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Yessenov Khvaidolla

Yessenov Khvaidolla

Candidate of Architecture

Assistant professor

Associate Professor

Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Architecture Department

Email: kh.yessenov@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

Yessenov Hvaydolla Ivanovich in 1974 graduated from the Agricultural Mechanization College - Department of Industrial and Civil Construction in Marx; in 1982, Saratov Polytechnic Institute with a degree in architecture; in 2012 he received the scientific steppe candidate of architecture.

Has a very rich professional biography: from 1982 to 1984 - engineer of the department for consideration and approval of projects of the Main architectural and planning department of the city executive committee of Alma-Ata; from 1984 to 1989 - chief architect of the Oktyabrsky district of Alma-Ata; from 1989 to 1990 - head of the general plan department of GlavAPU, Alma-Ata; from 1992 to 1996 - chief architect of the Turksib district of Almaty; from 1996 to 1997 - chief architect of the Moscow region, Almaty; from 1997 to 1998 - head of the detailed planning and development department of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Almaty; from 1998 to 2002 - Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Auezov District, Almaty; from 2002 to 2003 - Head of the Urban Development Cadastre Department of JSC "Center for Urban Planning Project"; from 2003 to 2004 - head of pre-design work of the architectural and planning workshop of JSC "Center for Urban Planning Project"; from 2004 to 2006 - Chief Architect of Center for Urban Planning Project LLP; from 2006 to 2008 - Director of Almatyengineeringgroup LLP; from 2009 to 2011 - Director of the State Enterprise "Almaty kala kurylysy cadastry"; from 2011 to 2012 - chief architect of the State Enterprise "AKKK".

In the academic environment, Khvaidolla Ivanovich has been successfully working since 2014: teaching the disciplines of architectural and urban planning, supervising bachelor's degree theses and master's theses at the IOC (KazGASA Campus), and then at Satbayev University.

In addition to a significant number of residential and public facilities, Khvaidolla Ivanovich is one of the authors of the development of concepts for the development of master plans for the estimated time frame for the cities of Almaty, Bishkek and Pavlodar. Conducted work on approbation of the town planning cadastre in Taraz.

Scientific projects

1. The project of the trade fair complex in the microdistrict. Ainabulak (in Almaty).

2. Project of urban planning units for the development of st. Mailin (front sweep along its entire length with the transition to B. Khmelnitsky St. and Suyunbai Ave.) in Almaty.

3. Adjustment of the administrative and public center of the microdistrict. Ainabulak.

4. Adjustment of the forecourt area of ​​the railway station Almaty-1 (in Almaty).

5. Project "Organization of the territory of Lake Sairan (eastern shore)" in Almaty.

6. Project of detailed planning of the recreation area "Airport Lake" (in Almaty).

7. Planning project for the central and historical part of Almaty.

8. Draft concept for the development of the historical part of Almaty (construction: Raiymbek ave., Seifullin ave., Gogol st., Baizakov st., Mukanov st., Aerodromnaya st.).

9. Draft detailed plan st. Kuderina (in Almaty).

10. Planning project of the southern zone of Almaty (separate urban development units and fragments of the main areas: Satpayev St., Timiryazeva St., Seifullin Ave., Furmanov Ave., New Square, Al-Farabi Ave.).

11. Planning project of Seifullin Ave. and adjacent adjacent areas (in Almaty).

12. Planning project of Abai Ave. in the area of ​​Sairan Lake (in Almaty).

13. Planning project of the district of Almaty within the boundaries: Raiymbek ave. - Ryskulov ave., Sain ave. - st. Rozybakiev.

14. Projects of a number of large urban development centers along Raiymbek ave. From the complex "Vernenskaya fortress" to st. Mukanov, including the station square of the Almaty-2 railway station (which were included in the concept of the historical center of Almaty).

15. Urban development project: st. Khodzhanov, Furmanov Ave., st. Baytursynov, south of Abai avenue (in Almaty).

16. Project "Avenue Abay: from the Palace of the Republic to st. Mukanov "(in Almaty).

17. Planning project "Organization of Mount Koktobe" (in Almaty).

18. Proposals for the development of the New Square and the adjacent territory (by order of the Akimat of Almaty).

19. The concept of reconstruction of microdistricts 1-12 in Almaty.

20. The project of the planning of the town-planning unit from the street Rozybakiev - Abai ave. To Sairan lake (in Almaty).

