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18 february 274

Gravimetric measurements: from theory to practice

Satbayev University, within the framework of the scientific project on program-targeted financing BR21882366 “Development of the geoid model of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the basis of a unified state system of coordinates and heights”, is holding a seminar to raise awareness in the use of the results of current research in the field of gravimetry for interested parties from the private and public sectors from February 24 to 28, 2025.

Invites everyone to take part in practical gravimetric measurements at the gravimetric testing ground created within the framework of the PCF. The program of practical measurements includes: measurements of absolute values ​​of gravity acceleration, vertical gradient, coordinates and heights, reference to the height of the gravimetric testing ground points.

Participation is free of charge.

Contact person: Abdykalykova Roza Satmagambetovna e-mail:; mobile phone +77058734082

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