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Zhanakova Raissa Kulmahanovna

Zhanakova Raissa Kulmahanovna

Doctor of philosophical science

Associate Professor

Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

Department of Mining

Email: r.zhanakova@satbayev.111


Professional biography

AUTOBIOGRAPHY I, Zhanakova Raisa Kulmakhanovna, was born on May 15, 1975 in the village of Sholakkorgan South Kazakhstan region. In 1994, she graduated from Kentau Polytechnic College with a degree in "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" with honors. In 1999, she graduated from the Kazakh National Technical University with a degree in Mine and Underground Construction with honors. In 2000, she entered the master's degree program, Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov, Department of "Rock Destruction and Mine Construction" and in 2001 received the academic title of Master of Technical Sciences. After the defense, in 2000 she began her career in education from the position of senior laboratory assistant to the position of senior lecturer at KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev. In 2015, she entered the PhD doctoral program, K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University, O.A. Baikonurov Mining and Metallurgical Institute, Department of "Rock Destruction and Mine Construction". Since September 2018, she has worked as an assistant to Professor KAZGAS in the field of construction. 2019-2020 worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of TSiPSM KazADI named after L.B. Goncharov. In 2021, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Research of combined support structures and ways to improve them" in the specialty 6D070700 – Mining. Since September 2021, I have been working as an associate professor at the Department of TSiPSM KazADI named after L.B. Goncharov. In 2023, Vice-Rector for Educational and Social Affairs, Associate professor of the Department of TSiPSM KazADI named after L.B. Goncharov. In 2024, Associate Professor of the Department of Mining at KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov.


1 Kentau Polytechnic College of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kentau 1990 1994 "Construction and operation and construction" Construction technician No.449600 2 Kazakh National Technical University of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Satpayev str. 22 1994- 1999 "Mine and underground construction" Mining civil engineer No.0006162

3 Kazakh National Technical University of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Satpayev str. 22 1990 2000 "Mining" Master of Technical Sciences No.0001126

4 KazNTU named after K. I. Satpayev, Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov, Department of Mining of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Satpayev str. 22 2015-2018

5. Doctor of PhD 6D070700"Mining" in the direction of "Mine and underground construction" No.00021143335

Scientific projects

1. Member of NIR №AP05133041. 2018-2020 “Development of cyanide-free technology of gold extraction from hard-to-enrich natural and anthropogenic mineral raw materials”. Non-profit joint stock company “Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev” as a junior researcher. Supervisor - A. Begalinov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of “Mining Engineering”, GMI, KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev. 

2. Member of the research work №AP09259631. 2021-2023 Development of technology of extraction and processing of sands of ancient large-volume placers of depressions with predominance of fine, thin, free and bound gold (Takyr-Kaljirsky site) Non-profit joint-stock company “Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev” as a junior researcher. Supervisor - A. Begalinov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of “Mining Engineering” Department, GMI, KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev. 

3. Member of NIR AR2348891. 2024-2026. “Development of technology for quantitative assessment of fine gold in natural and anthropogenic objects and assessment of prospects for its detection in the territory of Kazakhstan” Non-profit Joint Stock Company ‘Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev’ as a Leading Researcher. Supervisor - T.M. Almenov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of “Mining Engineering”, GMI, KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev. 4. 

4. Member of the Research and Development Program of the GF for 2024-2026. AR23488914 “Development of technology for quantitative assessment of fine gold in natural and anthropogenic objects and assessment of prospects for its discovery in Kazakhstan”.As a leading researcher. Supervisor - Bekbergenov D.K. IHD named after D. Konaev 

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