17 november 4380

Zhassandykyzy Maral

Defense of doctoral dissertation for getting degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD by Zhassandykyzy Maral Dissertation work: «Research and development of automatic data acquisition system and recycling water  supply quality control» by specialty 6D075100 – «Informatics, computing techniques and control» will be taken place in the Kazakh National Research Technical University after  K.I. Satpayev.

The dissertation work performed at Kazakh national research technical university named after    K.I. Satpayev. Defense conducted on Kazakh language.


1. Tashev Azat – doctor of technical sciences, professor, CS MES RK  Institute of information and computational technologies, Almaty, Kazakhstan

2. Waldemar Wojcik, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Technical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland.


1. Shukayev Dulat doctor of technical sciences, professor of Kazakh National Research Technical University after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan (05.13.06).

2. Akhmetov Bakhytzhan - doctor of technical sciences, professor of Turan University, Almaty, Kazakhstan (05.13.00).

The defense will take place on December 22th, 2017, at 14-00  at KazNRTU after K.I. Satpayev, 050013, Almaty, Satpayev Str. 22, Main building, room 206a.

Website: www.kazntu.kz, e-mail: maraljj@gmail.com

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council for Information and Communication Technologies:

Omirbekova Zhanar Zhumakhanovna - PhD, Automatic and Control department. Contact information: zhanomir@gmail.com



Research advisor review

Foreign research review

List of paper

Shukayev's review

Akhmetov's review

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