Abetov Auez Egemberdieviсh
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov
Department of Geophysics and Seismology
Email: abetov.auez@mail.333
Professional biography
Being a member of the “Institute of Geology and Geophysics” (Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences) I studied the deep structure, geological evolution, petrographic composition and rheological properties of the consolidated crust in Central Asia, Kazakhstan and adjacent regions, as well as investigated the impact of consolidated crust on the geological structure, evolution and hydrocarbon potential of the sedimentary cover at these regions (Engineer, Senior Engineer, Junior Researcher, Researcher) in 1987-1991;
In 2002 - 2003 Head of Laboratory "Structures of lithosphere" (combined duties). For a number of years (1997-2003) I was a member of the Expert Council under the State Committee on Science and Technology of Uzbekistan, and an Expert at the Higher Attestation Commission at the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (combined duties). I have experience in seismic data acquisition (1980 - 1984) while working as Assistant Geophysicist, Geophysicist in “UzbekGeophysica" (State Production Company, Uzbekistan) in Ustyurt region.
In 1984-1986, I was a PhD student of the “Institute of Earth Physics, Academy Sciences of the USSR” (Moscow). I am a member of the SPE, SEG, and local scientific communities, the author/co-author of more than 200 scientific and technical publications, reports, two monographs, annual overviews and analytical applications for geology, geophysics and production by regions of work.
I regularly take part in the annual technical Schlumberger symposiums and SPE conferences, including preparation of articles and presentations. Fluent in Russian, English, Kazakh and Uzbek languages. Computer skills - Windows (Word, Excel, Power Point). Available certificates – Islamabad Training Institute, Petrel Geological Modeling (advanced), MMRD (ISIS), TECHLOG, SFEP (Sales for Experienced Professional), PSQL and Play-to-Prospect. Periodically lectured on topical areas of Petroleum Geology for various segments within Schlumberger, as well as for students of local universities (Astrakhan, Almaty, and Tashkent). Organization of scientific and technical conferences for students.Training and mentoring of newcomers and other specialists. Reviews of dissertation abstracts for the degree of candidate (PhD for Geology) and doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences.
In 1996-1998, worked as a Senior Lecturer at Tashkent State University (part-time). Job instructor Schlumberger NExT program; lectures designed for the Russian audience: "Applied geology of oil and gas", "Seismic Fundamentals", "Structural Geology" for external Customers and internal for Schlumberger staff. According to published literature, internet, materials of conferences, symposiums and other communication channels I regularly perform monitoring for new technologies, methods, techniques and geophysical tools in the exploration and production of hydrocarbons in sedimentary basins with different geological structure, as well as for publications that reflect new information on the lithology, tectonics, reservoir properties, oil and gas potential, thermodynamics and other reservoir characteristics concerning geological exploration, oil and gas production on fields in the petroleum basins of Central Asia , Kazakhstan, Russia and adjacent states.
1. Medal "Miner's glory" III degree 11.12.2020,
2. Jubilee medal "120 years since the birth of K.I. Satpayev" 12.04.2019
3. Order of A. Baitursynov - for outstanding contribution to the development of the education and science system of Kazakhstan and outstanding work on preparation highly qualified specialists.15.12.2021.
4. Departmental medal "KAZENERGY" in recognition and encouragement for labor and professional achievements in the development of the oil and gas and energy complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 08/16/2023.
5. Departmental medal "For contribution to the development of the petrochemical industry". Certificate No. 39 (order 03-02/1491) from the Association of Producers and Consumers of Petrochemicals, the Industry Trade Union of Workers in the Oil, Gas, Chemical and Related Industries (September 2024).
1. From the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers for assistance in organizing and holding the 14th scientific and practical conference and exhibition "Engineering and Mining Geophysics 2018", which took place in Almaty on April 23-27, 2018 (General Director of LLC " EAGE Geomodel" Novikov M.).
2. From the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers for assistance in organizing and holding the 15th Scientific and Practical conference and exhibition "Engineering and Ore Geophysics 2019" and the first conference "Marine Technologies 2019", which took place in Gelendzhik from April 22 to 26, 2019. (General Director of LLC "EAGE Geomodel" Novikov M.).
3. For assistance in holding a series of events in Gelendzhik: "Engineering and Ore Geophysics 2021", "Engineering and Ore Geology 2021", "Marine Technologies 2021" and an international seminar (Marcel van Loon, Executive Director, EAGE).
4. For conscientious work and high professionalism, as well as the training of highly professional personnel, for their contribution to the formation and development of the industry In honor of the professional holiday of the Oil and Gas Complex Worker's Day, (General Director of the association "KAZENEREGY" K.N. Ibrashev, 4.09.2021).
5. For high professionalism in the training of qualified specialists, for many years of work in the development of the oil and gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In connection with the professional holiday - the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Chairman of the Board of the NGO "VNGC" Karabalin U., 4.09.2021)
6. To the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For many years of work and professionalism in the training of qualified specialists (Rector of KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev Beisembetov I.K., 2016).
7. Certificate of gratitude. For services to the Perm International Forum "Science and Global Challenges of the 21st Century" as an effective manager of the "International Supervisory Board". December 14, 2021.
8. To the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For many years of work and professionalism in the training of qualified specialists (Rector of KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Begintaev M.M., 2021).
Certificates of honor:
1. Certificate of Honor "For contribution to the development of the education system and improving the quality of education on the path of spiritual and social development of independent Kazakhstan" from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (from the Minister of Education and Science Aimagambetov A, December 2020).
2. For fruitful work and significant contribution to the development of the University (from the Head of the Rector's Office - B.H. Myktybayev, December 2020).
3. For conscientious work in the education system, success in educational and educational work and in connection with the professional holiday "Geologist's Day" (from the Vice-rector for Academic Work Iskakov R.M., March 2015).
4. For success in organizing and improving the educational process and the introduction of modern methods in the educational process. In connection with the professional holiday "Geologist's Day" (Rector of KazNITU M.M. Begentaev, April 2022).
5. For many years of dedicated work in the education system, scientific creative achievements in moral upbringing and quality education of the younger generation, and professional excellence in improving the quality of scientific work in honor of the 125th anniversary of K.I. Satpayev and on the occasion of the professional holiday, Science Day (Vice-Rector for Science and Corporate Development Kuldeev E.I., April 12, 2024).
Certificates for participation in international scientific-technical, scientific-practical and applied conferences:
1. "Main problems of hydrocarbon reserves growth" - Almaty, Satbayev University, International Center for Analysis and Development of Fields, May 2022.
2. "Fundamental and applied aspects of geology, ecology and chemistry using modern educational technologies" - Almaty, Satbayev University, Valikhanov University. The conference is dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the birth of a scientist, engineer-geologist, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, corresponding member of the AID RK Zharkinbekov T.N.
3. XXVII International Conference "European Academy of Sciences and Research. Section of Geosciences" - Hamburg, Germany, April 2022.
Patents and patent research:
1. Copyright certificate of state registration No. 0928 dated April 4, 2018 for the object of copyright under the title: "Methodological recommendations for the assessment of resources and calculation of methane reserves in coal seams as an independent mineral" (authors Abetov A.E., Cherniyazdanov Ch.A., Mullagaliev F.A., Tolyspaev E.T.).
2. Patent for utility model. Method of compression seismic exploration on reflected waves. Katrenov Zhanibek Serikovich (KZ) Abetov Auez Egemberdievich (KZ) Zhaobo Meng (US) Tao Zhang (US). (21) 2024/0737.2 (22) 06/05/2024 (45) 08/09/2024.
Related to studies on sedimentary rock basins of Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Northern Iraq, including:
a) interpretation of 2D and 3D seismic data, 3D physical and geological iterative modeling, integrated analysis of geological, geophysical and field data on areas and deposits;
b) reconstructions of paleotectonic and paleogeographic sedimentation environments, determination of genetic productivity potential, calculation of hydrocarbon resources, analysis of uncertainties (risks), assessment of oil and gas potential for oil and gas fields;
c) seismic facies analysis of sedimentary complexes of different ages, identification of potentially oil and gas bearing zones and intervals, prediction of sites with possible hydrocarbon traps and basin modeling;
d) studies of the composition, structure, conditions of occurrence and the nature of saturation of promising oil and gas complexes of rocks;
e) coordination and monitoring of geological and geophysical work and assessment of geological risks during well drilling.
Commercialization Certificates:
1. Certificate of finalist of the republican competition “Reactor for commercialization of technologies” (organized by JSC “Fund of Science”. KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev, TechGarden) for the project: “Noah” - monitoring of the flooding front of oil and gas fields using the TDES-3D/4D electromagnetic sensing method. Almaty. October 31, 2023.
2. Certify the finalist of the republican competition “Technology Commercialization Reactor” (organized by the Science Foundation JSC. KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, TechGarden) for the project: “Pollok” - a method for complex processing of large arrays of area and borehole geophysics data using machine learning methods . Almaty. October 31, 2023.
3. Certificate of completion. This is certify that Pollok has completed the Startup acceleration program. This confirms the achievement of the team in the field of startup entrepreneurship. Almaty, 06-07 June 2024.
