Aben Yerbolat
Candidate of technical sciences
Associate Professor
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Mining
Email: y.aben@satbayev.111
Professional biography
08.2021 Associate Professor, K.I.Satpayev KazNITU
08.2020 Assistant Professor, KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev
08.2016 Lecturer, KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev
09.2014-08.2015 Lecturer Kazadi named after L. B. Goncharov
09.2013-02.2016 part-time lecturer
06.2013 reviewer of diploma projects in mining KazNTU. K. I. Satpayeva
01.2010 -10.2014 part-time researcher 2002-2004 part-time laboratory Assistant at the University
08.2011-02.2015 chief project engineer of TAU-Ken Engineering LLP»
02.2009 - 07.2014 Director of LLP "НИПИ «Казгорпроект»
01.2009-08.2011 Chief specialist "Kazakhstan Nuclear University" at NAC " Kazatomprom”
Kazakh national Technical University, engineer, ЖБ № 0677468
Institute of mining, Candidate of technical Sciences, Geotechnology (mining), ҒК № 0005613
Associate Professor (Associate Professor) in the field of Environmental Engineering, ДЦ №0000370
Scientific projects
Participation in scientific projects (for the last 5 years):
Scientific director of the project for 2023-2025 IRN AP19679911 "Improving the efficiency of uranium leaching in the development of complex hydrogenic deposits";
Leading researcher of the contractual project "Development of a combined hydroelectric power plant for generating electricity from technological solutions", 2023-2024.;
Leading researcher of the project for 2022-2024 IRN AР14871011 "Creation of mining technologies for continuous and integrated use of a subsurface array in a controlled mode and a closed cycle";
Leading researcher of the contractual project "Intensification of the extraction process using oxidants in the leaching process at the Mynkuduk deposits", 2020-2022.;
Senior Researcher of the contractual project "Development of technology for the intensification of denitration and leaching processes in the conditions of the Tsentralny site of the Mynkuduk deposit", 2019.;
Senior researcher of the project, 2018-2020, "Development of technology for excavation and extraction of gold from poor ore veins"
List of scientific papers in international peer reviewed
scientific journals, included in Scopus and Web of Science databases
Yussupov, Kh, Aben, E, Myrzakhmetov, S, Akhmetkanov, D, Sarybayev, N. Increasing the Efficiency of Underground Block Leaching of Metal. Civil Engineering Journal (Iran), 2024, 10(10), pp. 3339-3349, DOI: 10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-10-014
Aben, E., Yussupova, S., Akhmetkanov, D., Yelzhanov, E., Sarybayev, N. Research into Uranium Characteristics and Content in a Pregnant Solution During Leaching with Oxygen Saturation. Civil Engineering Journal (Iran), 2024, 10(5), pp. 1606–1615, DOI: https://doi.org/10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-05-016
Yussupov, Kh., Aben, E., Akhmetkanov, D., Aben, Kh., Yussupova, S. (2023). Investigation of the solid oxidizer effect on the metal geotechnology efficiency. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 17(4), 12-17. https://doi.org/10.33271/mining17.04.012
Aben E., Malanchuk Z., Fedotenko V., Orynbaev B. Improving efficiency of rock breaking using pre-weakening of rock mass. Eurasian Mining, 2023, 40(2), pp. 62-65, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17580/em.2023.02.13
Toktaruly, B., Bayeshov, A., Aben, Y., Suleimenov, S.K. Effect of process solution saturation with oxygen on uranium in-situ leaching performance. Eurasian Mining, 2022, 38(2), pp 50-53, DOI: 10.17580/em.2022.02.12
Aben, E., Toktaruly, B., Khairullayev, N., Yeluzakh, M. Analyzing changes in a leach solution oxygenation in the process of uranium ore borehole mining. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2021, v 15, Iss 3, pp 39-44, DOI:10.33271/mining15.03.039
Yussupov, K., Aben, Y., Omirgali, A., Rakhmanberdiyev, A. Analyzing a denitration process in the context of underground well uranium leaching. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2021, vol 15, Iss 1, pp 127-133 DOI:10.33271/mining15.01.127
Aben, E., Markenbayev, Z., Khairullaev, N., Myrzakhmetov, S., Aben, K. Study of change in the leaching solution activity after treatment with a cavitator. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2019, v 13, Iss 4, pp 114-120, DOI:10.33271/mining13.04.114
Khairullayev N.B., Aliev S.B., Aben, Y.Kh, Uisimbek A.A. Study of the effect of solution activation on the density of the pregnant solution and on the content of the useful component. News of the National academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan series of geology and technical sciences, 2021, Vol 4, №448, pp.36-41, DOI: 10.32014/2021.2518-170x.79
