Akylzhan Perizat
Master of Technical Sciences
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies
Email: p.akylzhan@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Akylzhan Perizat Bagdatkyzy in 2020 successfully graduated from KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev with a degree in "5B071900 – Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications". In 2022, she successfully completed a master's degree at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev in the specialty "7M06201-Telecommunications". Akylzhan Perizat conducts classes in the disciplines "Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering", "Electrical Engineering and Electronics", "Electrical Engineering.
The work was carried out in the first commission 2021-2022 уч.GG.
01.09.2021-31.08.2022 G. G. worked in the quality of the engineer at the Department of ethics. In 2021-2022 учGG. the Olympiad was organized under the direction of "Electrical Engineering".
An active participation in the accreditation of The Bachelor's degree 6b07104 "Electronic and Electrical Engineering" was taken during the period of April 19-21, 2022.
Undergraduate(2016 - 2020) - Satbayev University (Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev) Specialty: Radio engineering,electronics and telecommunications
Master's degree (2020 - till today) Satbayev University (Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev) Specialty: TelecommunicationsPublications
1. Akylzhan P. B., Abdykadyrov A. A. Investigation of the circuit of the voltage multiplier of an electronic installation with a frequency of 5-6 kHz. (article), scientific journal "Universum technical sciences" № 4(97) (2022), ISSN2311-5122.
2.Akylzhan P. B., Abdykadyrov A. A. circuits of voltage multipliers. Principle of operation and advantages. (article), International Scientific and Practical Conference "Satpayev meetings-2022. trends of modern scientific research" April 12, 2022, Volume II, STR 286-290, ISBN 978-601-323-291-1.
3. Marksuly S., Akylzhan P. B., Silicon electronic sensitive PIN ruler and reverse beam. (article), materials of the international scientific conference "priority directions of development of Science and education" Turkestan 15-16 November 2021, STR 122-128, ISBN 978-601-06-8182-8.
4. Abdykadyrov A. A. Marxuly S., Akylzhan P. B. study of the characteristics of optical sources and photodiodes, kaznitu imeni K. I. Satpaeva, Almaty 2022 , EMS 621.39 (075). P.51.
(methodical instruction)
5. Abdykadyrov A. A., Akylzhan P. B., Bazarbay a.m. study of the electrical circuit of alternating current, kaznitu imeni K. I. Satpayeva, Almaty 2021, UIs: 621.3 (076). C.27. (methodological advice)
6.Abdykadyrov A. A., Akylzhan P. B., Bazarbay a.m. study of the DC electrical circuit of kaznitu imeni K. I. Satpaeva, Almaty 2021 UIs: 621.3 (076). C.31. (methodological advice)
7. Abdykadyrov A. A. Marxuly S., Akylzhan P. B. The Study of characteristic optical facts and photodiodov, kaznitu named after K. I. Satpayeva, Almaty 2021 UDC 621.39.082.5. C.53. (methodological advice)
8.Smailov N. K., Junusov N. A., Akylzhan P. B. study of the characteristics of optical fiber light guides, kaznitu imeni K. I. Satpaeva, Almaty 2022 UDC 621.3(075). C.40. (methodological advice)
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