelyanov A., Kuznetsov Y., Perminov A., Pronin V.A., Minikaev A.F., Yerezhep A. Computer analysis of the thermal state of the object after cryotherapy//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, Vol. 1333, No. 3, pp. 032092

Yerezhep D., Yemelyanov A., Kuznetsov Y., Perminov A., Pronin V.A., Minikaev A.F., Yerezhep A. Consideration of the effectiveness of cryotherapy for different thicknesses of the skin using numerical modelling//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, Vol. 1333, No. 3, pp. 032093

Yerezhep D., Minikaev A.F., Baranov A.Y. Analysis of the effect of cryotherapy on different skin thicknesses using numerical modelling//Refrigeration Science and Technology, 2018, Vol. 3rd IIR, pp. 109-114

Yerezhep D., Tukmakova A.S., Fomin V.E., Masalimov A., Asach A.V., Novotelnova A.V., Baranov A.Y. Numerical analysis of whole-body cryotherapy chamber design improvement // Journal of Physics: Conference Series - 2018, Vol. 1015, pp. 032151

Yerezhep D., Samusevich K.L., Minikaev A., Babinzeva A., Pronin V.A., Baranov A.Y. On the Issue of Comparing Methods of Skin Repair with a Burn//14th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Actual Problems of Electronic Instrument Engineering, APEIE 2018: Proceedings, IET - 2018, pp. 351-355

Bulat L.P., Novotelnova A.V., Tukmakova A.S., Yerezhep D., Osvenskii V.B., Sorokin A.I., Panchenko V.P., Bochkov L.V., Asmontas S. Simulation of SPS Process for Fabrication of Thermoelectric Materials with Predicted Properties // Journal of Electronic Materials - 2018, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 1589-1594.

Yerezhep D., Samusevich K.L., Minikaev A.F., Babinzeva A., Baranov A.Y. Mathematical Modeling of Skin Temperature Changes with Whole-Body Cryotherapy//14th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Actual Problems of Electronic Instrument Engineering, APEIE 2018: Proceedings, IET - 2018, pp. 347-350

Bulat L.P., Novotel’Nova A.V., Tukmakova A.S., Yerezhep D., Osvenskii V., Sorokin A. The simulation of spark plasma sintering for the preparation of inhomogeneous thermoelectric materials for energy generators // Advances in Energy Research - 2017, Vol. 26, pp. 141-163.

Yerezhep D., Minikaev A.F., Baranov A.Y. Numerical Analysis of Full Body Cryotherapy Efficiency with Cryochamber Design Modification//2018 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon), IET - 2018, pp. 8501714

Bulat L.P., Novotel’Nova A.V., Tukmakova A.S., Yerezhep D., Osvenskii V., Sorokin A., Pshenai-Severin D.A., Ashmontas S. Temperature Fields Control in the Process of Spark Plasma Sintering of Thermoelectrics // Technical Physics - 2017, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp. 604–612.

Yerezhep D., Minikaev A.F., Babinzeva A.Y., Pronin V.A., Baranov A.Y. Investigation of the Effect of Low Temperatures on Each Layer of the Skin Using Computer Simulations//14th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Actual Problems of Electronic Instrument Engineering, APEIE 2018: Proceedings, IET - 2018, pp. 342-346

Bulat L.P., Novotelnova A.V., Osvenskii V., Sorokin A., Pshenay-Severin D.A., Tukmakova A.S., Yerezhep D. Field-Assisted Sintering of Effective Materials for Alternative Power Engineering // Technical Physics Letters - 2017, Vol. 43, No. 7, pp. 658-661.

Yerezhep D., Kogai V., Minikaev A. Numerical Analysis of Efficiency Parameters of Thermoelectric Generator for Low-potential Heat Recovery//2018 International Ural Conference on Green Energy (UralCon), IET - 2018, pp. 235-241

Bulat L.P., Novotelnova A.V., Osvenskii V. Tukmakova A.S., Yerezhep D. Simulation of the field-activated sintering of thermoelectric materials // Semiconductors - 2017, Vol. 51, No. 6, pp. 722-724.

