Shukayev Dulat Nurmashevich
Doctor of technical sciences
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of "Cybersecurity, information processing and storage"
Email: d.shukayev@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Eminent scientist with 47 years of excellence in post-graduate and undergraduate teaching. The Academic of the International Academy of Informatization and the member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. A well-known specialist in the field of informatics and control theory, the creator of a new scientific direction in solving problems of resource allocation with “perturbed” parameters. Principal investigator of numerous projects funded by fundamental and applied research grants from the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Engineering Academy of the RK. The author of state educational standards and of more than 200 scientific papers, including those indexed in Scopus and the Web of Science. Seventeen Doctor of sciences, Candidate of sciences and PhD theses were defended successfully under his supervisory leadership. The author of the first Kazakhstan textbooks on computer modeling published in both Kazakh and Russian languages. Chairman of the National Dissertation Committee for doctoral and master's theses. Served as the head of the department and the vice-provost in charge of educational and methodical programs at the university. Awarded with the Diploma of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR, the medal "Honorary author", the badge "Honorary Education Worker", three times winner of "The best university instructor" grant awarded by Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Education
Higher, the physics and mechanics faculty of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute
Doctor of technical sciences. ҒД № 0000203
Professor. ПФ № 0000521
Scientific projects
Research interests: computer modeling and optimization of processes and systems. Under my scientific supervision, 17 grant and contractual projects have been completed, including:
- “Development of a model and management software for a computer-aided design system for mining and processing enterprises”, 2004-2005 (economic agreement with the RSE “National Center for the Integrated Processing of Mineral Raw Materials”);
- an economic agreement with JSC «NС Kazakhstan TemirZholy» “Development of methods for computer analysis of railway transportation”, 2004;
- The project "Development of models and methods for computer simulation of random parameters and processes under condition of near space" in the framework of the fundamental research program "Theoretical foundations of space technology." 2006 - 2008;
- project on grant No. 751.MES GF.12.12 “Development of stochastic models, methods and algorithms for the distribution and allocation of resources and objects” (2012-2014);
- project grant No. 757. MES.GF.15.10 “Development of methods for computer modeling, analysis and optimization of investment programs of the state development bank” (2015-2017).
- Шукаев Д.Н. Прикладные методы оптимизации. Учебник. Москва. ИД Академия Естествознания. 2017. 220 c.;
- Шукаев Д.Н. Қолданбалы оптимизациялау әдістері. Оқулық. Алматы. TechSmith. 2019. 220 б.;
- Шукаев Д.Н. Анализ и моделирование информационных процессов. Учебник. Алматы.Эверо. 2005. 208 с.;
- Шукаев Д.Н. Компьютермен модельдеу негіздері. Оқулық. Ассоциация вузов. 2011. 232 б.;
- Шукаев Д.Н., Ергалиева Н.О., Ламашева Ж.Б. Компьютерное моделирование. Методы и применения. Алматы. BookPrint. 2022. 200 с.;
- Shukayev D.N., Abdullina V.Z., Yergaliyeva N.O., Lamasheva Zh.B. Modeling the processes of distribution of resource flows / Proceedings of the Romanian academy, Series A, Volume 15, Number 1/2014, pp. 85–94 (TOMPSON REUTERS);
- Shukayev D.N., Zhumagaliyev B.I., Yergaliyeva N.O., Lamasheva Zh.B. The extension method in flow allocation problems / Proceedings of International Conference on Electronics Technology, Computer Science and Information processing (ETCSIP 2014) April 19-20, 2014, Beijing, China. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volumes 556 - 562. – P. 3692-3702. (SCOPUS);
- Shukayev D., Abdullina V., Balgabayeva L., Lamasheva Z. Simulation and analytical modeling of a sales system // 5th International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing Science and Measuring Technology (ICFMM) / Frontiers of manufacturing science and measuring technology V, Hong Kong, China, 2015. – P. 1277-1284. (Tomson Reuters);
- Shukayev D.N., Semenov A., Lamasheva Zh.B., Abdikadirova A.A. Small business simulation / 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICOME 2015) 3-5 September, 2015, Patra Jasa Bali, Indonesia. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. (Scopus);
- Shukayev D.N., Semenov A., Lamasheva Zh.B. Industry simulation model of the production and sale of petroleum products / ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 10, Number 22/2015. - P. 10441-10445. (Scopus);
- Shukayev D.N., Yergaliyeva N.O., Lamasheva Zh.B. Simulation analysis of resource allocation problems with time varying parameters // Proceedings of the Romanian academy, Series A, Volume 17, Number 1/2016, pp. 76-83. (Tomson Reuters, Scopus);
- Shukayev Dulat N., Yergaliyeva Nazgul O., Bimurat Zhanar, Abdibekov Darkhan. Making investment decisions under uncertainty / The 7th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Identification, MSI 2017, July 19 – 21, 2017, pp. 50-52. Calgary, Canada (Scopus);
- Kim Ye., Shukayev D., Bimurat Zh.. Simulation analysis of the investment activity effectiveness of the Development bank // The 7th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Identification, MSI 2017, July 19 – 21, 2017, pp. 53-57. Calgary, Canada (Scopus);
- Bimurat Zh., Abdibekov D.U., Shukayev D.N., Kim Ye. R., Shukayev M.D. Sensitivity of optimal portfolio problems to time-varying parameters: simulation analysis // Journal of Asset Management . – 2019. – Volume 20, Issue 5. – pp 395–402 (Scopus).
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