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Zavaley Vyacheslav

Zavaley Vyacheslav

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences


Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov

Department of "Hydrogeology, Engineering and Oil and Gas Geology"

Email: v.zavaley@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

Professor of the Department of Hydrogeology, Engineering and Oil and Gas Geology conducts active educational, methodological and research activities. He constantly improves his qualifications in the field of Hydrogeology, holds patents "Method of operation of a lens of fresh water floating on zonal waters", "Universal method of constructing a water intake", "Method of regulating the discharge created by a pump by changing the volume of recirculation of liquids" and certificates in the courses "Safety and labor protection" and Reserves and resources of groundwater and methods of their assessment, Hydrogeological aspects of industrial wastewater disposal in the subsoil from leading companies, he developed lecture courses for undergraduates and bachelors and doctoral students. Work experience is 47 years.

State awards, incentives, certificates, etc.:

- Excellent student of exploration of the subsoil of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Honorary Prospector of the subsoil of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Awarded the medal "Airyksha yenbegi usin";

- Awarded the badge "Su sharaushylygy salasynyn kasibi kyzmetkeri" of the Committee on Water Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Awarded the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Gylymdy damytuga sinirgen enbegi ushin";

- Certificate of Honor of the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use;

- Certificate of Honor of KazNTU named after K.I.Satbayev – 2017;

- Thanks to the Yuzhkaznedra MD - 2018;

- Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the successful leadership of research of students – 2018.


Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I.Lenin, Almaty 1966-1971 "Hydrogeology and engineering geology", mining engineer- hydrogeologist Diploma ENo.184998

Scientific projects

He is the supervisor of contractual topics:

1.The study of the zoning of the physical-filtration properties and parameters of aquifers in the plan and section of the Aktogay porphyry copper deposit in order to construct a hydrodynamic model for predicting groundwater inflows into the open pit

2. Evaluation of operational reserves of drainage water of the Aktogay copper-porphyry deposit in the Ayagoz district of the East Kazakhstan region and participates in the project as a research associate “Research and development of innovative wastewater treatment technology in the city of Kostanay, ensuring its environmental safety”. Scientific adviser Ospanov K.T.


Over the past three years, he has published 6 scientific articles and reports at international conferences, including 2 in journals included in the SCOPUS database. Scientific guidance of students through the SSS and 2 diplomas of the II degree, 1 diploma of the III degree at the annual Republican competitions of student scientific papers.

Numerical modeling of the intensification processes of groundwater treatment for hexavalent chromium using in situ technology, Journal of Environmental Hydrology 2016 6 English. Sagin, J., Salybekova, V., Kalitov, D.,

Groundwater treatment from hexavalent chromiumusing in situ technology News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences 2017 5 English. Salybekova, V.S., Kalitov, D.K.

The question of the reliability of determining the filtration parameters of aquifers according to experimental pumping in conditions of complex-layered systems (on the example of the foothill plume of the Trans-Ili Alatau) Mining Journal of Kazakhstan No. 8, 2018, 29-35. ISSN 2227-4766 6 Russian Sotnikov E.V.

Analysis of data on the operation mode of a water intake in a pressure-free reservoir to compare them with the results of hydrogeological forecasts Mining Journal of Kazakhstan No. 9, 2018, 16-21. ISSN 2227-4766 6 Russian Ibraimov V.M.

Creation and application of a geographical information system for sound planning and staging of prospecting and exploration hydrogeological works Mining Journal of Kazakhstan No. 10, 2018, 44-47. ISSN 2227-4766 4 Russian Ibraimov V.M.

Groundwater resources of south Emba artesian basin for oil and gas complex supply in Kazakhstan XV International Conference "Resource-reproducing, low-waste and environmental technologies of subsurface development" Within the framework of the symposium "Restoration of the national economy of Syria". 2016, Syria, Homs 3 English Saburova N.E., Salybekova V.S.

International conferences in the near abroad

1 Sand massifs of the Northern Caspian Region Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference dedicated to "Engineering-geological and ecological-geological study of sands and sand massifs". Moscow, Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University, September 27-28, 2018, 3 Russian Saburova N.E.

2 Hydrogeological conditions of the Taisoygan sand massif in the Caspian lowland Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on "Engineering-geological and ecological-geological study of sands and sand massifs". Moscow, Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University, September 27-28, 2018, 3 Russian Saburova N.E.

3 Assessment of the compatibility of industrial wastewater with reservoir waters and rocks at the Karachaganak field. 2.. Proceedings of the XIV International Conference. Moscow, Russia-Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2015.14-September 20, 2015. "Resource-reproducing, low-waste and environmental technologies for subsoil development",-Moscow: RUDN,2015.-251-253c pages.2 russ Zhumadilov N.

4 Results of prospecting and exploration for thermal waters in the Zharkent artesian basin of the Ili depression. Proceedings of the XIV International Conference. Moscow, Russia-Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan,14-20 September 2015."Resource-reproducing, low-waste and environmental protection technologies for the development of mineral resources", Moscow: RUDN,2015.-251-253s. 2 pages rus Kalitov D.K., Kalitova L.K.

5 On the new concept of the formation of uranium deposits in the Chu-Sarysui province. Collection of reports for the International Conference "Geology, minerogeny and prospects for the development of mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan" -2015, №1,-268-271,. 3str russ Druzina A.V.

The results of drilling deep wells for geothermal waters in Kazakhstan. Collection of scientific papers of the International scientific and practical conference Dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the department "Technology and technique of drilling wells".Exploration and oil and gas business in the 21st CENTURY: technology, science and education. Almaty. November 09, 2016 7 pages/ 0.44 p. l Russian

Geographic Information System (GIS) as a tool for solving hydrogeological problems in Almaty. 09 "November 2016 Collection of scientific papers of the International scientific and practical conference Dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Department and oil and gas business in the XXI CENTURY:technology, science and education. Well drilling technology and techniques". 6 pages/ 0.38 pach.l russ

Patents, inventions

1 Method of operation of a freshwater lens floating on zonal waters E03B 3/00 (2006.1) Saburov E.S. et al.

2 A universal method for constructing a water intake In (11) 32343 Saburov E.S. et al.

3 A method for regulating the discharge created by the pump by changing the volume of recirculation of liquids A4 (11) 30258 Saburov E.S. et al.

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

- Analysis of geological, hydrogeological and geochemical factors of the formation and operating conditions of the deposit;

- Analysis of existing methods of recultivation of aquifers after underground borehole leaching of uranium;

- Creation of models for filtration of technological solutions and mass transfer of polluting components during mining of uranium deposits;

- Assessment of the degree of environmental impact on the underground hydrosphere of the processes of operation of technological units;

- Forecast of the processes of self-recultivation of the underground hydrosphere and assessment of the environmental consequences of operation;