Minikaev A., Yerezhep D., Pronin V.A. Using Computer Modeling Methods to Develop the Screw Single-Rotary Compressor Working Bodies Profiles//2018 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon), IET - 2018, pp. 8501830

Базы цитирования КОКСОН, ВАК:

Голиков О.Ю., Ережеп Д., Соколов Д.Ю. Улучшение процесса автоматической стабилизации температуры в криовакуумной установке // Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики -2023. - Т. 23. - № 1. 

Омарова Ж.Б., Ережеп Д., Алдияров А., Токмолдин Н. Исследование процесса деградации функционального слоя в перовскитном солнечном элементе //Вестник АУЭС. – 2022. – Т. 58. – №. 3. – С. 41-49. (КОКСНВО)

Омарова Ж.Б., Ережеп Д., Алдияров А., Токмолдин Н. Численное моделирование экологически чистых солнечных элементов на основе CH3NH3SNI3 с оптимальным выбором HTL//Вестник АУЭС. – 2022. – Т. 57. – №. 2. – С. 6-17. (КОКСНВО)

Omarova Zh., Yerezhep D.*, Aldiyarov A., Golikov O., Tokmoldin N. PERFORMANCE SIMULATION OF ECO-FRIENDLY SOLAR CELLS BASED ON CH3NH3SnI3 // Eurasian Physical Technical Journal. – 2022. – Vol.19. – No.2(40). – P.58-64.

Aldiyarov A.U., Beisenov K.I., Suiinzhanova U.P., Yerezhep D.E. Study of polyamorphic transformations in the cryomatrix of nitrogen in cryovacuum condensates of water // Вестник Карагандинского университета. – 2021. –  Т. 10. - № . - С. 54-60.

Ходжаева М.С., Голиков О.Ю., Соколов Д.Ю., Ережеп Д. Исследование динамики изменения температуры универсальной криогенной поверхности с помощью метода конечных элементов // Recent Contributions to Physics. – №1 (80). – 2022.

Алдияров А.У., Соколов Д.Ю., Тыченгулова А., Ережеп Д. Колебательная спектроскопия тонких пленок конденсатов смеси этанола с инертным газом // Recent Contributions to Physics. – №3 (78). – 2021.

Питерсков П., Ережеп Д., Грибовский А.А. Исследование влияния режимов 3D печати керамикой и синтеризации на процесс усадки тонкостенных деталей // Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики -2020. - Т. 20. - № 1(125). - С. 52-57.

Ережеп Д., Баранов А.Ю. Анализ влияния одежды в процедуре криотерапии с использованием компьютерного моделирования // Вестник Международной академии холода -2019. - № 4(73). - С. 84-91.

Ережеп Д., Миникаев А., Соколова Е.В., Пронин В.А. Анализ влияния криотерапии на различные толщины кожного покрова с использованием численного моделирования // Вестник Международной академии холода -2018. - № 4(69). - С. 35-42.

Ережеп Д., Миникаев А., Пронин В.А., Захаренко В.П. Моделирование динамики изменения температуры кожных покровов в процессе общего криотерапевтического воздействия // Вестник Международной академии холода - 2018. - No 2(67). - С. 71-77.

Булат Л.П., Новотельнова А.В., Освенский В.Б., Сорокин А.И., Пшенай-Северин Д.А., Тукмакова А.С., Ережеп Д. Формирование методом активированного полем спекания эффективных материалов для устройств альтернативной энергетики // Письма в Журнал технической физики - 2017. - Т. 43. - No 14. - С. 47-54.

Новотельнова А.В., Тукмакова А.С., Ережеп Д., Освенский В., Сорокин А., Пшенай- Северин Д.А., Ашмонтас С., Булат Л.П. Управление температурными полями в процессе искрового плазменного спекания термоэлектриков // Журнал технической физики - 2017. - Т. 87. - No 4. - С. 584-592.

Булат Л.П., Новотельнова А.В., Освенский В.Б., Тукмакова А.С., Ережеп Д. Моделирование активированного электрическим полем спекания термоэлектриков //Физика и техника полупроводников - 2017. - Т. 51. - No 6. - С. 756-758.

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Metrology, standardization, certification, cryophysics, cryoengineering, materials science, solar energy, alternative reliability, thermoelectricity, modeling