10 november 1444

On November 18, an online meeting of the Public Council of NUST MISIS (Moscow) will take place

NUST MISIS, as the basic organization of the CIS member states for training, professional retraining and advanced training of personnel for the mining and metallurgical industry, modern materials science and industrial waste recycling, plans to hold an annual meeting of the Public Council on November 18, 2020 at 10:00 ( Moscow time).

Due to the epidemiological situation and the spread of coronavirus infection in the world, many universities have switched to the format of distance learning for students.

NUST MISIS proposes to discuss the following issues at a meeting of the Public Council:

1. Effective organization of distance learning in educational institutions of higher education of the republics.

2. Digital qualification of personnel: issues of retraining and advanced training of personnel according to an individual plan, if necessary, remotely without interruption from production.

The meeting of the Public Council will be held online on the Zoom platform.

Satbayev University will be represented by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs R.M. Iskakov. and director of the Institute of Metallurgy and Industrial Engineering K.K. Yelemesov.

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