Yussupova, Gulbahar
Associate Professor
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies
Email: gulbahar68@mail.333
Professional biography
Professional experience:
General experience of scientific and pedagogical activity:15
Work experience in the specialty:20
General experience: 35.
From 2018 to the present. Ass. Professor of the Department of "RET", University of Turan.
2016-2018 lecturer of the department "RET", KazNITU named after K.Satpayev
2011-2016 Deputy head of the Department of "RET". Kazakh Railway University
2006-2010. Senior lecturer of the department of "RET". Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication named after M.Tynyshpaeva
2005-2006SCT "Almatytelecom". tech specialist
1994-2005 Methodologist of the Faculty of "Radio Engineering and Communications" Almaty Power Engineering Institute
Scientific interests:
Defense of a doctoral dissertation on the topic "Development of Bragg fiber-optic grids for use in telecommunication systems".
03 October 2017. FD 0002020
Tender documentation for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2020-2022
Member of the Organizing Committee of the European Scientific Conference ECRES-2019 Madrid. Spain
Member of the Organizing Committee of the European Scientific Conference ECRES-2020 Istanbul. Turkey is a member of the Organizing Committee of the European Scientific Conference ECRES-2020 Istanbul. Turkey
Member of the Organizing Committee of the European Scientific Conference ECRES-2020 Istanbul. Turkey
Member of the Organizing Committee of the European Scientific Conference ECRES-2020 Istanbul. Turkey
Member of the Organizing Committee of the European Scientific Conference ECRES -2021 Istanbul. Turkey
Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Scientific – Practical Conference
Member of the International Organizing Committee of the Conference of the Interdisciplinary Committee on Mechanics, Computers and Electronics - ICMECE -2021. Ankara. Turkey
Subjects to be read: Communication lines, VOLS, Digital transmission systems, Radiometrology and radio measurement, Telecommunications networks, Digital signal processing, Modern measurement methods in radio electronics.
1999–2005 Almaty Power Engineering Institute Specialty "Multichannel telecommunication systems"
2011-2013 "A. Kunaev Humanitarian University of Transport and Law" Specialty "Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications" Master's degree
2013-2016 KazNITU Specialty "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications" Doctoral program
(в том числе в журналах с ненулевым импакт-фактором), научные труды. Analysis of electrical patterns activity in artificial multi-stable. neural networks," Proc. SPIE 11176, Photonics Applications in Astronomy,Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2019,111761R (6 November 2019); doi: 10.1117/12.2536462
Event: Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2019, 2019, Wilga, Poland
2. Analysis of sinus apodization profilis. Proceedings – ICOECS -20197. Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems
3. Optical fibers and their applications. Application of a modified evolutionary algorithm for the optimization of data acquisition to improve the accuracy of a video-polarimetric system.
4.Optical fibers and their applications. Optical switching technologies: problems and proposed solution.
5. Optical fibers and their applications. Solving problems on base of concepts formalization of language image and figurative meaning of the natural-language constructs.
6. Development of the technological scheme of wastewater treatment from oil. AD ALTA Jornal of Inter journal of Interdisciplinary Researchissue I, special IV.Number of issues pet year.
7. Mathematical modeling of processes in the zone of corona discharge ionazation. Lublin. Lubelskie Dni Nauki i Biznesu. Science conference.
Статьи, опубликованные в прочих изданиях, материалах конференций
8 Анализ временного ряда в программе Fractan. Москва «Евразийское Научное Объединение» №2 (48) Февраль, 2019г.
9. Декомпозиция временного ряда на основе метода SSA. Москва: Издательство Инфинити. Мат-лы МНК Март, 2019г.
10. Международная конференция журнал «Вестник – КазНУ. Серия математика, механика, информатика» (Казахстан), «Вычислительные технологии» (Россия).«Analysis of the possibilities for using a uniform Bragg gratingin a tunable dispersion compensator»
11.Анализ временного ряда методом ССА. Павлодар. - Вестник ПГУ
12. Исследование временного ряда на стационарность. Образовательная система: новации в сфере современного научного знания. МНП мероприятие Общества науки и творчества. – Казань, 02.2019 .
13. Modeling and optimization of the spectral reflection coefficient and dispersion of the Bragg grating. VII European Conference on Renawable Energy Systems/ 10-12 June 2019 Madrid/Spain
14. Решетки Брэгга в современных ВОЛС. XVI научно-практической конференции «Инновационные, информационные и коммуникационные технологии».Сочи.Россия
15. Analysis of sinus apodization profilis. Proceedings – ICOECS -20197. Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems. 2020.
16. SPECTRAL-TEMPORAL DECOMPOSITION OF THE MEASURED SERIES OF PACKET INTENSITY. Международная научнопрактическая конференция «Информационные Инновационные Технологии» (Information Innovative Technologies, I2T). С 20 по 24 апреля 2020г. в Прага
Статьи, опубликованные в изданиях, включенных в перечень Комитета по контролю в сфере образования и науки МОН РК:
17. Моделирование спектрального коэффициента отражения и дисперсии брэгговской решетки. Алматы: ИИВТ КН МОН РК.
18. Оценка спектра мощности временного ряд. Алматы: ИИВТ КН МОН РК
Монографии, учебники и учебные пособия
19. Основы IP-телефонии и NGN Печатный // Учебное пособие г.Алматы, ул.Наурыз, 74а. 2019.– 113 c.
20. Применение сетевого оборудования для локальных сетей Печатный Учебное пособие Алматы. Альманах, 2019 72 бет.
21. Микропроцссоры и микропроцессорные системы .Печатный Учебное пособие Алматы. Альманах, 2019 72 бет
22. Разработка оптоволоконных сеток Брэгга для применения телекоммуникационных системах Печатный Монография. – Алматы 2019. –95 с.
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