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Zhuginisov Maratbek

Zhuginisov Maratbek

Doctor of technical sciences


Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Department of civil engineering and building materials

Email: m.zhuginissov@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

1975-1976 Ural wall materials factory, shift foreman and process engineer of the ceramic brick workshop.

1976-1978 Kyzyl-Orda plant of silicate wall materials, shift master and deputy.

1978-1978 Kyzyl-Orda Construction and production association glavrissovkhozstroy, engineer of the construction laboratory.

1978-1978 Dzhambul irrigation and reclamation and Construction Institute (DGMSI), junior researcher.

1978-1981 Dzhambul irrigation and reclamation and construction Institute (DGMSI), post-graduate student of the Institute’s full-time postgraduate study.

1982-1991 Dzhambuli rrigation and reclamation and construction Institute (DGMSI), senior researcher, NIS.

1991-1992 Dzhambul irrigation and drainage and construction institute (DGMSI), senior lecturer of the Department of Building materials and constructions.

1992-1996 Dzhambul irrigation and drainage and construction institute (DGMSI), acting Head Department of "Building materials and soil science".

1996-1998 Dzhambul irrigation and reclamation and construction Institute (DGMSI), senior researcher.

1998-2005 TarSU named after M.Kh. Dulati.

2005-2006 KazATC named after M. Tynyshpayeva, professor, Department of OTD.

2007-2009 professor of the department "Hydraulics and land reclamation" KazNAU.

2009-2010 IOC KazGASA, associate professor of the Faculty of "Building technologies, infrastructure and management".

Since 2010 I have been working as a professor at the Department of Construction and building materials of the Institute of architecture and construction, Satbayev University.


1)1975 - 1980 Kazakh institute of chemical technology (Shymkent). Chemical engineer-technologist specializing in "Chemical technology of ceramics and refractories".

2)1978-1981 Dzhambul hydro-reclamation and construction Institute (DHRCI), post-graduate student, Dzhambul, RK.

Scientific projects

Leading researcher of the project in the field of building materials within the framework of "Grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2020-2022 with a implementation period of 27 months".

The main direction of scientific research is the development of technologies and the study of the properties of building materials and products based on natural and industrial raw materials. Under his leadership 3 candidate and 7 master's theses were defended.


1. Жугинисов М.Т., Нурлыбаев Р. Е., Орынбеков Е.С. и др. Изготовление пенокерамических изделий на основе аморфного микрокремнезема методом низкотемпературного вспенивания. X Международная научно-практическая конференция «Advances in Science and Technology». Москва, 2017. С. 28-31.


2. Zhuginissov M.T., Selyaev V.P, Nurlybaev R.E., Orynbekov Investigations of the influence of the technological modes of manufacture of penokeramic insulation panels in the microwave field. Innovative solutions in modern science, № 8 (17), Dubai 2017. С. 75-85.

3. Zhuginissov M.T., Nurlybayev R.E., Selyaev V.P. Poro-, peno ceramics, foam on the basis of microcrystalline silicon, obtained by sol-gel method. Scientific discussion" journal. Praha, Czech Republic № 11, 2017.

4. Жугинисов М.Т., Сартаев Д.Т., Бек А. А. Жаростойкий бетон и композиционное вяжущее (силикат-натриевое) на основе хромитовой руды. Международная научно-практическая конференция «50 лет Российской научной школе комплексного освоения недр земли». Изд-во «ИПКОН» РАН, 13-16 ноября 2017 г. Москва. С.136- 138.

5. Жугинисов М.Т., Нурлыбаев Р.Е. Орынбеков Е.С. Авторское свидетельство на изобретение № 10416. «Вакуумная теплоизоляционная панель». РГП «Национальный институт интеллектуальной собственности» МЮ РК 2018 г.

6. Жугинисов М.Т. Алданыш Б. Облегченная керамика на основе местного сырья. Междунар. научно-практ. конфер., посвященной 120-летию Академика К.И. Сатпаева и 85-летию образования КазНИТУ: Инновационные технологии – ключ к успешному решению фундаментальных и прикладных задач в рудном и нефтегазовом секторах экономики РК. КазНИТУ, Т.2,2019. С. 877-881.

7. Жугинисов М.Т., Берикболова А. Легкий заполнитель на основе диатомита. Междунар. научно-практ. конфер., посвященной 120-летию Академика К.И. Сатпаева и 85-летию образования КазНИТУ: Инновационные технологии – ключ к успешному решению фундаментальных и прикладных задач в рудном и нефтегазовом секторах экономики РК. КазНИТУ, Т.2, 2019. С. 889-892.

8.8. ZHUGINISSOV, MARATBEK T., ZHUMADILOVA, ZHANAR, LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE AND ASHES SLAG BASED CONCRETE WITH HIGH RESIDUAL FUEL CONTENT. Periódico Tchê Química.    ISSN - 1806-0374 (Print). ISSN - 2179-0302 (Online). LCCN: 2010240735. Vol.17 (n°34). 2020. Porto Alegre, RS. Brasil. March, 2020. 678-688 p.p.

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Thermal insulation coatings based on finely dispersed mineral systems