21. Planning project of a town-planning unit in the area of ​​Abay avenue - st. Momyshuly (in Almaty).

22. Project for planning and improvement of valley complexes of small rivers (Bolshaya and Malaya Almatinka, Esentai) in Almaty and the BAK right-of-way.

23. Planning project of the territory of Almaty within the boundaries: st. Auezov - st. Tole bi - st. Zhandosova - b. Esentai.

24. Planning project of a residential area within the boundaries of: Ryskulov Ave. - Raiymbek Ave. - Rozybakiev in Almaty.

25. Planning project of the territory of Almaty within the boundaries: st. Zhumabaev - Zhansugurov street - Serikov street - r. Sultanka.

26. Planning project of the territory of Almaty within the boundaries: st. Bokeikhanov, Terenkara river bed, north of st. Ryskulov to the item Karasu.

27. Project of planning of the territory of Almaty within the boundaries: st. Zhandosov - Timiryazeva street - r. Esentai.

28. Territory planning project st. Zhansugurov from Raiymbek avenue to the northern border of Almaty.

29. Planning project of the territory of Almaty within the boundaries: Raiymbek ave. - r. Esentai - st. Mukanov - st. Tole Bi - the eastern coastal strip of the lake. Sairan - Abay avenue - st. Utegen batyr (550 ha).

30. Project of detailed planning of the territory of the Bolshaya Almatinka river tract in Almaty.

31. Planning project of the territory of Almaty city within the boundaries of Raiymbek ave. - Seifullin ave. - Ryskulov ave. Malaya Almatinka (650 ha).

32. Planning project for the territory of Almaty within the boundaries: st. Akhmetov, north-west of the microdistrict border. Bakai, Suyunbai Ave., st. B. Khmelnitsky, st. Bekmakhanov, st. Mailin, st. Zakharova, r. Malaya Almatinka (700 ha).

33. Planning project for the territory of Almaty within the boundaries of Seifullin Avenue - Ryskulov Avenue - Suyunbay Avenue - Sholokhov (500 hectares).

34. Planning project of the territory of Almaty within the boundaries: Ryskulov ave. - Suyunbay ave. - Khmelnitsky - the western border of the KazPAS ponds - r. Malaya Almatinka (500 ha).

35. Project of planning of the territory of Almaty city within the boundaries of st. Rozybakiev - st. Zhandosova - b. Big Almaty - st. Satpayev.

36. Project of detailed planning of the territory of Alatau district of Almaty within the boundaries: in the south - Raiymbek avenue; in the west - a city line; in the north - a city line; in the east - the Northern Semicircle. EIA. (Master plan combined with RAP - 7.500 ha).

37. Project for planning the territory of the Medeu region within the boundaries: p. Malaya Almatinka - Ryskulov Avenue - st. Zhirenshe - st. Ormanova - b. Abylgazy.

38. Development of master plans, combined with projects of detailed plans of 11 settlements of the Almaty region with the organization of functional zones and a plan of regulations for an urban planning cadastre (contract).

39. Adjustment of the General plan of Pavlodar city (estimated period until 2032).

40. The concept of perspective development of Almaty.


1. The Art of Kazakhstan during the Period of Independence in ihe Context of National Identity through the Examples of Work of Artist S. Suleimenova (co-authors Galimzhanova A.S., Galimzhanov S.E., Sadvokasova G.K., Iisova A. M.). // Astra Salvensis, VI (2018), no. 12, p. 497-511. ISSN 2393-4727 ISSN-L 2344-1887. Scopus. Journal website:

2. The Archaeological Landscapes of Tamgaly and Eshkiolmes Sanctuaries Religious Beliefs and Cult Ceremonies (co-authors Galimzhanov S.E., Galimzhanova A.S., Nurkusheva L.T., Glaudinova M.B., Sadvokasova G.K., Brylova L. FROM.). // European Journal of Science and Theology, August 2018, Vol. 14, No.4, p. 165-177. ISSN 1842-8517. Scopus. Journal website:

3. Features of the architectural organization of the living environment in foreign design practice (co-author Batkaeva AR). // Bulletin of KazGASA №1 (67) 2018, Almaty. - S. 26-31. ISSN 1680-080X

