Yershimanova Dinara Orynbassarovna
Master of pedagogical Sciences
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Project Management
Department of Foreign Languages
Email: d.yershimanova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Since 2005 a Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages at Satbayev University.
Qualification – English language teacher. Work experience – 35 years.
1994–2005 - English teacher, school-gymnasium № 38, Almaty region.
1989–1994 - Foreign language teacher, secondary school, Kostanay region.
1988–1989 - Foreign language teacher, secondary school, Almaty region.
Awarded a certificate of honor for the contribution to the development of the university and science to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the Rector of "Satbayev University" M. M. Begentayev. December 2021.
1983-1988 – Alma-Ata Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, English Language Faculty, specialty - teacher of English and German languages.
2012-2014 – Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World languages, Pedagogical Faculty of Foreign Languages, specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages ". Academic degree: Master of Education.
1. D.O. Yershimanova “Organization of independent work of students in teaching a foreign language in distance learning”, (2022),
Materials of the VII International Scientific-Practical Conference “Membership in the WTO: Prospects of Scientific Researches and International Technology Market”, Calgary (Canada), Volume II, pp. 67-72
2. Sh.B. Yermekbayeva, S.M. Ushurova, Sh.A. Zhubanova, D.O., Yershimanova, B.K. Zhanzhaxinova “The Relevance of Teaching the Specialty-Oriented Terminology at Higher Educational Institutions”, (2021), Materials of the VI International Scientific-Practical Conference "Membership in the WTO: Prospects of Scientific Researches and International Technology Market", Montreal (Canada) Volume II, pp. 274-279.
3. Sh.B. Yermekbayeva, M.N. Nurgaliyeva, B.M. Adambekova, D.O. Yershimanova “Some Ways of Productively Selecting the Activities for Pre-Intermediate Levels in English Classes”, (2021). Materials of the VII International Scientific-Practical Conference “Quality Management: Search and Solutions”, Houston (TX, USA), Volume II, pp. 314-320.
4. Kassymova G., Bekalaeva A., Yershimanova D., Flindt N., Gadirova T., Duisenbayeva Sh. “E-learning environments and their connection to the human brain,” in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, (2020), Vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 947–954).
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