Participation in the organization of scientific and practical conferences:
1.14th EAGE Scientific and Practical Conference and Exhibition "Engineering and Mining Geophysics 2018" (Almaty, April 24-27, 2018) and 15th EAGE Scientific and Practical Conference and "Participation in the organization and holding of the exhibition" Marine Technologies 2019" (April 22-26, 2019 in Gelendzhik), the 17th EAGE scientific and practical conference and "Participation in the organization and holding of the Marine Technologies 2021 exhibition" (April 26-30, 2021 in Gelendzhik)
2. Participation in the organization and holding of the International scientific and practical conference "Innovative technologies - the key to successful solution of fundamental and applied problems in the mining and oil and gas sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Academician K.I.Satpaev and 85 years of KazNITU.
3. Participation in the organization and holding of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and Global Challenges of the 21st Century" - Perm State Technical University, 2021.
Reviews on dissertations (abstracts of dissertations) for the academic degree of PhD, candidate and doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences:
Defense 2019:
Review of the abstract of the dissertation work by Atabaev D.Kh. on the topic: “Geological and geophysical model of the structure of the earth’s crust in the junction zone of the eastern margins of the Turan Platform with the orogenic structures of the Tien Shan, submitted for the degree of Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences in the specialty 04.00.06 – “Geophysics. Geophysical methods of searching for minerals"
The dissertation was completed at the National University of Uzbekistan. Mirzo Ulugbek (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan). .The defense of the dissertation will take place at a meeting of the Scientific Council DSc.02/30.12.2019.GM/FM.97.01 at the Institute of Seismology.
Defense 2020:
Review of the dissertation abstract for the dissertation abstract of Mordvintsev D.O.on the topic: “Geological structure of the pre-Mesozoic complexes of the Fergana depression based on geophysical data”, submitted for the degree of Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences in the specialty 04.00.06 - “Geophysics. Geophysical methods of mineral exploration.”
The dissertation was completed at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan). The defense of the dissertation will take place at a meeting of the Scientific Council DSc.02/30.12.2019.GM/FM.97.01 at the Institute of Seismology,
Defenses 2021:
Review of the dissertation abstract for the dissertation abstract of Sidorova I.P. on the topic: “Features of the structure of the lithosphere of the ore regions of Uzbekistan”, submitted for the academic degree of Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, specialty 04.00.06 – “Geophysics. Geophysical methods for searching for minerals."
The dissertation was completed at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan), where it will be defended at a meeting of the Scientific Council for the Award of Academic Degrees DSc.02/30.12.2019.GM/FM.97.01.
Defense 2022:
Review of the abstract of the dissertation by Kuvshinova M.F. on the topic: “Geological-geophysical model of the Uchbash-Karsha flexure-fracture zone and forecasting the oil and gas content of the Jurassic-Paleozoic interval”, submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in geological and mineralogical sciences, specialty 04.00.07 – “Geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields.”
The dissertation was completed at the Tashkent State Technical University (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan), where it will be defended at a meeting of the Scientific Council for the Award of Academic Degrees Dsc.24/30.12.2019.GM.41.01.
Defense 2023:
Review of the abstract of Rakhmatov’s dissertation U.N. on the topic: “Geological structure, thermogeochemical regime and prospects for oil and gas potential of the central graben of the Bukhara-Khiva paleorift”, submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in geological and mineralogical sciences, specialty 04.00.07 – “Geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas deposits"
The dissertation was completed at the Tashkent State Technical University (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan), where it will be defended at a meeting of the Scientific Council for the Award of Academic Degrees Dsc.24/30.12.2019.GM.41.01.
Defense 2024:
Review of the abstract of M.S. Sunnatov’s dissertation. on the topic: “Structural-tectonic features and prospects for oil and gas potential of Cretaceous deposits of the eastern side of the Beshkent trough”, submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in geological and mineralogical sciences, specialty 04.00.07 – “Geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields "
The dissertation was completed at the Institute of Geology and Exploration of Oil and Gas Fields (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan), where it will be defended (July 10, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at a meeting of the Scientific Council for Awarding Academic Degrees Dsc.24/30.12.2019 .GM.41.01).
1. Engineer Geophysicist: Tashkent Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Oil and Gas, specialty: geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits, 1980.
2. Postgraduate student of the Institute of Physics of the Earth, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1984-1986.
3. PhD for Geology (titles: 04.00.12 - Geophysical methods for petroleum exploration and 04.00.04 - Geotectonic): Moscow, VNIIYAG (Scientific & Research Institute, Russia), 1989.
4.Doctor of Sciences in Geology and Mineralogy (title: 04.00.17 - geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields): Tashkent, NEFTEGASNAUKA (Scientific & Research Institute), 1997.
5. Corresponding member of the Academy of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2016
6. Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2020.
7. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 5.08.2024.
Passing retraining (requalification) and advanced training courses for the period 2016-2018:
1.Phoenix Geophysics Limited. In recognition of having completed the following course: Phonix Geophysics Сompany field equipment; methodology of field works; results editing. 13-17 October 2016, Almaty.
2. Data Mine. Geological modeling in Studio RM. 30.10-03.11. 2017, Almaty.
3. Tomsk Polytechnic University, Institute of Natural Resources. "Petroleum interpretation of geological and geophysical data in forecasting and prospecting for oil and gas". Certificate of completion of the course of lectures and practical exercises. November 30 to December 13, 2018, 48 hours.
4. WRC university. This certificate certifies that Abetov Auez Egemberdyevich,
5. Satbayev University passed a business training in the form of a webinar "VKR-VUZ platform: new services and opportunities, what you need to know when working with the system and when passing checks" in the amount of 2 hours. 2018.
5. IPR media. This certificate certifies that Abetov Auez Egemberdyevich passed a business training in the form of a webinar "Effective Communications" in the amount of 2 hours, conducted as part of the "Block of trainings for heads of libraries and departments of higher educational institutions: personal and professional growth." 28.02.2018.
6. IPR media. Abetov Auez Egemberdyevich passed a business training in the form of a webinar "Time Management" in the amount of 2 hours, held as part of the "Block of trainings for heads of libraries and departments of higher educational institutions. 02/14/2018.
7. IPR media This certificate certifies that Abetov Auez Egemberdyevich passed a business training in the form of a webinar "Setting and Achieving Goals" ("Goal Setting") in the amount of 2 hours, conducted as part of the "Training Block for Heads of Libraries and Departments of Higher Educational Institutions: personal and professional growth” 07.02.2018.
Passing retraining (requalification) and advanced training courses for the period 2020-2024:
1. Mining Club: Junior exploration (8 hours). Tau Ken Samruk. 21.02.2020, Almaty.
2. Improving pedagogical skills (72 hours). KazNITU them. K.I. Satpaeva. 18-22.01.2021, Almaty.
3. "Improving skills in distance learning format" in the period from June 23 to August 11, 2020, in the amount of 72 hours. KazNITU them. K.I. Satpaeva.
4.IPR MEDIA. Seminar "Electronic library IPR BOOKS: new formats of the educational process, a tool for distance learning and operational preparation of RPD". 11/30/2020
5. Advanced training of the head of the department in the period 21-22.01.2020. in the amount of 36 hours. KazNITU them. K.I. Satpaeva.
6. Anti-plagiarism: Quality standards for scientific information: Web of Science and Anti-plagiarism” 04/15/2021 No. 20210415/159.
7. Course of the Kazakhstan Quality Organization under the program “Anti-Corruption Management Systems. ISO 37001:2016 in the amount of 36 hours. 7.11.2021
8. GridPoint Dynamics LLC. Course "Interpretation of seismic data, calculation of reserves and geological modeling in Geoplat software". Russia, Moscow, May 20-27, 2021
9. Researcher Academy on Campus Certificate of Attendance This certifies that Auez Abetov has attended the following SciVal Fundamentals at Satbayev University, on Thursday 20 January, 2022
10. Researcher Academy on Campus Certificate of Attendance This certifies that Auez Abetov has attended the following SciVal Fundamentals at Satbayev University, on Thursday 20 January, 2022.
11. GEODEVICE KAZAKHSTAN LLP. Geophysical equipment from Instrumentation GDD, 04.10.2022
12. GEODEVICE KAZAKHSTAN LLP. "Experience in the use of borehole high-resolution seismic in solving ore and engineering problems", October 27, 2022
13. GEODEVICE KAZAKHSTAN LLP. "Mine seismic survey and specialized equipment of the DMT company (Germany)", November 03, 2022.
14. Clarivate. web of science. The certificate confirms that Abetov A.E. passed the Clarivate Information Resources Certification Program for Research and Evaluation of Scientific Performance: Web of Science, Journal Citation Report. Incites Benchmarking&Analytics. 23.10.2022.
15. PONEN. CRIRSKO. KAZRC. Certificate. This certificate confirms that Abetov Auez attended the series of seminars on international reporting standards on June 14-17, 2022.
16. Researcher Academy On Campus. Certificate of attendance at a seminar for Scopus Live authors on the Elsevier virtual learning platform in collaboration with the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (05/16/2024).