4. On the question of the genesis of architectural orders (co-author Yamshchikov RA). // Bulletin of KazGASA №1 (67) 2018, Almaty. - S. 79-84. ISSN 1680-080X

5. Urban planning organization of the transport and communication center of Pavlodar. // Bulletin of KazGASA №2 (64) 2017, Almaty. - S. 19-24. ISSN 1680-080X

6. Formation of pedestrian spaces in the context of the existing historical environment in Almaty (co-author NK Bralina). // Bulletin of KazGASA №2 (64) 2017, Almaty. - S. 24-29. ISSN 1680-080X

7. Pedestrian zones in large cities (co-author Kamzanova MA). // Student and Science: A Look into the Future: Collection of Materials of the XVII Annual Republican Scientific Student Conference. Part I. - Almaty: KazGASA, 2017. - S. 82-86.

8. Effective use and development of railway stations and landside area (co-author S.F.Sabitova). // Student and Science: Looking into the Future: Collection of Materials of the XVII Annual Republican Scientific Student Conference. Part I. - Almaty: KazGASA, 2017 .-- S. 129-131.

9. Reconstruction with further adaptation of the historical and architectural ensemble in the development of the general plan of Pavlodar. // Rehabilitation of a citizen's living space: XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference named after V. Tatlin. - Penza, 2017 .-- S. 66-68. ISBN 978-5-9282-1451-7

10. Modern trends in the formation of urban parks in the riverine zone (co-author Tairova GM). // Student and Science: Looking into the Future: Collection of Materials of the XVI Annual Republican Scientific Student Conference. Part I. - Almaty: KazGASA, 2016 .-- S. 158-162.

11. Review of foreign experience in the design of sports facilities in the world (co-author Nasenov A.K.). // Young Scientist: Challenges and Prospects: Collection of Materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference No. 2 (4). - Moscow: publishing house "Internauka", 2016. - pp. 35-39.

12. Subject-spatial environment of sports and recreation facilities (co-author Nasenov A.K.). // Young Scientist: Challenges and Prospects: Collection of Materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference No. 2 (4). - Moscow: publishing house "Internauka", 2016. - pp. 42-46.

13. Cadastre as the basis for the regulation of territorial activities. // Actual problems of natural sciences: Collection of materials of the International scientific and methodological conference. - Almaty, 2010. - P.173-175.

14. Urban planning cadastre in the system of regulation of urban planning processes (co-author Abdrasilova GS). // Bulletin of KazGASA №2 (36) 2010, Almaty. - S. 32-34. ISSN 1680-080X

15. Urban planning analysis as a tool for regulating the regional environment (co-author Koishanbaev NM). // Bulletin of KazGASA №2 (36) 2010, Almaty. - S. 34-40. ISSN 1680-080X

16. On the issue of the procedure for maintaining the urban planning cadastre (on the example of the Russian Federation) (co-author Koishanbaev N.M.). // Search # 3 2010, Almaty. - S. 324-326.

17. Modern problems of the life of cities and the main methods of urban planning regulation of their development (co-author Koishanbaev NM). // Preservation and Promotion of Historical and Cultural Heritage: Collection of Materials of the Scientific Conference. - Baku, 2010.

18. The role and importance of the urban planning cadastre in the information and legal system of the city. // Creative heritage of T.K. Basenova, M.M. Mendikulova and topical problems of architecture: Collection of materials of the republican scientific-practical conference. - Almaty, 2009 .-- S. 49-51.

19. The concept of urban development of the central region (co-authors Abdrashitova A., Nurmagambetova Zh., Mambetova Sh., Khairullin R., Adilbekov A., Zalogina T., Terekhina M.). // Kumbez, №1 / 2 2005, Almaty. - S. 30-32.

20. Development and formation of the meridional esplanade of the center of Almaty to the south (co-authors Abdrashitova A., Nurmagambetova Zh., Khairullin R., Adilbekov A., Yeralina S., Dungeshov S.). // Kumbez, №1 / 2 2005, Almaty. - S. 32-34.

21. Almaty. Urban development situation: Atlas (co-authors Istomina L.Yu., Murzina N.P., Terekhina M.A., Boyko B.D., Mitrofanova G.N., Alimbekova L.T.). - Almaty, 2005 .-- S. 4-31.

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Architectural and spatial organization of the urban landscape

Architectural design of buildings and structures