16 march 3692

Nurakhmetova Zhanara Anuarbekovna

About doctoral dissertation defense

     At the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.l. Satpayev will be held the defense of the doctoral dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by the doctoral candidate Nurakhmetova Zhanara Anuarbekovna on the thesis title “Synthetic and natural polymers for oil production and development of drilling fluids” on specialty 6D073900 – Petrochemistry.

      The dissertation work was done at the Institute of Polymer Materials and Technology and Laboratory of Engineering Profile of the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.l. Satpayev

       Language of defense: English

Scientific supervisors:

  1. Selenova Bagadat Samatovna – Doctor  of Chemical Sciences, Professor of Chemical technology of organic substances and polymers department at  the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.l. Satpayev;
  2. Kudaibergenov Sarkyt Yelekanovich - Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Head of LIP (KazNITU.K.I. Satpayev), Director of the Institute of Polymeric Materials and Technologies;
  3. Aseev Vladimir Olegovich - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Russian Academy of Sciences), Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), (Helsinki, Finland).


  1. Zharmagambetova Alima Kainekeevna –  doctor of chemistry sciences, professor, manager of the laboratory of organic catalysis of  the D.V.Sokolsky Institute of Fuel, Catalysis and Electrochemistry (02.00.15);
  1. Irmukhametova Galiya Serikbaevna - Ph.D., associate professor, deputy head. on scientific and innovative work and international contacts, Kazakh National University Al-Farabi.

      The defense will take place on the 19th of April, 2019 at 14:00 at the Kazakh National Research  Technical University named after K.l. Satpayev at the address: 050013, Almaty, Satpayev, 22, Oil building, Conference Hall.

Website address: www.satbayev.university, e-mail: nurakhmetova86@mail.ru

Scientific Secretary: Ph.D., prof. S.A. Zaurbekov, e-mail: s.zaurbek@mail.ru

1. Dissertation

2. Abstract

3. Review of the advisor 1

4. Review of the advisor 2

5. Review of the foreign advisor

6. List of  scientific papers

7. Reviewer 1

8. Reviewer 2

9. Video recording of the DS meeting https://youtu.be/hr_Wt437RL0

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