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Zoya K Tuiebakhova

Zoya K Tuiebakhova






Professional biography

2017 - Present - Satbayev University. Director of the Institute of Chemical and Biological Technologies

2012 - 2017 - Yeditepe University. Istanbul, Turkey. Faculty of Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering (Chemical Engineering Department), Professor. Member of the Executive Committee

2007 - 2012 - Kazakh-British Technical University (KBTU), Almaty, Kazakhstan. Vice-rector for academic and international programs. Professor of the Scientific and Educational Center for Chemical Engineering (REC) (2007 - 08.2017). Dean of the International School of Economics KBTU (ISE / ISE-International School of Economics)

Education Fund of N. Nazarbayev International School “Miras”, Almaty. Director

MEF Schools. Istanbul, Turkey. Head of the Department of Natural Sciences (chemistry, physics and biology).

ISTEK Vakfi Okullari: Atanur Oguz Lisesi (Istanbul, Turkey). Lecturer in chemistry and science. (July 1996 - June 1997)

According to the results of control of the knowledge slice of students, recognized as the Best Teacher of natural sciences among all ten lyceums of the Fund.

Alm-Ata State Medical Institute: Associate Professor 1997-1998 Lecturer 1987-1997 , Senior Researcher 1985 - 1987

Kazakh Order of the Red Banner of Labor State University. Junior Researcher, Problem Laboratory "Chemistry of Non-aqueous Solutions" 1984-1985 ,

Moscow Chemical-Technological Institute D.I. Mendeleev. Deputy Chairman of the Trade Union Committee 1977-1978



Moscow Chemical-Technological Institute D.I. Mendeleev (now RCTU named after D.I. Mendeleev). Faculty of Chemical Engineering (IHT).

1979 - 1983

Postgraduate study at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology D.I. Mendeleev (Nowadays RCTU named after D.I. Mendeleev). Department of Physical Chemistry.