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Zhumagaliyev Birzhan Izimovich

Zhumagaliyev Birzhan Izimovich

Candidate of technical sciences

Assistant professor

Associate Professor

Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of "Cybersecurity, information processing and storage"

Email: b.zhumagaliyev@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Software engineer, work experience more than 35 years. Author of more than 80 educational and scientific works, including the collections of conferences in international scientific journals. Co-author of state educational standards and model programs in the specialty "Information systems". He was the executor of scientific works in the field of investment, training, development of information systems for production. He passed training in international programs Tempus-TACIS (L’Quila University, Italy) and Network (Koica Training center, Korea). He was awarded the Satbayev University medal "For special labor merits" and the medal "Veteran of KazNTU", awarded the diploma of the Union of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  


Electrical engineer with a degree in automated systems (1978)

Academic degree: candidate of technical Sciences in the field of automated control systems (by industry) (1992)

Academic title: docent in computer science, computer engineering and automation (2002)

Scientific projects

Scientific project

    Participation as a performer in the projects "Development of simulation and analytical methods for modeling and analysis of the basic economic link "Supply-storage-distribution" (2013-2015), "Development of computer modeling methods, analysis and optimization of investment programs of the state development Bank" (2016-2018)

Educational and methodical work

   Author of a number of methodological developments in the specialty "Information systems" (manuals, state compulsory education standards, syllabuses of disciplines in the specialty "Information systems").


D.N. Shukayev, B.I.Zhumagaliyev,N.O. Yergaliyeva, Zh.B. Lamasheva. The extension method in flow allocation problems. Proceedings of International Conference on Electronics Technology, Computer Science and Information processing (ETCSIP 2014) April 19-20, 2014, Beijing, China. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volumes 556 - 562. – P. 3692-3702 (

B.I.Zhumagaliyev, Balgabayeva L.Sh.,Nabiyeva ,G.S.,Tulegenova B.A.,Oralkhan P. Experience of the Formation of Professional Competence of Students of IT – Specialties. International Science Conference. May 19-20,2014 Paris, France P.P.625-628 (

Шукаев Д.Н.,Бимурат Ж.,Жумагалиев Б.И. Оценка социальной ставки доходности на основе финансовой отчетности для формирования инвестиционного портфеля банка развития. Фундаментальные  исследования, № 4, с.146-154. 2018. РАЕ.Москва.РФ. (

Жумагалиев Б.И., Тулегенова Б.А. Геймификация в обучении студентов. Материалы международной научно-методической  конференции «Современное образование: повышение профессиональной компетентности преподавателей вуза – гарантия обеспечения качества образования» с.247-249. 2018.ТУСУР.Томск.РФ. (

Жумагалиев Б.И. Применение on-line сервисов в обучении студентов. Материалы международной научно-методической конференции «Современное образование: качество образования и актуальные проблемы современной высшей школы». с.60-61. 2019. ТУСУР.Томск.РФ. (

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