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Zhurgenova Aidana Ardakovna

Zhurgenova Aidana Ardakovna

Master of humanities


Institute of Project Management

Department of Foreign Languages

Email: a.zhurgenova@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Tutor of English Department, Institute of Basic Education named after A.Mashani. Winner of state grants of educational degrees "Bachelor" and "Master" at the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Ablai Khan. The total experience of scientific and pedagogical activity is 2 years.  The author of three publications on pedagogy. Completed a M.A. in Education at Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Realations and World Languages in 2019. Studied in Germany, the city of Bamberg under the academic mobility program. Since September 2019 I have been working at Satpayev University as a tutor in the Department of English.


1) 2013-2019: “Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylay Khan”, faculty of Education. Bachelor's degree in the Specialty: Foreign language: two foreign languages (English and German)

2) 2017-2019: “Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylay Khan”, faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Master's degree in Education in the specialty: Psychology and Educational Sciences

3) 2018-2019: “Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg”. Academic mobility.

Scientific projects

Interdisciplinary processes in linguistics; foreign language teaching methodology; language culture.


Sharipa B. Yermekbayeva, Elvira K. Zhantelova, Santore A. Gaipova, Aray I. Baizhuma, Aidana A. Zhurgenova. ‘Augmenting the Quality Teaching is Crucial for Teachers’ Regional Academy of Management European Scientific Foundation Institute of Innovation Regional Center for European Integration.  Materials of the XII International Scientific-Practical Conference, volume I, UK, Liverpool, January 2-4, 2025.
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