Boshkayeva Lailya Tursunovna
Candidate of technical sciences
Senior Lecturer
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing
Email: l.boshkayeva@satbayev.111
Professional biography
In 1997, she graduated with honors from the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev "(hereinafter - KazNTU) with a degree in" Non-ferrous metallurgy ", having received the qualification of metallurgical engineer. In 1997-2001 She studied at graduate school at KazNTU with a degree in 05.02.16 - Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals. In 2010, she defended her thesis on "Improving the technology of electrothermal smelting of ilmenite concentrates in Kazakhstan with fluxing additives". Labor began in 1997, first as a drawing teacher in a secondary school in Almaty, then in 2001 as a teacher at the Department of Non-Ferrous Metals Metallurgy of KazNTU. From 2007 to 2014 у. she worked at this department as a senior teacher, in 2014-2016 у. - acting assistant professor, and from 2016 to this day has been working as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing, KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev (now Satpayev University). Since 1998, he has been directly involved in the implementation of fundamental, innovative and grant research projects as a senior research fellow, senior fellow and the responsible executor of scientific projects. He has more than 45 scientific (including articles, reports, patents, reports on research and patent research) and more than 40 educational and methodical works (including standard and work programs, teaching materials, methodical instructions). He gives lectures in the disciplines: “Modeling of metallurgical processes”, “Nan alloys and nanomaterials”, “Technology of metallurgical production”, “Autogenous processes in metallurgy”, “Metallurgy of rare metals”, “Metallurgy of heavy non-ferrous metals”, “Processes and apparatuses in non-ferrous metallurgy "," General metallurgy "," Special electrometallurgy "," Technology for processing gold-containing raw materials". She leads the dissertations of doctoral students and undergraduates, graduate projects of students and has issued a number of undergraduates and bachelors in corporate programs and learning remotely for titanium-magnesium production (JSC “UK TMK”). She regularly participated in the production and undergraduate internships of students at leading metallurgical companies such as KazZinc Corporation, KazakhMys, Altyntau-Kokshetau, and TMK Management Company. In 2015, she underwent a foreign internship at ITMA (Prague, Czech Republic) on the topics Metallurgy and Foundry: Research and Innovation and Ecology and Sustainable Development; in 2019, she participated in the International Forum for Cooperation and Exchange in Silk Road education at Chang'an University (Siyan, China). He is a member of the SAC for Magistracy and Baccalaureate, a member of the Republican Appeal Commission for passing the KTA (NTC MES RK), the developer and expert of test tasks for the entrance exam for the magistracy, KTA and VOUD, was a member of the KVK University, regularly conducts advising. Awarded a letter of thanks to KazNITU. K.I. Satpayev for his participation in training in honor of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2016), the medal of the Alumni Association - "Best Graduate" for excellent study (2014), and a letter from K. KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev for participating in training (2014).
higher - 1992-1997 у. - Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, specialty "Metallurgy of non-ferrous metals", qualification "engineer-metallurgist".
Graduate School - 1997-2001 у. - Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, specialty “05.16.02 - Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals”, diploma of candidate of technical sciences ҒК No. 0007990.
Scientific projects
Research and development of a technology for the production of commercial products of titanium, silicon, copper, zinc, rhenium, osmium, vanadium, modified bitumen for asphalt concrete, as well as research on the processing of metallurgical waste, dust of thermal power plants, on ecology and protection environment, safety and labor protection.
Participated in the following research projects:
- Grant of the Science Committee for 2015-2017. - Priority "Rational use of natural resources, processing of raw materials and products", Priority "Technologies for processing of raw materials and products" on topics 1. "Development of an innovative technology for processing vanadium ores of Kazakhstan", 2. "Development of a technology for deep purification of exhaust gases from thermal power plants, power plants and metallurgical enterprises with the receipt of marketable secondary products ”, 3.“ Development and practical implementation of innovative technology for producing rubber-bitumen binders for asphalt concrete ”
- Grant of the Science Committee for 2013-2015. - the program “Grant funding for scientific research for 2013-2015” on the topic No. 753.MON.GF.13.6 “Development of an innovative technology for the production of titanium slag from low-grade and difficult to recover ilmenite concentrates with new fluxing additives”;
- Grant of the Science Committee for 2012-2014. - NTP “Targeted Development of University Science Based on Innovative Result” on the topic “Integrated processing of lead dust from copper smelting with the production of ammonium perrenate, target products of lead, osmium, copper, cadmium, zinc from by-products of the processing of lead dust by the autoclave-distillation method”;
- Grant of the Science Committee for 2009-2011, as well as fundamental and economic. contractual research for 1999-2004 by topics: “Development of a new gas transportation technology for producing high-quality quartz concentrate”, “Development of a new highly efficient pyrometallurgical technology for the extraction of rhenium and osmium from copper sulphate sludge”, “Development of a new pyrometallurgical technology for the extraction of rhenium and osmium from copper lead production dust”, “Research and development of a processing technology for the waste management system at TMK UK with the extraction of valuable components and waste disposal,” “Development of a technology for producing titanium slag at TMK UK with the associated utilization of sludge collector sediments No. 1,2,3”.
