30 november 2694

Alimbayeva Zhadyra Nurdauletovna

Dissertation Defense Announcement

At the Kazakh National ResearchTechnical University K.I. Satpayev will take place the defense of PhD thesis in 6D071600 – «Instrument engineering» by Alimbayeva Zhadyra Nurdauletovna on the theme " Neural network analysis of the electrocardiosignal for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction".

The work was performed at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev and presented in the form of a dissertation.

The defense will be held in Kazakh.


Scientific consultants:


- Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Ozhikenov K.A. (KazNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)


- Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.N. Bodin (Penza State University, Penza, Russia)


Temporary staff on the topic of the dissertation by Alimbayeva Zh.N.

1. Kalimoldaev Maksat Nuradilovich – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty), h-index - 9, he has more than 40 scientific publications in (Scopus) CiteScore above 35 in the direction of a doctoral student.

2. Aitimov Murat Zholdasbekovich - PhD, Director of the branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, (Kyzylorda), h-index - 2, there are more than 7 scientific publications in (Scopus) CiteScore above 35 in the direction doctoral student.

3. Seilova Nurgul Abadullaevna – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Cyber ​​Security (FCTK), MUIT (Almaty), Hirsch index (h-index) – 2, there are more than 10 scientific publications in (Scopus) CiteScore above 35- tee in the specialty of the direction of a doctoral student.

4. Sinchev Bakhtgerey Kuspanovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, JSC "International University of Information Technologies", Professor of the Department "Information Systems" (Almaty), h-index - 3, there are more than 7 scientific publications in ( Scopus) CiteScore above 35 in the direction of a doctoral student.

5. Berdibaeva Gulmira Kuanyshbaevna - PhD, associate professor of the department "Robotics and technical means of automation", KazNRTU named after. K.I. Satpaeva (Almaty), h-index - 1, there are 2 scientific publications in (Scopus) in the direction of a doctoral student.

6. Smailov Nurzhigit Kuralbayevich - Doctor PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies, KazNRTU named after. K.I. Satpaeva (Almaty), h-index – 1, he has more than 2 scientific publications in (Scopus) CiteScore above 80 and more than 8 CiteScore above 35 in the direction of a doctoral student.


1. Koshekov Kairat Temirbaevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Vice-Rector of JSC "Academy of Civil Aviation" (Almaty), h-index - 4, there are more than 18 scientific publications in (Scopus) CiteScore above 35 in the direction of a doctoral student.

2. Mekebaev Nurbapa Otanuly - PhD, head of the department "Mathematics" KazNWPU, (Almaty), h-index – 3, there are more than 9 scientific publications in (Scopus) CiteScore above 35 in the direction of a doctoral student.


The defense will take place on 21 December 2022 at 03:00 p.m. at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev. Address: 050013, Almaty, Satbayev str. 22, Institute of Mechanical Engineering, room 206.

Link to participate in the online format: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OGY0MGVkNWQtMGE1NC00MmZmLWI2OWQtMjI2Yzk1YzBmMDY3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2275d16c1c-bd41-412d-bdb7-60b12611c840%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%227479c5ac-9bcb-4561-9c64-6ba5373b6294%22%7d

e-mail: zhadyralimbay@gmail.com

Scientific secretary:candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor, Murat Kyrgyzbaevich Baktybayev, e-mail: murat.baktybayev@gmail.com,  тел.: +7 (777) 292 52 44

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