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Zhumabekova Nuriya Nuraddinovna

Zhumabekova Nuriya Nuraddinovna

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of "General Physics"

Email: n.zhumabekova@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Physicist, Teacher of Physics at KazNITU since 2011


1997-2001 - Karakalpak State University, Faculty of Physics, Bachelor's degree.  2001-2003 Master's degree in Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics.  2005-2008. State Enterprise “Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation”,  postgraduate study, specialty -05.16.02 – metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals.


1. A.A. Saukhimov, M.A. Hobosyan, G.C. Dannangoda, N.N. Zhumabekova, S.E. Kumekov, K.S. Martirosyan. Fabrication of Yttrium Ferrite Nanoparticles by Solution Combustion Synthesis Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal 16 (2014) 27-34

2. S.S. Omarov, S.Beysen, S.K. Nyssanbayeva, K.R. Mailina, N.N. Zhumabekova. Influence of Magnon-phonon Interaction on Ultrasound Absorption in Nanocomposite Materials. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 11(6):, 2015

3. С.Е Кумеков , А.А. Саухимов, Н.Н. Жумабекова, Ч.Г. Даннагота, К.С. Мартиросян. Влияние отжига на структурные и магнитные свойства Y3Fe5O12 полученного методом solution combustion synthesis. Вестник КазНИТУ, №5, 2015г. 349-354.

4. A.A. Saukhimov,  M.A. Hobosyan,  G.C. Dannangoda,  N.N. Zhumabekova. G.A. Almanov, S.E. Kumekov, K.S. Martirosyan. Solution-Combustion Synthesis and Magnetodielectric Properties of Nanostructured Rare Earth Ferrits. International Journal of Self-Propagation High-Temperature Synthesis, 2015, Vol.24. No. 2,pp. 63-71.

5. Нысанбаева С.К., Омаров С.С., Майлина Х.Р., Н.Н. Жумабекова, Бейсен С. Акустические исследования тонкопленочных композитных материалов. Вестник КазНИТУ, №4, 2016г.

6.M.M., Moldabekov, Meirbek M., A.Y., Aden, Alisher Y., Y.Y., Orazaly, Yerkin Y., N.N., Zhumabekova, Nuriya N. Optimal Synthesis of a Satellite Attitude Control System under Constraints on Control Torques and Velocities of Reaction Wheels. Mathematics 2024, 12, 2569

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