Omirgali A.K., Aliev S.B., Yussupov Kh.A., Aben, E.Kh., Akhmetkhanov D.K. Improving the efficiency of denitration of sorbent solution in uranium geotechnology. Ugol, 2022, 4, pp. 72–76, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18796/0041-5790-2022-4-72-76
Aben E.Kh., Rustemov S.T., Bakhmagambetova G.B., Akhmetkhanov, D. Enhancement of metal recovery by activation of leaching solution | Повышение извлечения металла на основе активации выщелачивающего раствора. Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin, №12, 2019, pp.169-179, DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-12-0-169-179
Bitimbaev M. Zh., Krupnik L. A., Aben Kh. Kh., Aben, E.Kh. Adjustment of backfill composition for mineral mining under open pit bottom. Gornyi Zhurnal, №2235, 2.2017, c. 57-61, DOI: 10.17580/gzh.2017.02.10Articles in publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Қазбек, А., Ахметканов, Д., Абен, Е. и Мырзахметов, С. ПОВЫШЕНИЕ КАЧЕСТВА ДРОБЛЕНИЯ РУДЫ ПРИ СКВАЖИННОЙ ОТБОЙКЕ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ ПРОГРАММЫ MICROMINE МЕСТОРОЖДЕНИЯ ЖОЛЫМБЕТ. Вестник КазУТБ, т. 4, вып. 25, декабрь 2024 г., doi:10.58805/kazutb.v.4.25-554
Е.Х. Абен, Д.К. Ахметканов, М. Елузах, Е.А. Елжанов. Сілтілеу ерітіндісінің оттегімен тотығу технологиясын зерттеу. Горный журнал Казахстан. №10, 2023, с. 13-18, ISSN: 2227–4766
Aben. E, Akhmetkanov D.K., Chukharev S.M., Omirgali A. Increase in flow rate of extraction wells during uranium leaching using a chemical reagent. Горный журнал Казахстан. №6, 2023, с. 26-30, ISSN: 2227–4766
Кенжетаев Ж.С., Тогизов К.С., Омиргали А.К., Абен Е., Жәлиқызы Р. Intensification of inhibitor-assisted uranium ISL process. Известия НАН РК. Серия геологии и технических наук. № 3 (459), 2023, с. 108-118, ISSN:2518-170X (Online), ISSN: 2224-5278 (Print)
Битимбаев М.Ж., Юсупов Х.А., Абен Е.Х. Развитие теории создания природоподных комбинированных геотехнологий и возможности их практической реализации. Горный журнал Казахстан. №12, 2022, с. 22-27, ISSN: 2227–4766
Оника С.Г., Рысбеков К.Б., Абен Е.Х., Бахмагамбетова Г.Б. Зависимость скорости выщелачивания от температуры продуктивного раствора. Вестник КазНИТУ. №6 (142), 2020, с. 700-705, ISSN: 2709-4766 (Online), ISSN: 2709-4758 (Print)
Krupnik L. A., Aben Kh. Kh., Shaposhnik Y.N., Aben E. Technology of blasting at the contact with backfilled stopes. Горный журнал Казахстана, №11, 2017, с. 4-6, ISSN: 2227–4766Patents
Битимбаев М., Юсупов Х., Абен Е., Елузах М., Ахметканов Д., Хайруллаев Н. Способ разработки месторождений горизонтальными слоями с закладкой (патент на изобретение). № 36852, Дата бюллетеня: 12.07.2024, Номер бюллетеня: 28
Битимбаев М.Ж., Юсупов Х.А., Джумабаев Е.И., Абен Е. Ярусный способ подземной разработки месторождения (патент на полезную модель). №7854 от 03.03.2023, Номер бюллетеня: 9, Дата бюллетеня: 03.03.2023
Маркенбаев Ж.Д., Нуралиев Г.О., Нурсагат Н.Н., Рахманбердиев А.Ғ., Юсупов Х.А., Абен Е. Способ повышения содержания урана в продуктивном растворе при подземном скважинном выщелачивании (патент на полезную модель). №7390 от 16.05.2022, Номер бюллетеня: 20, Дата бюллетеня: 19.05.2022
Маркенбаев Ж.Д., Нуралиев Г.О., Нурсагат Н.Н., Рахманбердиев А.Ғ., Юсупов Х.А., Абен Е. Установка денитрации при сорбционном извлечении урана (патент на полезную модель). №7245 от 16.05.2022, Номер бюллетеня: 26, Дата бюллетеня: 01.07.2022
Баешова А.К., Юсупов Х.А., Абен Е., Мырзабеков Б.Э. Способ окисления ионов двухвалентного железа (патент на полезную модель). №5662 от 24.09.2020, Номер бюллетеня: 51, Дата бюллетеня: 20.12.2020Monographs, textbooks
Абен Е.Х., Мырзахметов С. С., Юсупов Х. А. Геотехнологические процессы при разработке месторождений полезных ископаемых. Учеб. пособие для магистр. и доктор. спец. "Горная инженерия", М-во образования и науки РК, КазНИТУ, 2022. ISBN 978-601-323-296-6
Yelzhanov Y.A., Yussupova S.A., Aben E. Substantiation of rational parameters of the explosive breakout technology in a structural block array (монография). Prospects for developing resource-saving technologies in mineral mining and processing, 2022. - PP. 327-368
Aben K. K., Yussupov Kh., Aben E. Development of resource-saving technology for mining of reserves below the pit bottom (монография). Topical issues of resource-saving technologies in mineral mining and processing, 2018- PP. 6- 26№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Research on the problems of uranium mining by underground borehole leaching