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Yessimova Dinara Muratbekovna

Yessimova Dinara Muratbekovna

Master of Technical Sciences


Researchers of Satbayev University holding

Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation

Email: d.yessimova@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Period of work: May 2011 - until today

Position: Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Special Methods of Hydrometallurgy named after V.I. B.B. Beisembaeva

Organization: JSC "Institute of Metallurgy and Beneficiation»

Participation in scientific projects:

- on the budget program "Program-targeted financing"

1) "Development of technology for extracting precious metals from stale tailings of the gold mining enterprise Altyntau-Kokshetau";

2) "Development of technology for processing poor copper-bearing ores from deposits of the Karaganda region (Bayskoye, Ozernoye, etc.) by heap leaching methods" within the framework of the scientific and technical program "Technologies for the beneficiation and processing of refractory and low-quality raw materials" for 2014-2016.

- on the budget program of grant funding for scientific research:

3) "Development of a biochemical technology for extracting gold from sorption tailings of the gold recovery plant of Altyntau Kokshetau LLP."

- for the budget program "Program-targeted financing":

4) "Development of a technology for additional gold recovery from flotation tailings of the gold recovery plant" AltyntauKokshetau "LLP.

5) "Development of technology for the extraction of noble and non-ferrous metals from man-made mineral formations of the Maikain enrichment plant" within the framework of the program "Scientific and technological support for the innovative development of the metallurgical industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the development of technologies for the complex processing of mineral raw materials and the production of new functional materials" for 2015-2017 ... - on the budget program "Program-targeted financing":

6) "Improvement of the method of opening ТMF and concentration of rare earth elements" within the framework of the scientific and technical program "Development and implementation of innovative technologies that ensure an increase in the extraction of non-ferrous, noble, rare, rare earth metals and the solution of production problems of industrial enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan (BR05236406)" 2018- 2020

- under the budgetary program of grant funding for scientific research for 27 months:

6) Development of methods for modifying natural sorbents for the extraction of uranium using technogenic raw materials (AP08856246). 2020-2022

- under the budgetary program of grant funding for scientific research for 36 months:

7) Development of a technology for processing pyrite cinders with the extraction of valuable components and preliminary chemical activation of the feedstock (AP09259455).

2020-2023 In 2014-2015. contractual work was carried out:

1) "Conducting semi-industrial tests on heap leaching of copper from ore and dumps of the Baitemir deposit to obtain productive solutions", (contract No. 34-14 / 04 dated November 18, 2014);

2) "Carrying out research work on vat leaching of copper from the tailings of the Balkhash concentration plant", (contract No. 04-2015 / 02 of 23.04. 2015);

3) "Carrying out research work on the processing of critical class ore (crushed stone) of the Akbakay factory", 2015;

4) "Studies of the washability of 20 small technological samples of the Karyerny site in the Aktogay district of the Karaganda region", 2015

5) "Carrying out percolation leaching of copper from dump ores of Sayak deposits" Customer Advance Mining Technology LLP (Contract No. 251115/1 dated November 15, 2016)

6) A set of works on the physicochemical analysis of 650 ore samples from the Sayak deposit (Supplementary Agreement No. 1 dated June 27, 2016 to contract No. 251115/1 dated November 25, 2015).

In 2011-2014. under the leadership of Ph.D. Koyzhanova A.K. participated in the successful implementation of the project under the program: "Scientific and technological support for the intensification of gold production in the Republic of Kazakhstan" on the topic "Development of technology for the extraction of gold and associated metals from refractory ores using heterotrophic microorganisms and mineral acids (Akbakai deposits, etc.)" ...

And also in 2013 she took part in the contractual work: with LLP "Altyntau Kokshetau" on the topic: "Neutralization of the sorption tailings of the factory from cyanides and arsenic", based on the positive results of industrial tests in 2014 under the leadership of A.K. Koyzhanova. participated in the development of the Technological Regulations for the biodecontamination of sorption tailings from cyanides and arsenic of the gold recovery plant of Altyntau Kokshetau LLP, and with Taskara LLP on the topic: "Conducting column tests on heap leaching of Taskara ore" tests.


- preparation and implementation of experimental work;

- processing of studies;

- participation in work with laboratory documentation;

- participation in the writing of reports on research projects;

- participation in writing research publications;


Education: bachelor

The ending: 2014 y.

Educational institution: Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Specialty: Naturally - Geographical Institute (biology)

Thesis topic: "The influence of organic additives (mushrooms, grain waste) on the leaching of precious metals from cyanide-free solutions"

Education: Master

End: 2015-2017.

Educational institution: Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev

Specialty: Mining and Metallurgical Institute (metallurgy)

Master's thesis topic: Research of biochemical technology for extracting gold from tailing dumps of gold-extracting factories

Scientific projects

1) Development of methods for modifying natural sorbents for the extraction of uranium using technogenic raw materials (AP08856246). 2020-2022

2) Development of a technology for processing pyrite cinders with the extraction of valuable components and preliminary chemical activation of the feedstock (AP09259455).


1. B. K. Kenzhaliyev, T. Yu. Surkova, D. M. Yesimova Concentration of rare-earth elements by sorption from sulphate solutions // Complex use of mineral raw materials, №3, 2019.S.5-10.

2. B. K. Kenzhaliyev , D. M. Yesimova , T. Y. Surkova , A. Soemowidagdo , L. U. Amanzholova , N. B. Egorov Transformation of the rare earth elements and impurity elements combinations in the course of pH pregnant solution modification// News of the National Academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan series of geology and technical sciences – 2020. №2. –Р. 87-95.

3. B.K. Kenzhaliyev, T.YU. Surkova, B.E. Abdikerim, A.N. Berkinbayeva, YE.B. Abikak, D.M. Yessimova. Research on sorption properties of phosphoric production slag-waste // METALURGIJA Volume 61 (2022) 1, 209-212

4.T.Yu. Surkovа, B.K. Kenzhaliyev, M.N. Azlan, S.B. Yulusov, B.M. Sukurov, D.M. Yessimova, Black Shale Ore of Big Karatau is a Raw Material Source of Rare and Rare Earth Elements // Hydrometallurgy, Volume 205, November 2021, 105733

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