17. PONEN. CRIRSKO. KAZRC. Certificate. This certificate confirms that Abetov Auez has attended the seminar on the topic "Working with geological data - tools". "Professional Development" on December 5, 2024.
Scientific projects
1. “Reconstruction of drainage channel No. 1 with vertical drainage at the tailing pond of the tailings storage workshop of the Balkhash enrichment plant”
2. “Scientific and technical support for design work on geological and hydrodynamic modeling, calculation and balancing of each mine in the contract area of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC, development of a feasibility study for ground-based infrastructure for the extraction and processing of coal methane”.
3. Abetov A.E. (Satbayev University), Kolesov V.V. (ASTechnology" - "Development of a methodology for the complex processing of large data arrays of areal and borehole geophysics based on machine learning methods to increase the reliability of the forecast for the development zones of reservoir rocks with different lithology and reservoir properties for the purposes of optimal laying and drilling of horizontal wells" - Almaty, 2023, 32p.
4. Abetov A.E. (Satbayev University), Kolesov V.V. (ASTechnology" - "Development of prototypes of calculation modules for multi-parameter inversion of multiprobe induction logging data during drilling, processing and interpretation of data from field geophysical surveys and hydrodynamic studies of wells - Almaty, 2023, 85p.
Publications for 1986:
1. Kunin N.Ya., Abetov A.E. Tectonic zoning of the southeast of the Turan Plate based on the analysis of geophysical fields - Uzbek Geological Journal, Tashkent, Fan, No. 4, 1986. pp.58-64.
Publications for 1987:
2. Kunin N.Ya., Abetov A.E. Determination of the southern boundary of the Turan plate using seismic data - Moscow, Publishing House of the IPE USSR Academy of Sciences, No. 9, 1987, pp. 58-68.
3. Abetov A.E. Deep structure of Central Asia and adjacent regions according to seismic data - Abstracts of the reports "Abdullayev readings" - Tashkent, Fan, 1987, pp. 157-158.
Publications for 1988:
4. Monograph. Kunin N.Ya., Ioganson L.I., Afonsky M.N., Abetov A.E., Daukeev S.K. Continental depressions of Central and East Asia - Moscow, Publishing house of IPE USSR Academy of Sciences, 1988, 258p.
5. Abetov A.E. The structure of the gravitational and magnetic fields of the Middle East - Materials of the republican conference of young scientists and specialists on problems of geology and geophysics - Baku, 1988, p.91-93.
Publications for 1989:
6. Abetov A.E. Paleotectonic study on the Precambrian of the southern part of Eurasia - Uzbek Geological Journal, Tashkent, Fan, No. 6, 1989.
Publications for 1990:
7. Kunin N.Ya., Abetov A.E. Deep structure, history of the development of the Turan-Iran_Afghan-Tari sector of Eurasia (TIATSE) - Moscow, dep. VINITI, 851-B-1990.
8. Abetov A.E., Shekh-Zade E.R. Critical analysis of the development of the eastern part of the Alpian mobile belt from the standpoint of plate tectonics-Abstracts of Sov. young specialists in Zagorskoye-Moscow, 1990, pp. 105-107.
Publications for 1991:
9. Abetov A.E. Prospects for the oil and gas potential of the intermediate structural stage of the south of the Turan platform - In the collection "Geophysical research in the study of the oil and gas potential of Uzbekistan" under the editorship of Kirshina A.V. - Tashkent, SAIGIMS, 1991, issue 72, p.98-105.
10. Monogaph. Deep structure of the USSR (I.Kh. Khamrabaeva, T.E. Ergeshev, Kh.Yu. Yusupkhodzhaev, A.E. Abetov, S.S. Seiduzova at all) - Moscow, Nauka, 1991, 300p.
11. Abetov A.E. Prospects for the oil and gas potential of the intermediate structural stage of the south of the Turan platform - In the collection "Geophysical research in the study of the oil and gas potential of Uzbekistan" under the editorship of Kirshina A.V. - Tashkent, SAIGIMS, 1991, issue 72, p.98-205.
Publications for 1992:
12. Abetov, A.V., Atabayev, K.A., Babadzhanov, T.L, Yusupkhodzhayev, K.I., Yachmennikov, Y.M. Deep structure of central Asia. 1992. International Geology Review. 34(3), с. 279-297.
13. Ergeshev T.E., Abetov A.E., Chirikin V.V. Geophysical fields and deep structure of the Aral-Hissar lineament - Uzbek Geological Journal, Tashkent, Fan, No. 3-4, 1992. pp. 13-18.
Publications for 1993:
14. Abetov A.E. Allocation of inclined boundaries in the earth's crust and upper mantle along the profile of the GSS Karabeaul-Koytash - Tashkent, Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No. 6, 1993, pp. 44-47.
15. Kunin N.Ya., Abetov A.E.Geological development of the Turan-Iran-Afghan-Tarim sector of Eurasia (TIATSE) from the position of plate tectonics - Tashkent, Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No. 4, 1993, pp. 48-50.
Publications for 1994:
16. Abetov A.E. The structure of the Paleozoic deposits of the central part of the Kuanysh-Koskalin swell (according to seismostratigraphic analysis. In the collection of IGIRNIGM "Problematic issues of developing the oil and gas potential of the bowels of Uzbekistan and adjacent territories "edited by Abidov A.A. - Tashkent, IMR, 1994, pp. 42-49.
17. Abidov A.A., Abetov A.E., Kirshin A.V. On the southern border of the Turan platform - Tashkent, Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No. 6, 1994, pp. 47-49.
18. Abidov A.A., Abetov A.E., Kirshin A.V. On the deep structure of the south of the Turan platform and adjacent regions - Tashkent, Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No. 8, 1994, pp. 43-45.
19. Abidov A.A., Abetov A.E., Kirshin A.V. Isolation of the Paleozoic rift structure within the Chardzhous step - Tashkent, Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No. 7, 1994, pp. 37-38.
20. Babazhdzhanov T.L., Abetov A.E., Rubo V.V., Rzayeva V.A. Features of the structure of the intermediate structural stage of the Bukhara-Khiva oil and gas region according to seismic data - Uzbek Geological Journal, Tashkent, Fan, No. 2, 1994. pp.66-71.
21. Abidov A.A., Abetov A.E., Atabekov I.U., Khodzhimetov A. Geodynamic model of the Central Asian mountain belt (for example, the Pamir-Hindu Kush seismic focal zone) - Abstracts of reports. 1st international seminar on stresses in the lithosphere - Moscow, IGIRGI, 1994, pp.1-2.
22. Babazhdzhanov T.L., Abetov A.E., Rzayeva V.A. The main levels of deformation stresses in the consolidated crust of the platform areas of Western and North-Western Uzbekistan (Bukhara-Khiva region, Eastern Ustyurt) - Abstracts of reports. 1st international seminar on stresses in the lithosphere - Moscow, IGIRGI, 1994, pp.8-11.
Publications for 1995:
23. Abidov A.A., Abetov A.E., Kirshin A.V. Reflection of the latest movements of the earth's crust in the geophysical fields of Eastern Ustyurt - Tashkent, Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No. 2, pp. 39-42.
24. Abidov A.A., Abetov A.E., Kirshin A.V. The foundation of the Kuanysh-Koskaly shaft according to geological and geophysical data - Tashkent, Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No. 7, pp. 29-31.
25. Abetov A.E. On the significance of inclined seismic boundaries in lithosphere models along the Karbekaul-Koytash profile - Uzbek Geological Journal, Tashkent, Fan, No. 3, 1995 pp.41-43.
26. Abetov A.E., Kirshin A.V. Differences in the deep structure and geological evolution of the north and south of the Turan platform - Tashkent, Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No. 7-8, 1995, pp. 56-57.
Publications for 1996:
27. Abidov A.A., Abetov A.E., Kirshin A.V., Rzayeva V.A. Features of the structure and prospects for the oil and gas potential of the Kuanysh-Koskala swell in connection with the types of consolidated crust-Tashkent, Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, No. 7-8, p.55-57.
28. Abetov A.E., Yudashev Zh.Yu. Conjugation of the platform territories of Western Uzbekistan and the orogenic regions of the Southern Tien Shan. In the collection "UzbekNIPINeftegaz" ed. Ermatova M.K., Umarova H.U., Tashkent, GKROP, 1996, p.24-32
29. Abetov A.E. On the connection of the latest movements of the earth's crust with geophysical fields and structural features of the pre-Jurassic rock complexes of the Bukhara-Khiva region - Collection of the IGIRNIGM "Oil and gas geology and the issue of growth of hydrocarbon reserves in Uzbekistan", ed. E.A. Mamadzhanov, Tashkent 1996, pp. 19-27.
30. Abetov A.E., Avazkhodzhaev Kh.Kh., Kirshin A.V. Geological and geophysical model of the pre-Jurassic deposits of the Akchalak-Karachalak area of the Kuanysh-Koskaly swell. Collection of IGIRNIGM "Oil and gas geology and the issue of growth of hydrocarbon reserves in Uzbekistan", ed. E.A. Mamadzhanova, Tashkent 1996, pp. 27-36.
