6 november 4920

Ismailova Jamilyam Abdulakhatovna

About doctoral dissertation defense

At the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satbayev will be held the defense of the doctoral  dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor PhD be the doctoral candidate Ismailova Jamilyam Abdulakhatovna on the theme «Improvement of pressure maintenance system by forming uniform oil displacement profile on the example of Uzen field» on a specialty “6D070800-Oil and gas Business”. The dissertation work was made at the «Petroleum Engineering» Department of the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satbayev. Defense of thesis will be in Russian.

Scientific supervisors:

  1. Abdeli D.Zh. – Doctor of Technical Science, Professor;
  2. Panfilova I.V. – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), assistant-professor, University of Lorraine, France.


  1. Zakenov S.T. - Doctor of Technical Science, Professor of «Oil and Gas Engineering» department at Kaspiy State University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Yessenov.
  2. Igembayev I.B. - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Business-trainer at “Educational Centre PITC” Ltd.

The defence will be held on the 7th of December 2018 at 14:00 at the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satbayev. Adress: 050013, Almaty, 22 Satbayev str., Oil Building, Conference-Hall.

Website: satbayev.university, e-mail: djamilya577@gmail.com.

Scientific Secretary: c.t.s., accos.prof. S.A. Zaurbekov. Email: s.zaurbek@mail.ru


1. Dissertation

2. Abstract

3. Review of the advisor

4. Review of the foreign advisor

5. List of  scientific papers

6. Review 1 - Zakenov S.T.

7. Review 2 - Igembayev I.B.


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