Zhunussov Kanat

Zhunussov Kanat

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Associate Professor

Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies

Email: k.zhunussov@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Almaty University of Energy and Communications, FRTS

Associate Professor of the Department of Telecommunication Systems

14.11.2011 - to the present

Almaty University of Energy and Communications, FRTS

St. teacher. Departments of Telecommunication Systems

September, 2007 - November, 2011

Technical and Economic Academy of Cinema and Television

Senior lecturer of the Department of Engineering Disciplines.

September, 2006 - August, 2007

Almaty Technological University

Senior lecturer of the Department of "Computer Science and Applied Mechanics".

September, 2003 - August, 2006

Almaty Technological University

Lecturer of the Department of Automation and Computer Science.

September, 2002 - August, 2003

KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaev

Assistant of the IMM Department.

January, 2002 - August, 2002

Siman LLP


March, 1999 - December, 2001

Kazgosagrou University

Lecturer of the Department of Information Systems.

January, 1998 - September, 1998

Sigma AS LLP


April, 1994 - June, 1997

Institute of Mechanics and Machine Science MN-AN RK

He was hired as an engineer in the laboratory of mechanics of robots and manipulators as a young specialist.

August, 1992 - April, 1994

Service in the ranks of the Soviet Army

Head of the radio station of ultrashort-new and decimeter medium-power radio stations.

June, 1987 - June, 1989


Al-Farabi Kazakh State University, 71 Al-Farabi Ave., Almaty.

1985 - 1992

Diploma of the SHV No. 335719

Majoring in mechanics, qualification - mechanic, applied mathematician

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Phys.-Tech. Faculty of Almaty, street     Tole bi, 96

2004 - 2010

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, FK No. 0005626, dated 31.01.2011.

(protocol No. 1)

Scientific projects

1. Junior of Science and Arts in Modern TRIZ for Engineering Applications. Certificate of graduating student, Germany, the city of Berlin, attending lectures and participating in laboratory work.

2. Attending the course of lectures “Application of soliton solution to optic and optic fiber systems” (total 48 hours). The Physical Society of  Uzbekistan. Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TPU), Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, attending lectures and participating in laboratory work.


1. Нелинейные эффекты на разных частотах модуляций сигналов при фиксированной длине оптического волокна. Материалы І международной научно-технической конференций «Современные информационно-телекоммуникационные технологии», г.Киев, Украина, 17 - 20 ноября 2015 г., том 2, с.60-62

2. Метод определения спектра усиления, вызванного эффектом ВРМБ в однородном оптическом волокне. Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции «Инновационные механизмы решения проблем научного развития» ,г.Уфа, Россия, 28 декабря, 2016 г., часть 3, с.45-48

3. Исследование методов затухания волоконно – оптической линии связи. «Роль и место молодых учёных в реализации новой экономической политики Казахстана » международных сатпаевских чтений Том IVАлматы 2015 С.174-177

4. Study of temperature sensors based on bragg grating. Magyar Tudomanyos Journal (Budapest, Hungary) The journal is registered and published in Hungary. The journal publishes scientific studies, reports and reports about achievements in different scientific fields.№ 4 (2017) ISSN 1748-7110 P.62-67

5. Application of a Single Lens in a Direct Floating Klystron, International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research (IJBR) ISSN 0976-2612, Online ISSN 2278–599X, Vol-8, Issue-4, 2017, pp180-186 http://www.bipublication.com Impact Factor=1.91 http://scienceimpactfactor.com/?p=1066 T. Daumenov, M.A. Khizirova,  A.S. Baikenov, A.O. Kassimov and Zhunusov K.Kh.

6. Исследование помехоустойчивости в спутниковых навигационных системах. ISSN 1560-1749 , Международное научно-педагогическое издание Жунусов К.Х., Калиев Ш.Е., Высшая школа Казахстана , 1/2019, 249-253стр

7. Мультиантенные системы для 5G, Научно-педагогический журнал (приложение) Международного научно-педагогического журнала «Высшая школа Казахстана» ISSN-1560-1722, №2/2019, 291-294стр Жунусов К.Х., Адилов Б.К.

8. Development of a method to build Fiber Bragg grating-based sensors./Статья/ (в базе SCOPUS) Печат. International Conference on Internation Science and Communications Technologies: Applications, Trends and Opportunities, ICISCT 2019. 4-6 Nov. 2019 Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-2564-0 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-7281-2565-7  0,4375/0,0625  Abdujalilov, J., Yakubova, M., Zhunusov, K., Golubeva, T.,Orazalieva S., Konshin S., Yakubov B.

9. Probabilistic model of error distribution for satellite navigation. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2174, No. 1, p. 020193). AIP Publishing LLC. Zhaksygali, F.B., Iskakova, A.S., Burgumbayeva, S.K., Zhunusov K. Kh. (2019, December) ./Статья/ (в базе SCOPUS)

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