1. Boshkaeva L.T., Khudaibergenov T.E. Ecological and economic assessment of sludge collector sediments of the UK TMK // Transactions of I international. scientific and practical. conf. "Mining in Kazakhstan." - Almaty, 2001. –T.2.
2. Svambaev EA, Sultanbekova GA, Boshkaeva L.T. et al. Toxicological evaluation of methanol // Transactions of VI int. scientific and technical Conf., dedicated to the 70th anniversary of KazNTU. K.I. Satpayeva “New to safety. life. ”(OT, ecology, valeology, human protection in emergencies, toxicology), Part II, Almaty, KazNTU, 2004.
3. Boshkaeva L.T., Khudaibergenov T.E., Lokhova N.G. Study of methods of hydrometallurgical processing of sludge accumulator sediments of UK TMK // KIMS. 2004. -№ 5-6.
4. Slamov T., Dauletbakov T.S., Boshkaeva L.T. The study of sintering firing of lead mixture // Bulletin of KazNTU, No. 6, 2006.
5. The method of processing titanium concentrates. Shayakhmetova R.A., Boshkaeva L.T., Shayakhmetov B.M., Alybaev Zh.A., Kharlamov A.S. Innovation patent No. 20560, С22И 34/12. RK. publ. 12/15/2008, Bull. Number 12.
6. Zhunusova G.Zh., Boshkaeva L.T., Korabaev A.S. and other Justification of the process of iodine firing of the components of quartz-containing raw materials in equilibrium conditions // Bulletin of KazNTU, 2011. - No. 6.
7. Edenbaev S.S., Zhunusova G.Zh., Boshkaeva L.T. and other Autoclave-distillation processing of lead dusts of copper smelting production // KIMS, 2011. - No. 11,12.
8. The method of extracting osmium from osmium-containing materials and installation for its implementation. Edenbaev S.S., Zhunusova G.Zh., Boshkaeva L.T. and others. Innovation patent No. 27168, C22, RK. Application submission date 24.08.2012, publ. 2013
9. Alybaev Zh.A., Baimbetov BS, Boshkaeva LT, Omirzakov B. Thermodynamic analysis of processes during the melting of ilmenite concentrates on titanium slag. KIMS. No. 2. 2014.
10. Bayskakova M., Zhunisali A., Boshkaeva L.T. Prospective technologies of the 21st century - methods for processing off-balance copper ores // Proceedings of the international forum "Engineering Education and Science in the 21st Century: Problems and Prospects" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev. Volume I, Almaty .: - 2014.
11. Alybaev Zh.A., Boshkaeva L.T. Prospects for the use of vanadium ores in Kazakhstan // Proceedings of the international forum "Engineering Education and Science in the XXI Century: Problems and Prospects" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev. Volume I, Almaty .: - 2014.
12. Bekenova G.K., Alybaev Zh.A., Levin V.L., Boshkaeva L.T., Dzhumankulova S.K. Micro- and nanoscale minerals of vanadium-bearing carbon-siliceous schists of North-Western Karatau (Southern Kazakhstan). - News of NAS RK. No. 3. - Almaty.-2016.
13. Dosmukhamedov N.K., Zholdasbay E.E., Kaplan V.A., Boshkaeva L.T., Kurmanseitov M.B. Technological experiments on the regeneration of carbonate-sulfate melts by the electrothermal method. - Bulletin of Kazakh National Technical University, No. 1. -Almaty, 2017.
14. Soundproofing outdoor blinds. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 4108. Publ. 03/01/2019
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