Yespayeva Alma

Yespayeva Alma

Candidate of technical sciences

Assistant professor

Associate Professor

Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Department of civil engineering and building materials


Professional biography

From 09.021995 to 2017 she worked in the IOC (KazLAACE).

From 2005-01.07.2013 worked as Dean of the faculty of construction technologies and management, which included the following specialties: Production of building materials, products and structures (PSMIK), technology of woodworking and wood products (by application) (TDO and ID), Heat, gas and air supply (TGV), water Supply and Sewerage (VC), Accounting and auditing, Economics, Economics and management in construction (EMS), Geodesy and Cartography (GIC).

Academic experience: from 1991 to 1994. after maternity leave worked as a teacher of specialized disciplines in the specialty TDO in the Industrial College now-Eurasian technical University, Almaty.

Disciplines taught - technology of wood products, technology of slab materials, Advanced technologies in woodworking; Woodworking equipment, at full employment. Since 1995, she was transferred to the Alma-ATA Institute of architecture and construction (aasi), worked in 2017. from 2005 to 2013, she held the position of Dean of the faculty of construction technologies, infrastructure and management.

Non-academic experience: from 1975 – 1991 to Kazgas she worked at the enterprise (JSC MEREY) as an engineer of PTO.


1)1972-1975 Alma-Ata industrial college, Furniture production.

2)1979-1982 Moscow forestry Institute, Moscow, Russia.

3) In 2009, she defended her PhD thesis in the specialty 05.23.05 "Construction materials". Awarded the degree of candidate of technical sciences.