31 october 2471

Kozha Erkin

About the defense of doctoral thesis


Defense of doctoral thesis for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree of Kozha Erkin on the theme « Production of protective ceramic coatings on the surface of metallic materials by plasma-electrolytic treatment » in the specialty 6D071000 – Materials science and technology of new materials will take place at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev.

The work was performed at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev and presented in the form of a dissertation. The defense will be held in Kazakh.



  1. Smagulov D.U.- Professor Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpaev Almaty
  2. Baishan.Shadke. – PhD. Professor (College of Physics Science and Technology, Xinjiang University Urumqi, 830046, P.R.China).



1. Murzakhmetova Ulbala Askarbekovna - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Road Faculty of the Kazakh Automobile and Road Institute named after L.B. Goncharov, there 3 scientific publications in the specialty 6D071000 – Materials science and technology of new materials.

2. Mustafa Laura Moldakerimovna – PhD, Head of the Materials Science Laboratory of the Department of Jet Propulsion and Materials Science of JSC «National Center of Space Research and Technology», there 2 scientific publications in the specialty 6D071000 – Materials science and technology of new materials.


Temporary members of the dissertation Board on the topic of the dissertation Kozha Yerkin:

1.Akhmetova Gulzhainat - head of the department "Metal forming" of Karaganda Industrial University, there are more than 2 scientific publications in (Scopus) percentile on Cite Score, above 35 in the specialty 6D071000 – Materials science and technology of new materials.

2.Dostayeva Ardak Muhamedievna - PhD doctor, acting Associate Professor of the Department «Nanotechnology and Metallurgy» JSC «Abylkas Saginov Karaganda technical university» there are more than 2 scientific publications in (Scopus) percentile on Cite Score, above 35 in the specialty 6D071000 – Materials science and technology of new materials.

3.Alimzhanova Aliya Margulanovna – PhD, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Rare Metals of RSE «National Center for Integrated Processing of Mineral Raw Materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan» there are more than 2 scientific publications in (Scopus) percentile on Cite Score, above 35 in the specialty 6D071000 – Materials science and technology of new materials.

4.Kanaev Amangeldy Tokeshevich - doctor of technical sciences, professor – L.N. Eurasian National University named after Gumilyov, there are more than 2 scientific publications in (Scopus) percentile on Cite Score, above 35 in the specialty 6D071000 – Materials science and technology of new materials.

5.Baytimbetova Bagila – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor, «The Kazakh National Research Technical University after K.I. Satpaev», there are more than 2 scientific publications in (Scopus) percentile on Cite Score, above 35 in the specialty 6D071000 – Materials science and technology of new materials.

6.Omarbekova Alnura Orazgaliqyzy - PhD Doctor, "International University of Information Technologies" there are more than 2 scientific publications in (Scopus) percentile on Cite Score, above 35 in the specialty 6D071000 – Materials science and technology of new materials.

7.KoishinaGulzada – Doctor of Ph.D. Associated Professor of the Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing at the Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O. Baikonurov, «The Kazakh National Research Technical University after K.I. Satpaev», there are more than 2 scientific publications in (Scopus) percentile on Cite Score, above 35 in the specialty 6D071000 – Materials science and technology of new materials.


The defense will take place on December 2, 2022 at 11:00 at the JSC "Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation", conference room 29/133, Shevchenko str. and Valikhanov str. corner, Almaty, 050010, Republic of Kazakhstan.


Website: https://official.satbayev.university/en/protection, e-mail: yerkin.kozha@mail.ru

Scientific secretary: c.ph.-m.s. Mamaeva A. e-mail: ak78@mail.ru, Tеl.: +7 (747) 850 32 34


Video recording of the meeting: https://youtu.be/UdKDte2LsWw

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