31. Abidov A.A., Abetov A.E., Kirshin A.V., Avazkhodzhaev Kh.Kh. On the geodynamic evolution of the Kuanysh-Koskaly tectonic zone in the Paleozoic - Uzbek Geological Journal, Tashkent, Fan, No. 3, pp. 91-97.
32. Babadzhanov T.L., Abetov A.E., Rubo V.V., Rzayeva V.A. Geodynamic model of the consolidated crust of the southern part of Eastern Ustyurt - Uzbek Geological Journal, Tashkent, Fan, No. 6, pp. 3-9.
33. Abetov A.E., Kirshin A.V., Rzayeva V.A. Geological development of the Sudoch trough in the Paleozoic in connection with the prospects for the oil and gas potential of the pre-Yuan formations - Abstracts of reports. Republican scientific and technical conference "Geology and development of oil and gas fields in Uzbekistan", Tashkent, NK "Uzbekneftegaz", 1996, p.82-84.
34. Babadzhanov T.L., Abetov A.E., Rubo V.V., Masumov A.S., Rzayeva V.A. Tectonic position of Northern Ustyurt in the system of Hercynian structures in the west of Central Asia - Abstracts of reports. Republican scientific and technical conference "Geology and development of oil and gas fields in Uzbekistan", Tashkent, NK "Uzbekneftegaz", 1996, p.47-49.
35. Babadzhanov T.L., Abetov A.E., Rubo V.V., Masumov A.S., Mamadaliev T. On the problem of articulation of folded systems and rigid blocks in the Hercynian structure on the example of Western Uzbekistan - Abstracts of reports. Republican scientific and technical conference "Geology and development of oil and gas fields in Uzbekistan", Tashkent, NK "Uzbekneftegaz", 1996, p.75-77.
Publications for 1997:
36. Abetov A.E. Seismic facies analysis of Permian-Triassic sewdiments of the central part of the Kuanysh-Koskalin swell and adjacent areas - Uzbek Geological Journal, Tashkent, Fan, No. 4, pp. 8-15.
37. Akramkhodzhaev A.M., Kirshin A.V., Abetov A.E.Geodynamic evolution of the Bukhara-Khivva region in the Paleozoic and a preliminary assessment of the genetic potential of oil and gas productivity of pre-Jurassic deposit - In the collection "Geodynamic evolution and oil and gas potential of sedimentary basins", Moscow, Nauka, 1997, pp. 176-181.
38. Abidov A.A., Abetov A.E., Khodzhimetov Kh.Kh. Modeling the processes of geodynamic structures of Central Asia to solve the problems of their oil and gas content - In the collection "Geodynamic evolution and oil and gas content of sedimentary basins", Moscow, Nauka, 1997, pp. 152-162.
Publications for 1998:
39. Abetov A.E., Kirshin A.V., Plotnikov S.V. Dynamics of the implementation of the genetic potential of productivity of organic matter in the Upper Paleozoic rocks of Ustyurt - Collection "Oil and gas geology of Uzbekistan", IGIRGIM, Tashkent, 1998, pp.22-34.
40. Abetov A.E. Possible models of traps in the pre-Yurassic rock complexes of the Kuanysh-Koskalin tectonic zone and the Sudoch trough-Collection "Oil and gas geology of Uzbekistan", IGIRNIGM, Tashkent, 1998, p.3-13.
41. Babadzhanov T.L., Abetov A.E., Rubo V.V. New data on the deep structure and oil and gas potential of the Assakeaudan depression - Oil and Gas Journal, Fan, Tashkent, 1998, №5, pp.59-62.
42. Babadzhanov T.L., Abetov A.E., Rubo V.V., Rzayeva V.A. Analysis of the complexes of the intermediate structural stage of Eastern Ustyurt (according to seismic data) - Journal "Oil and Gas", Fan, Tashkent, 1998, No. 6, pp. 13-18.
43. Babadzhanov T.L., Abetov A.E., Rubo V.V. The structure of the pre-Jurassic rock complexes of the central part of the Chardzhous step according to seismostratigraphy data - Journal "Oil and Gas", Fan, Tashkent, 1998, No. 6, pp. 12-23.
Publications for 1999:
44. Abetov A.E., Labutina L.I., Patlasova M.G. The main results of the scientific and research developments of the IGIRNIGM in the Aral-Ustyurt region and the directions of their development in the near future - Collection "Oil and gas geological science of Uzbekistan and the solution of the issue of prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits", Tashkent, 1999, pp. 81-93.
45. Abetov A.E., Labutina L.I. , Patlasova M.G. New ideas about lithology, stratigraphy and prospects of oil and gas content in the upper part of the pre-Jurassic rock complexes of the northern side of the Assakeaudan trough - Collection "Oil and gas geological science of Uzbekistan and the solution of the issue of prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits", Tashkent, 1999, p.112- 123.
46. Abetov A.E., Rybachkov A.V., Rakhmatov B.S. Problems of methodology for studying pre-Jurassic rock complexes of the platform territories of Uzbekistan - Collection "Oil and gas geological science of Uzbekistan and the solution of the issue of prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits", Tashkent, 1999, pp. 93-112.
47. Abetov A.E., Patlasova M.G. Prospects for the oil and gas potential of the pre-Jurassic rock complexes of the Sudoch trough - "Oil and gas geological science of Uzbekistan and the solution of the issue of prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits", Tashkent, 1999, pp. 123-132.
Publications for 2000:
48. Babadzhanov T.L., Abetov A.E., Kirshin A.V., Rubo V.V. Comparative analysis of the genetic prerequisites for the oil and gas potential of the Upper Paleozoic deposits of the northern and southern parts of the North Ustyurt trough system - Tashkent, Fan, Uzbek Geological Journal, No. 5-6, 2000, pp. 40-44.
49. Babadzhanov T.L., Abetov A.E., Kirshin A.V. Geodynamics of the consolidated crust of the Aral-Ustyurt region and the prospects for the oil and gas potential of the lower layers of the sedimentosphere associated with it - Republican scientific and technical conference "Geodynamic bases for forecasting the oil and gas potential of the subsoil", Tashkent, 2000, pp. 8-14.
50. Kirshin A.V., Abetov A.E., Mukhutdinov N.U. Comparative analysis of the dynamics of the realization of the genetic potential of the productivity of the organic matter of the pre-Jurassic oil and gas source suites of the Ustyurt and Bukhara-Khiva Regions - Republican scientific and technical conference "Geodynamic bases for forecasting the oil and gas potential of the subsoil", Tashkent, 2000, pp. 36-38.
51. Babadzhanov T.L., Abetov A.E., Rubo V.V. Deep structure and geological development of the Sudoch trough in the Paleozoic according to seismostratigraphic analysis - Geology and Mineral Resources, Tashkent, Fan, No. 4, 2000, pp. 11-15.
52. Babajanov T.L., Abetov A.E., Rzayeva V.A. The main levels of deformation stresses in the consolidated crust of Western Uzbekistan - Republican scientific and technical conference "Geodynamic bases for forecasting the oil and gas potential of the subsoil", Tashkent, 2000, pp. 14-18.
53. Babadzhanov T.L., Abetov A.E., Rzayeva V.A. Seismic models and geodynamics of the consolidated crust in the Bukhara-Khiva region - Republican scientific and technical conference "Geodynamic bases for forecasting the oil and gas potential of the subsoil", Tashkent, 2000, pp. 38-41.
Publications for 2001:
54. Abetov A.E., Abdullaev G.S., Labutina L.I. Scientific and practical results of drilling parametric well No. 1 Arka-Kungdrad-Tashkent, Fan, Uzbek Journal of Oil and Gas, No. 2, 2001, pp. 22-32.
55. Kirshin A.V., Abetov A.E., Mukhutdinov N.U. Geological, geophysical and genetic prerequisites for the oil and gas potential of pre-Yurassic rock complexes of Uzbekistan - Collection "Modern problems of oil and gas geology", Moscow, Scientific World, 2001, p. 140-145.
Publications for 2002:
56. Babadzhanov T.L., Abetov A.E., Rubo V.V. Genesis, history of geological development, tectonics and oil and gas potential of complexes of the intermediate structural stage of the platform territories of Uzbekistan - Tashkent, Fan, Uzbek Geological Journal, No. 4, 2002.
57. Abetov A.E. On the prospects for oil and gas potential of the Lower-Middle Jurassic deposits of the Aralmor Depression - Geology and Geophysics, Tashkent, Fan, 2002, No. 4, pp. 15-19.
58. Abetov A.E., Labutina L.I., Abetov E.E. Geology and prospects of oil and gas bearing in the South-Eastern Aral Sea - Tashkent, Fan, Uzbek Journal of Oil and Gas, No. 4, 2002, Tashkent, No. 2, 2002.
Publications for 2003:
59. Abetov A.E., Akimenko L.M., Labutina L.I. On the feasibility of resuming oil and gas prospecting in the Western Barsakelmes area - Uzbek Journal of Oil and Gas - Tashkent, Fan, No. 6, 2003, pp. 35-39.
60. Abetov A.E. On the problem of the rift genesis of pre-Jurassic rock complexes in the South-Eastern Aral region - Tashkent, Fan, Uzbek Geological Journal, No. 1, 2003.
61. Abetov A.E., Khusanov S.T., Akhmedov P.U. Non-traditional objects of prospecting for oil and gas fields in the Ustyurt region - Moscow, Geology of oil and gas., No. 6, 2003.
62. Abetov A.E. New approaches in the methodology of research of complexes of the intermediate structural stage in the Ustyurt region, Tashkent, Uzbek Journal of Oil and Gas, No. 5, 2003.
63. A new direction of geological exploration work) unconventional objects of the search for accumulations of explosives in the lower coal deposits of the Aral-Ustyurt region - Oil and gas industry No. 2, 2003, pp. 25-32.
Publications for 2005:
64. Umarov M.U., Abetov A.E., Esimkhanova A.K. Features of physical and geological modeling of the Akyrtoba underground gas storage - in the collection "Issues and prospects for the development of the oil industry in Kazakhstan", Almaty, 2005.
Publications for 2006:
65. Abetov A.E., Tolybaeva D.N. Complications and the possibility of their elimination during the operation of the first reservoir at the Akyrtoba underground gas storage (UGS) - Tver, Karotazhnik, 2006, pp. 43-50.
Publications for 2009:
66. Abetov A., DCS Almaty. Reservoirs properties and lithology of Pashiskiy horizon on seismic attributes analysis and mapping on Prigranichnoe oil field in the Pre-Caspian depression. Reservoir Characterization Simposium, 2009, 2p.
Publications for 2011:
67. Polyakov I, Abetov A., DCS Almaty. The new approach in 3D structural modeling on the sedimentary tract outcropping of oil-bearing rock - - underground petroleum systems at the Norio and Satskhenesi oil fields, Georgia. Reservoir Characterization Simposium, 2011, 3p.
Publications for 2013:
68. Bakhtiyar D., Abetov A.E., Mykhazhanov A., Yessalina S. Seismic facies analysis and petroleum prospect assessment in the Upper Paleozoic sediments of the Tuskum field- Reservoir Simposium, Schlumberger, 2013, 3p.
69. Deliya, S.V. Valisevich, A.Y. Abetov, A.E. Bulybenko, K.A. Khusainov, R.F. New technologies application to solve practical challenges in exploration and development of HC in the Russian sector of Caspian SeaSociety of Petroleum Engineers. SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Conference and Exhibition, AEE 2013. 2013 | conference-paper
Publications for 2015:
70. Abetov A.E., Dosymbekova Zh.B. Unconventional Reservoirs in Clay Deposits of Sedimentary Basins of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 2015| journal-article. Volume 2, Number 410 (2015), p. 31-42.
71. Abetov A.E., Akhmetov E.M., Zhylkybaeva G.A., Abetova S.A. Geological structure and geodynamics of the consolidated crust of the junction zone of the Southern Tien Shan and the Turan Plate. Bulletin of KazNTU. 2015.
72. Auez Abetov, Gulnara Zhylkybaeva Kainet Istekov. Geodynamics and deep structure of the lithosphere on the example of some regions of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Monograph. ISBN: 978-3-659-71751-2. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing ist ein Imprint der/ является торговой маркой OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG Heinrich-B6cking-Str. 6-8, 66121 Saarbrucken, Deutschland / Германия. 2015г., 48стр.
73. Abetov Auez, Zhylkybayeva Gulnaram, Zhylkybayev Tobyl Deep structure, seismic models, rheology and geodynamics of consolidated crust. Canadian Scientific Journal .Issue 1.2015. p. 65-77.
74. Abetov A.E., Akhmetov E.M., Abetova S.A. Predictive models of hydrocarbon traps in the pre-Jurassic complexes of the porols of Eastern Ustyurt and the South-Western Aral region. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Geology, minerageny and prospects for the development of mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Institute of Geological Sciences. K. I. Satpaeva, Almaty, 2015, pp. 412-419.
75. Abetov A.E., Zhylkybaeva G.A., Zhylkybaev T.K. Seismic models, rheology and geodynamics of the consolidated crust.News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 2015 | journal-article. Volume 1, Number 409 (2015), p. 46-55,
76. Abetov A.E., Aleshin A.P., Akhmetov E.M., Gorbatikov A.V., Erdyakov I.L., Malyshev O.A. micro-seismic sounding method (MSS). Abstracts for the meeting "Modern problems of geology, geophysics and metallogeny", Tashkent, 2015, pp.13-18.
77. Abetov A.E., Aleshin A.P., Akhmetov E.M., Gorbatikov A.V., Erdyakov I.L., Malyshev O.A. An innovative method of microseismic sounding as an effective tool for studying the structures of oil and ore deposits. Abstracts for the forum "KGF, Oil & Gas, 2015", Astana, 2015.
Publications for 2016:
78. Abetov A.E., Niyazova A.T. Anomalous geomagnetic fields of Northern Ustyurt. Article. Proceedings of the XXI International Scientific Conference "Theory and Practice of Modern Science", Moscow, 2016.
79. Abetov A.E., Abetova S.A. Dynamics of Realization of the Genetic Potential of Organic Matter Productivity in the Upper Paleozoic Deposits of Ustyurt. In the collection: Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founding at the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute of the department "Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits" -Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2016., p.77- 82.
80. Abetov A.E. Kudaibergenova S. Theoretical and practical aspects of the use of surface waves in the search and exploration of mineral deposits. Materials of the scientific and practical conference: "The concept of the development of science and innovation: the view of young scientists" - Almaty, Caspian University, 2016.
81. Abetov A.E., Bagdatuly M. CDP-3D seismic survey technique as an effective tool for studying the geological structure of subsalt deposits in the Karashkazgan area. Materials of the scientific and practical conference: "The concept of the development of science and innovation: the view of young scientists" - Almaty, Caspian University, 2016.
82. Abetov A.E., Abetova S.A. Interpretation and identification of tectonic disturbances in modeling objects using the "Ant-tracking" algorithm. Materials of the scientific and practical conference: "The concept of the development of science and innovation: the view of young scientists" - Almaty, Caspian University, 2016.
Publications for 2017:
83. Abetov A.E., Zharkinbekov T.N., Maemer M.J., Oraz B.B., Niyazova A.T. English-Russian-Kazakh terminological explanatory dictionary on seismic exploration. Kokshetau, Editorial and Publishing Department of Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov, 2017, 441p., ISBN 978-601-261-332-2.
84. Abetov A.E., Niyazova A.T., Abetova S.A. Correlation of anomalies of gravitational and geomagnetic fields within large geostructures of the North Ustyurt region. Bulletin of KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty, 2017 No. 6
85. Abetov A.E., Niyazova A.T., Saurykov Zh.Zh. Anomalies gravity field zoning of North Ustyurt and relation with basement structure // Cambridge University Press, ISSN: 0016-7568
86. Abetov, A. Niyazova, A. Saurikov, Z. 3d modeling of euler’s points for geodensity and geomagnetic models of north ustyurt region in geosoft oasis montaj. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 2017 | journal article
87. Abetov A.E., Niyazova A.T. Regional features of the geological structure of Northern Ustyurt according to gravity survey data. Actual problems of geology, geophysics and metallogeny, Tashkent, 2017, pp. 91-95.
88. Abetov A.E., Niyazova A.T. Saurykov Zh.Zh. Distribution of the upper edges of magnetically disturbing objects and identification of the main gravity disturbing boundary in the sedimentary cover of the North Ustyurt region based on the results of three-dimensional modeling of the Euler points. XXXII International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems in modern science and ways to solve them" Russia, Moscow, 2017. ISSN - 2411-6467
89. Abetov A.E., Abetova S.A. Interpretation of tectonic disturbances in modeling objects using the "Ant-tracking" algorithm in the Petrel* software - "Geology and conservation of subsoil", Almaty, No. 4, 2017, pp. 51-55.
90. Abetov A.E., Kudaibergenova S. Theoretical and practical aspects of the use of Rayleigh surface waves in the search and exploration of mineral deposits. International scientific and practical conference. Innovations and promising technologies for geological exploration in Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2017, pp. 116-121.
Publications for 2018:
91. Abetov A.E., Niyazova A.T., Saurykov Zh.Zh. Position of singular Euler points geomagnetic and density models of North Ustyurt region. Bulletin of KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty, 2018 No. 4
92. Abetov A.E., Mullagaliev F.A., Kolikov K.S. Problems and prospects of methane extraction in the Karaganda coal basin - Science and technology in the gas industry, Gazprom Design LLC (St. Petersburg), 2018, pp. 87-95.
93. Abetov A.E. Mullagaliev F.A., Kolikov K.S. Exploration and production of coal-bed methane, problems and prospects of degassing in the Karaganda coal basin - "Geology and conservation of mineral resources", No. 2, 2018, pp. 10-17.
94. Abetov A.E., Mullagaliev F.A., Kolikov K.S. Exploration and production of coal-bed methane, problems and prospects of degassing in the Karaganda coal basin - VII seminar “Production of methane from coal deposits. Problems and Prospects”, April 12, 2018, Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin, Moscow.
95. Abetov A.E., Uzbekov A.N. Anomaleus magnetic field of Central Kazakhstan- Geology and subsoil protection, Almaty 4(69) 2018.
96. Abetov A.E. Uzbekov A.N. Technogenic and tectonic seismicity in Central Kazakhstan - Proceedings of the XXII International Symposium named after Academician M.A. Usov, dedicated to the 155th anniversary of Academician V.A. Obruchev, the 135th anniversary of Academician M.A. Usov, founders of the Siberian School of Mining and Geology, and the 110th anniversary of the first graduation of mining engineers in Siberia. Problems of geology and subsoil development, Tomsk 2018, Volume I, pp. 441-444.
97. Abetov A.E., Ten V.V. Migration transformations in CDP seismic exploration when solving problems of identifying curvilinear and inclined boundaries - Proceedings of the XXII International Symposium named after Academician M.A. Usov, dedicated to the 155th anniversary of Academician V.A. Obruchev, the 135th anniversary of Academician M.A. Usov, founders of the Siberian School of Mining and Geology, and the 110th anniversary of the first graduation of mining engineers in Siberia. Problems of geology and subsoil development, Tomsk 2018, Volume I, pp. 452-454.
Publications for 2019:
98. Abetov A.E., Ibatov M.K., Borisenko G.Т., Portnov V.S., Baigazieva G.T. English-Russian-Kazakh explanatory dictionary of well-logging terms. Karaganda: Publishing house of KarSTU, 2019, 364p. ISBN 978-601-315-522-7.
99. Abetov A., Niyazova A. Deep structure of the consolidated crust of main geostructures of the North-Ustyurt region. Vestnik Satbayev University, Almaty, 2019. №5 (135) 43-51 р.
100. Grib, N.N., Uzbekov, A.N., Imaev, V.S., Grib, G.V., Abetov, A.E.Variations in the Geoelectric Properties of the Rock Masses as a Result of the Seismic Effects of Industrial Explosions. OP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Volume 362, Issue 1, 15 November 2019, Номер статьи 0121205th World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium, WMESS 2019; Prague; Czech Republic; 9 September 2019 до 13 September 2019
101. Abetov А.Е., Salauvatova А.Е. Structural-formation, reservoir-permeability and field characteristics of the 3rd development object on the northern flank of the Karachaganak oil and gas condensate field - Theory and practice of exploration and field geophysics: Sat. scientific works. Perm State National Research University, Perm 2019, p. 31-41.
102. Abetov А., Volozh Yu., Niyazova A. Correlation analysis of the main boundaries of the sedimentary cover of the North Ustyurt region. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Geo Assets Engineering is peer-reviewed journal owned by Tomsk Polytechnic University. 2019. Т. 330. No 12. 179–188 DOI 10.18799/24131830/2019/12/2418
103. Abetov A., Niyazova A. Deep structure and geophysical fields of the North Ustyurt region. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of oil and gas geology and innovative methods and technologies for developing the hydrocarbon potential of the subsoil", Tashkent, October 2019. 272-280 p.
104. Abetov A.E., Kolomatskaya O.V. Extraction of systems and fractured zones in compelexy structured resevoirs in Geoteric software using logging data and laboratory analysis of core samples- Geology and bowers of the Earth, 3(72) 2019, p.48-53.
105. Abetov A.E., Kolomatskaya O.V. Pre-Caspian Basin: Application of GeoTeric Software to Identify Fractured Systems and Fractured Zones in Complex Tournaisian Reservoirs– Oil and gas №4 (112), 2019, p. 62-74.
106. Abetov А.Е., Kudaibergenova S. Geodynamic Risk Factors on the Example of the Buzhy ydrocarbon Field - New trends in oil and gas geology and geochemistry. Collection of materials of the II scientific conference. Perm State National Research University, Perm 2019, p.9-17.
107. Abetov А.Е., Abetova S.А. Dynamic interpretation of seismic facies in modern software - New trends in oil and gas geology and geochemistry. Collection of materials of the II scientific conference. Perm State National Research University, Perm 2019, p.100-110.
108. Abetov A.E., Uzbekov A.N. Gravity field and its constituent territories of Central Kazakhstan - Geology and protection of mineral resources, Almaty 2(71) 2019.
109. Abetov А.Е., Uzbekov А.N. Deep structure of Central Kazakhstan –Vestnik Satbayev University, Almaty, 2019, №6 (136) p.28-34.
110. Abetov A.E., Uzbekov A.N. Deep structure and seismically active areas of Central Kazakhstan - Actual problems of oil and gas geology and innovative methods and technologies for developing the hydrocarbon potential of the subsoil. Set materials of the international conference. Tashkent 2019, p. 281-285.
111. Abetov A.E., Uzbekov A.N., Akhmetov A.A. Thermal fields of Central Kazakhstan- Vestnik Satbayev University, Almaty, 2019, №4 (134) p.355-360.
112. Saginbayeva А.N., Abetov А.Е., Djaikieva S.S. Comparative analysis of petrophysical models of reservoirs Yu-13 and Yu-14 horizons in the gas-oil field Uzen - Modern methods of field development with hard-to-recover reserves and unconventional reservoirs. Sat. materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Atyrau, 2019, p.424-434.
113. Abetov A.E., Uzbekov A.N. Gravity field and its components in the territory of Central Kazakhstan - Geology and protection of mineral resources, Almaty 2(71) 2019.
114. Akzhigitova A., Turgazinov I., Arturov G. Directions and prospects for the development of georadar research in Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the Satpaev Readings. Innovative technologies are the key to the successful solution of fundamental and applied problems in the ore and oil and gas sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Volume 1, pp. 546-550.
115. Abetov A.E., Isagalieva A.K. Core analysis and well logging for wells in the fields of the South Torgai depression. Proceedings of the Satpaev Readings. Innovative technologies are the key to the successful solution of fundamental and applied problems in the ore and oil and gas sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Volume 1, pp. 574-578.
116. Kolomatskaya O.V., Abetov A.E. Extraction of fracture corridors in modern software. Proceedings of the Satpaev Readings. Innovative technologies are the key to the successful solution of fundamental and applied problems in the ore and oil and gas sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Volume 1, pp. 582-586.
117. Abetov A.E., Mukanov D., Akzhigitova A., Omirbayeva A., Arturov G., Salauatova A.Justification of the need to develop a code of public reporting on the results of geological exploration, resources and reserves of oil and gas - integration into the international geological community.Proceedings of the Satpaev Readings. Innovative technologies are the key to the successful solution of fundamental and applied problems in the ore and oil and gas sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Volume 1, pp. 586-591.
118. Abetov A.E., Sagynbaуeva A.N. Construction of petrophysical models of terrigenous reservoirs of the 13-horizon at the Uzen field. Proceedings of the Satpaev Readings. Innovative technologies are the key to the successful solution of fundamental and applied problems in the ore and oil and gas sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Volume 1, pp. 546-550., с.603-607.
Publications for 2020:
119. Abetov A.E., Niyazova A.T. Geological evolution of North Ustyurt region and adjacent areas in Triassic. Geology and subsoil protection №1 (74) 2020, Almaty ISS-2414-4282. 31 - 39 pp.
120. Abetov A.E., Niyazova A.T. Jurassic stage in the history of geological development of the North Ustyurt region. Bulletin of KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty, 2020 No. 4 (140) 33-41 pp.
121. Abetov A.E., Niyazova A.T. History of the geological development of the North Ustyurt region in the Paleozoic time. Actual scientific research in the modern world // Journal - Ukraine, 2020. - Issue. 3(59), part 2 - 122 p. ISSN 2524-0986 March 2020/
122. Abetov A., Volozh Yu., Niyazova A. Correlation of the structural elements of major geostuctures of North Ustyurt region - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. Almaty, Volume 2 (2020) Impact factor: 0.64, ISSN 2518-170X (Online), ISSN 2224-5278, III-quartile.
123. Abetov A.E, A.N.Uzbekov, N.N.Grib, V.I.Imaev. Newest Tectonics and Modern Geodynamics of Mining Industrial areas of Central Kazakhstan-IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 459 (2020). 042011.
124. A.E. Abetov., D.B. Mukanov. Kazakhstan code of public reporting on the results of geological exploration, resources and reserves of oil and gas - integration into the international geological community - Bulletin of KazNITU, Almaty, 2020, No. 5 (141) pp. 17-24.
125. Abetov A.E., Dr.Grib N.N., Uzbekov A.N., Melnikov, A.E., Malinin, Y.A. Spatial variability of physical and mechanical properties of rock mass in Central Kazakhstan | Variabilidade espacial de propriedades fisicas e mecânicas de massa rochosa no Cazaquistão Central. Periodico Tche Quimica, 2020, 17(34), p. 718-726. IV-quartile.
126. Abetov A.E., Uzbekov A.N. Geophysical fields, tectonics and metallogeny of Central Kazakhstan - Geology and subsoil protection No. 3 (76) 2020, 13 p.
127. Abetov A.E. Uzbekov A.N. Geophysical fields and seismicity of Central Kazakhstan. Bulletin of the National Nuclear Center. Issue 4, December 2020. P.119-127.
128. Abetov A.E., Uzbekov A.N. Features of the deep structure and distribution of geophysical fields in Central Kazakhstan. Impact factor 0.388. Izvestiya TPU. (2020). ISSN 2413-1830, III-quartile
129. Abetov A.E., Uzbekov A.N. To the methods of interpretation of linear and mosaic gravity anomalies and seismicity of Central Kazakhstan - In the collection: Problems of geology and development of subsoil. Proceedings of the XXIV International Symposium named after Academician M.A. Mustache of students and young scientists. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. 2020. S. 319-320.
130. Kolomatskaya O.V., Abetov A.E. Fault and fracturing system modeling modern software. Proceedings of the Satpaev Readings. "SATPAEV READINGS - 2020". Volume I, pp.310-314.
Publications for 2021:
131. Abetov A. Ye., Essirkepova Sh.B., Kozhamsugirov D. Effectiveness of aerogamma-spectrometric research in solving applied problems of oil and gas geology - Geology and subsoil protection / issue 1(78) 2021.
132. Abetov A.E., Yessirkepova Sh.B. Curto Ma J. Geomagnetic field transforms and their interpretation at exploration for hydrocarbon field in the southern part of the ustyurt region. News of NAS RK. Series of geology and technical sciences, 2021, vol. 6. III - квартиль.
133. Abetov A.E., Kudaibergenova S. S. Integrated research of suffosion and karst processes at the KOGCF by geological and geophysical and geodesic methods. News of NAS RK. Series of geology and technical sciences, 2021, vol. 5, p.6-14. III - квартиль
134. Abetov A.E., Kudaibergenova S. S., Sidorov V.A. Conceptual approach to monitoring of land surface deformations in hydrocarbon fields. European Association of Geologists and Engineers, ISSN 2214-4609, Proceedings of the 17th Scientific and Practical Conference EAGE - Engineering and Mining Geophysics 2021, April 2021, Gelendzhik, Volume 2021, 1 - 11p. III-квартиль
135. Abetov A.E., Kudaibergenova S. S. Creation of geodynamic polygons and technologies of geodynamic monitoring in hydrocarbon fields. Vestnik Satbayev University, Vol. 143 No. 3, Almaty, 2021.
136. Abetov A.E., Kudaibergenova S. S. Proceedings of the II scientific conference: New directions of oil and gas geology and geochemistry Development of geological prospecting. - Perm, 2019. - p. 9-17.
137. Abetov A., Abetova S. Geodynamics of the consolidated crust of the junction zone of the South Tien Shan and the Turan platform, Bulletin of NUUz, ACTA NUUz Mirzo Ulugbek nomidagi Uzbekiston Million University Ilmiy Journal, Tashkent, 2021 (2), pp. 135-144.
138. Bektybayeva M., Mendybaev N., Bigeldiyev A., Abetov A., Tyulebayeva R., Yermukhanbet A. Workflow of petrophysical analysis performed at mine in Karaganda coal basin. Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference 2021, RPTC 2021, II-quartile.
139. A. Salauatova, A.E. Abetov. Geological structure of subsalt deposits of the Aiyrshagyl deposit. International Conference Satpaev Readings. Almaty. 2021, pp. 795-799.
140. Kairov D.S. Abetov A.E. 3D CDP field seismic survey technology and data processing technique for the Zhartobe area. International Conference Satpayev Readings. Almaty. 2021, pp. 832-836.
141. A.S. Zhumagulov, Abetov A.E. Geochemical and hydrogeological signs of oil and gas potential of the Middle-Upper Paleozoic deposits of the Shu-Sarysu depression. International Conference Satpayev Readings. Almaty. 2021, pp.803-807.
Publications for 2022:
142. Katrenov Zh., Abetov A. Modern trends in field seismic a cquisition and acquired data processing methods - Proceedings of the scholarly abstracts European Academic Science and Research. © EASR © SciPub.de, April, 2022, p.43-44.
143. Z. Katrenov, A.Abetov , Z. Meng,T. Jia ng.Modern seismic acquisition methods based on compressive sensing, simultaneous source recording and compressive reconstruction. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 4 (454), 2022, p. 122-135, ISSN 2224 5278,DOI:10.32014/2022.2518-170X.205.
144. A. Abetov, S. Kudaiberge-nova. Environmental safety issues and challenges and geodynamic monitoring at the Кarachaganak oil and gas condensate field- Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2022, № 3, p.118-124, ISSN 2071-2227, E-ISSN 2223-2362,II-квартиль
145. A.E. Abetov, Sh.B. Yessirkepova, J. Curto Ma. Gravity field transforms at the exploration for hydrocarbon field in the southern part of the Ustyurt region - News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 3 (453) May – June 2022, p. 19-31, Almaty, NAS RK, III - квартиль.
146. Abetov A.E., Isaev S.A., Kadyrov A.G. The structure of deep-lying carbonate deposits of the Upper Devonian and Lower-Middle Carboniferous of the Temir carbonate massif in the east of the Caspian depression according to seismic survey and deep drilling (on the example of Bozoba Zapadnaya) - International Geological Forum. Digest of articles. Proceedings of KONG. Almaty, May 2022, pp. 267-279.
147. A.E. Abetov, S.S. Kudaibergenov. Criteria for identifying potential geodynamic risk factors on the example of a hydrocarbon deposit in Western Kazakhstan / International scientific and practical conference "Fundamental and applied aspects of geology, ecology and chemistry using modern educational technologies", dedicated to the Memory of Zharkinbekov T.N., 2022, pp.3-7.
148. Abetov A.E., Esirkepova Sh.B. Transformants of the geomagnetic field and their interpretation, processing and analysis in the search for hydrocarbon deposits in the southern part of the Ustyurt region. International scientific and practical conference "Fundamental and applied aspects of geology, ecology and chemistry using modern educational technologies", dedicated to the memory of Zharkinbekov T.N., 2022, pp. 19-25.
149. Niyazova A.T., Abetov A.E. Correlation analysis of local and regional structures on the example of the Arystan field in the North Ustyurt region. International scientific-practical conference "Fundamental and applied aspects of geology, ecology and chemistry using modern educational technologies", dedicated to the memory of Zharkinbekov T.N. 2022. pp.96-99.
150. Abetov A.E. Technology for object-oriented interpretation of CDP seismic data and the results of exploration work at the fields of the Sagiz block. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference "Satpayev Readings - 2022. Trends in modern scientific research." April 12, 2022 Volume I., pp.59-67.
Publications for 2023:
151. Abetov, S. Kudaibergenova. Geodynamic hazards and risk assessment at the Karachaganak oil, gas, and condensate field- Geodesy and Geodynamics, September 2022. II- квартиль.
152. A.E. Abetov, Sh.B. Yessirkepova, J. Curto Ma, 2023 Remote sensing at the study of the thermal field of the South Ustyurt Region to find hydrocarbon deposits. T News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 2 (458), March – April 2023, pp. 6-16, Almaty, NAS RK, ISSN 2518-170X (Online) ISSN 2224-5278 (Print), III - квартиль.
153. Abetov A.E., Yessirkepova Sh.B., Julia Barbosa Curto Ma. The Geomagnetic Field Transformants and Their Complexing with Data of Gravitational, Thermal and Radioactive Fields: During the Exploration of Hydrocarbon Fields at the Southern Part of the Ustyurt Region- Publishing House IntechOpen, in the book "GIS and Spatial Analysis", ISBN 978-1-80356-597-2, London, England, 2023, 27p. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.111560.
154. Abetov A.E., Mukanov D.B. Rifting in the pre-Cretaceous history of the geological development of the South Turgai sedimentary basin - Proceedings of the International Satbayev Conference 2023 "Science and technology: From idea to implementation", Almaty, 2023, p.41-48.
155. Abetov A.E., Esirkepova Sh. Gravitational field transformants in the search for hydrocarbon deposits in the South Ustyurt region - Proceedings of the International Satbayev Conference 2023 "Science and technology: From idea to implementation", Almaty, 2023, pp. 48-56.
156. Baktygalieva N.Zh., Abetov A.E. Well logging at the Baishonas oil field - Proceedings of the International Satbayev Conference 2023 "Science and technology: From idea to implementation", Almaty, 2023, p.93-100.
157. Katrenov Zh.S., Abetov A.E., Meng Zh., Jang T. Innovative methods for obtaining and processing seismic data - Proceedings of the International Satbayev Conference 2023 "Science and technology: From idea to implementation", Almaty, 2023, p.168-175.
158. Abetov A.E., Kudaibergenova S.S. Study of geodynamic risk factors on the example of a hydrocarbon field in Western Kazakhstan - Proceedings of the International Satbayev Conference 2023 "Science and technology: From idea to implementation", Almaty, 2023, p.175-180.
159. Abetov A.E., Uzbekov A.N. Tectonics and gravity field structure of Central Kazakhstan- Naukovyi Visnyk, 4(196), 2023, pp.18-26. https://doi.org/10.33271/nvngu/2023-4/018.
160. Abetov A.E., Umirova G.K., Dzhukebaev M.I. English-Russian-Kazakh terminological dictionary of exploration geophysics methods - .- Almaty: KazNITU Publishing House, 2023 - 398 p.
161. Abetov А.Е., Mukanov D.B. History of the geological evolution of the South Turgay basin in the Pre–Cretaceous-NEWS of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan SERIES OF GEOLOGY AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES ISSN 2224–5278 Volume 4. Number 460 (2023), pp. 6–23 https://doi.org/10.32014/2023.2518-170X.315.
162. Abetov А.Е., Mukanov D.B. Structure anf interpretation of the anomaleous magnetic field of the South Turgay Petrleum Region - Naukovyi Visnyk, 5 (197), 2023, pp.5-11. https://doi.org/10.33271/nvngu/2023-5/005.
163. Abetov А.Е., Uzbekov N.B. , Uzbekov А.N. Structure and interpretation of the anomaleous geomagnetic field of Central Kazakhstan - NEWS of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan SERIES OF GEOLOGY AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES ISSN 2224–5278 Volume 5. Number 461. Sеptember- October 2023, pp. 8–22. https://doi.org/10.32014/2023.2518-170X.295.
Publications for 2024:
164. Auyesbek A.A., Abetov A.E. Нigh-precision magnetic survey at the Saryoba and Akchi-Spassky sites of the Zhezkazgan ore field - In the collection of the International Scientific Conference “XXIV Satpayev Readings”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Academician Kanysh Satpayev.
165. A.E. Abetov, A.A. Auyesbek. Geological-grophysical criteria of the Jezkazgan ore district in Central Kazakhstan NEWS of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan SERIES OF GEOLOGY AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES ISSN 2224–5278. Volume 4. Number 466 (2024), pp 6–21 https://doi.org/10.32014/2024.2518-170X.421.
166. Isataeva, F.; Abetov, A.; Umirova, G.; Mustafin, Z.; Abdullina, A. The Role of Transcrust Magma and Fluid-Conducting Faults in the Formation of Mineral Deposits - Preprints 2024, 2024091148. Geosciences https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202409.1148.v1.
167. Assemov K.M., Abetov A.E., Akhmetov Y.M. Assessment of physical condition and identification of inhomogeneities of the K-25 earth dam according to the self-potential method -International Review of Civil Engeneering (IRECE), Vol.15, №4 (2024), pp.353-361.
Publications for 2025:
168. A.G. Shestakov. A.E. Abetov. Paleotectonic reconstructions based on CDP-3D seismic data: a case study of the South Torgai Basin - Oil and Gas, 2025 1 (145), pp. 59-79.
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
1 | A.Y. Abetov А.Ye., A.T. Niyazova A.T. Deep structure of the consolidated crust of main geostructures of the North-Ustyurt region. | Қ.И.Сәтбаев атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық техникалық университеті | Техникалық ғылымдармен технологиялар / Технические науки и технологии | 2019 |
2 | Абетов А.Е., Узбеков А.Н. Глубинное строение Центрального Казахстана | Қ.И.Сәтбаев атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық техникалық университеті | Техникалық ғылымдармен технологиялар / Технические науки и технологии | 2019 |
3 | Абетов А.Е., Узбеков А.Н., Ахметов А.А. Тепловые поля Центрального Казахстана- | Қ.И.Сәтбаев атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық техникалық университеті | Техникалық ғылымдармен технологиялар / Технические науки и технологии | 2019 |
4 | Abetov A.E., Kolomatskaya O.V. Pre-Caspian Basin: Application of GeoTeric Software to Identify Fractured Systems and Fractured Zones in Complex Tournaisian Reservoirs | Нефть и газ. | Науки о Земле и географические науки | 2019 |
5 | Абетов А.Е., Ниязова А.Т. Юрский этап в истории геологического развития Северо-Устюртского региона. | Қ.И.Сәтбаев атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық техникалық университеті | Техникалық ғылымдармен технологиялар / Технические науки и технологии | 2020 |
6 | Abetov A., Volozh Yu., Niyazova A. Correlation of the structural elements of major geostuctures of North Ustyurt region | Известия НАН РК. | Мерзімдік басылымдар / Периодические издания | 2020 |
7 | Абетов А.Е. Узбеков А.Н. Геофизические поля и сейсмичность Центрального Казахстана. | Вестник Национального ядерного центра Республики Казахстан. | Жаратылыстану ғылымдары / Естественные науки | 2020 |
8 | Abetov A.E., Yessirkepova Sh.B., Curto Ma J. Geomagnetic field transforms and their interpretation at exploration for hydrocarbon field in the southern part of the Ustyurt Region. | News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences | Геология, геотехникалық инженерия және инженерлік геология | 2021 |
9 | Abetov A.E., Kudaibergenova S. S. Integrated research of suffosion and karst processes at the KOGCF by geological and geophysical and geodesic methods | News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences | Геология, геотехникалық инженерия және инженерлік геология | 2021 |
10 | Abetov A.E., Kudaibergenova S. S. Creation of geodynamic polygons and technologies of geodynamic monitoring in hydrocarbon fields. | News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences | Геология, геотехникалық инженерия және инженерлік геология | 2021 |
11 | Z. Katrenov, A.Abetov, Z. Meng, T. Jiang .Modern seismic acquisition methods based on compressive sensing, simultaneous source recording and compressive reconstruction. | News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences | Геология, геотехникалық инженерия және инженерлік геология | 2022 |
12 | A.E. Abetov, Sh.B. Yessirkepova, J. Curto Ma. Gravity field transforms at the exploration for hydrocarbon field in the southern part of the Ustyurt region | News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences | Геология, геотехникалық инженерия және инженерлік геология | 2022 |
13 | A.E. Abetov, Sh.B. Yessirkepova, J. Curto Ma, 2023 Remote sensing at the study of the thermal field of the South Ustyurt Region to find hydrocarbon deposits. | News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences | Геология, геотехникалық инженерия және инженерлік геология | 2023 |
14 | Abetov А.Е., Mukanov D.B. History of the geological evolution of the South Turgay basin in the Pre–Cretaceous | News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences | Геология, геотехникалық инженерия және инженерлік геология | 2023 |
15 | Abetov А.Е., Uzbekov N.B. , Uzbekov А.N. Structure and interpretation of the anomaleous geomagnetic field of Central Kazakhstan | News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences | Геология, геотехникалық инженерия және инженерлік геология | 2023 |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
1. Zonal and local prediction of oil and gas - bearing in modern software (based on the example of sedimentary basins of Kazakhstan). 2. Rational set of geological and geophysical methods in the exploration for hydrocarbon deposits (based on the example of oil and gas basins in Kazakhstan) 3. Modern technologies of geodynamic monitoring in the study and mapping of rapidly changing technogenic processes at the hydrocarbon fields. 4. Petrophysical interpretation and geological and hydrodynamic modeling of methane-coal bed methane (based on the example of Tentekskaya and Dolinskaya suites of the Karaganda coal basin). 5. Seismic facies analysis of different ages sedimentary complexes, identification of potentially oil and gas bearing zones and intervals, forecasting areas with possible hydrocarbon traps using Hi-Tech" modern software. 6.Basin modeling (petroleum systems study in sedimentary basins using paleogeographic, paleotectonic and paleogeochemical methods). 7. Basin modeling (petroleum systems study in sedimentary basins) using Hi-Tech modern software. 8. Integrated interpretation and modeling of ore-bearing provinces, nodes and zones according to its potential geophysical fields, deep structure and seismicity. 9. Geological structure and prospects of oil and gas bearing of Paleozoic sediments of sedimentary basins of Kazakhstan based on the set of geological and geophysical data. 10. Rifting processes of in the geological history of oil and gas bearing basins in Kazakhstan based on geological and geophysical data. 11.2D and 3D seismic data interpretation, static 3D iterative modeling of horizons and layers, integrated analysis of geological and geophysical and field data by areas and fields. The objects of modeling are complexly constructed carbonate and clastic reservoirs in structural and non-structural traps, low-productivity reservoirs. 12. Development of the main areas of scientific research for promising for the discovery of mineral deposits. Assessment of it prospects at the areas and horizons. Identification, mapping and preparation of structures for deep drilling, comprehensive analysis of geological and geophysical and field data. 13. Reconstruction of paleotectonic and paleogeographic environments of sedimentation, determination of the genetic potential of productivity, analysis of uncertainties (risks), assessment of the prospects for oil and gas content of areas and individual horizons for oil and gas fields in Kazakhstan. 14. Justification of the location of prospecting, exploration and production wells. Justification for conducting seismic surveys of different scales, for the resumption of exploration work in areas taken out of exploration drilling with direct signs of oil and gas. 15. System analysis of geological and geophysical and field data. Operational analysis of geological exploration for oil and gas, identification of the most promising areas and targets for exploration / additional exploration, analysis of the annual increase in oil, gas and condensate reserves in various stratigraphic complexes and sedimentary-rock basins in Kazakhstan.