Yesembayeva Aizhan Aimagambetovna
Master of Technical Sciences
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Department of civil engineering and building materials
Professional biography
1) 2010-2014 - Sales representative, promoter in various fields of trade.
2) February 2014 – February 2015 - "STYNERGY" LLP, Sales Department coordinator.
3) August 2015 - June 2016 – Aruana Architectural and Construction Firm LLP, office manager.
4) June 2016 - November 2019 – Aruana Architectural and Construction Firm LLP, Assistant to the СРЕ.
5) November 2019 - March 2020 – LightHouse Kazakhstan LLP, СРЕ assistant.
6) August 2020 - December 2021 – LightHouse Kazakhstan LLP, СРЕ assistant.
7) December 2021 - March 2022 – Temir Construction LLP, technical documentation Engineer.
8) April 2023 - August 2023 – KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev, engineer of the Department of CaBM.
9) September 2023 - as of today. time – KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev, teacher of the Department of СaBM.
1) 2010-2014 - Kazakh Head Architectural and Construction Academy. Faculty: Construction. Specialty: Technology of Industrial and Civil Construction (ICC). Diploma: Red, Bachelor.
2) 2021-2023 - Satbayev University. Faculty: Construction. Specialty: Construction and production of building materials and structures. Diploma: Master of Technical Sciences.
1) Methodology for substantiating the application of modern trends in construction technologies in seismic areas. Esembayeva A.A., Seitkazinov O.D. "Research of young scientists". LIX International Scientific Conference. Kazan. April 2023.№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |