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Abilov Alexey

Abilov Alexey

Doctor of Architecture


Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Architecture Department

Email: a.abilov@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography


Architecture is the mother of all arts built on intuition, knowledge, and the latest technology. The architect designs and builds for people and therefore the main object and subject of his creativity is a space that is comfortable for a person and meets the entire range of his biological and social needs. Urban planning is a special branch of architectural creativity aimed at the spatial organization of cities and settlement systems, and requires in addition to professional knowledge in the field of architecture, knowledge of related disciplines-geography, ecology, sociology, Economics, and the use of their methods and analysis tools to solve professional problems. My students are trained through practical study of specific areas of the urban environment, assessing the quality and living conditions of their populations on the basis of field survey of the territory, and surveys, resulting in a scientifically-based recommendations on reconstruction and modernization planning, development and improvement of these areas.

Alexey Abilov has 50 years of experience in teaching and practical activities in architecture and urban planning, and belongs to the generation of Kazakh architects who stood at the origins of the formation of domestic architectural education. At the beginning of his architectural and pedagogical activity, the main focus of attention was the methods of teaching architecture students at Junior courses through their development of the principles of architectural design by compositional modeling of three-dimensional forms. On this topic, he wrote and published a number of textbooks, which included original methods and played a major role in the process of training architectural personnel in Kazakhstan.  Later, after defending his PhD thesis on the recreational architecture of Kazakhstan, and doctoral dissertation on the topic "Genesis and conceptual foundations of urban development in Kazakhstan in the twentieth century", the main subject of his scientific and practical activities were social and environmental aspects of urban planning, the use of practical sociology methods for pre-project research in the development of master plans of cities, projects of district planning and regional settlement on the territory of Kazakhstan. This direction of his scientific and practical activity is reflected in numerous publications, including monographs and textbooks of recent years- "Recreational architecture of Kazakhstan" (2017), "Principles of sustainable architecture" (2019), in the draft master plans of major cities of Kazakhstan: Almaty, Astana, Shymkent, Aktobe, Taldykorgan, Taraz, Kyzylorda, Zhezkazgan, etc., schemes of regional settlement of Almaty, Aktobe and Zhambyl regions.   

A big role in his scientific and pedagogical career has played in new University architecture school of the Architectural Association in London (1994) and a research internship at the Fulbright program in Clemson University, South Carolina, USA (1999-2000), as well as participation in international congresses and conferences in far and near abroad (Calcutta, India, 1995, Berlin, Germany, 2002, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005, Yerevan, Armenia, 2011, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 2012, Leipzig, Germany, 2013, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2015, Florence, Italy, 2017, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2017, Moscow, Russia, 2017).


1970 - Diploma, Architecture, Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Almaty, KazSSR

1975 - Candidate of architecture, Kiev zonal research Institute of model and experimental design, Kiev, USSR; Moscow architectural Institute, Moscow, RSFSR

2004 - Doctor of architecture, Kazakh head architecture and construction Academy, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Scientific projects

Guidance and implementation of research on grant financing of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic # 757.Mon.GF.15. IPS.1 "Improving the competitive potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan through rational architectural planning and spatial organization of territories and infrastructure facilities for mass recreation, external and internal tourism" (final report 2017).

Guidance and implementation of research on grant financing of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic #757.Mon.GF.15. IPS.2 "Socio-economic, environmental, architectural and planning basis for the development of urban agglomerations in the Republic of Kazakhstan", (final report 2017).

Head of the scientific project of IRN "AP08955550" on the topic: "Principles of training highly qualified personnel for Kazakhstan in the field of architecture and urban planning, competitive in the context of globalization and the search for national identity" (October 2020-September 2021).


1 Urban development in Kazakhstan in the context of global challenges of our time (co-authored with A. A. Mametov and Yu. Kh. Aibasov). «Bulletin. Architect. 21 century " - information and analytical magazine. No. 1(50) 2014. Saint-Petersburg. 2014. Pp. 2-10.

2 Some features of the transformation of public spaces in Almaty in the post-Soviet period. Bulletin of modern science: scientific and theoretical journal / editor-in-Chief A. N. Dudetskaya. - Volgograd: publishing house "Sphere", 2015. - No. 8. - Pp. 165 -179.

3 Assessment of Short-term Vacation Conditions in Urban Agglomerations of Kazakhstan (co-authored With M. A. Dzhunusova, A.V. Khodzhikov and V. V. Yaskevich). International Journal on Sustainable Tropical Design and Practice. Volume 8 (Special Issue 1). December 2015. ISSN-7231. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

4 Fundamentals of architectural shaping. Textbook. Executed them. K. I. Satpayev. Almaty, 2016. - 145 p.

5 Some trends of architectural and planning transformation of cities in Kazakhstan in the post-Soviet period (on the example of Astana). Municipality: economy and management. Yekaterinburg, 2016. - No. 1 (14). – S. 15 – 22.

6 Recreational architecture of Kazakhstan. Monograph. Almaty, Kazakparat publishing house, 2017. - 192 p. in collaboration with Karmanov sh. D. 

7 Sociological research in the analysis of the formation of urban agglomerations in Kazakhstan (on the example of Astana), (co-authored with G. K. Kusainova and A. G. Makhrova). Bulletin of the Moscow University. Series 5-Geography, No. 4, 2017. Publishing house of the Moscow University. S. 75 – 84.

8 Architectural-planning and environmental aspects of the organization of mass recreation and tourism in suburban areas of large cities (on the example of Almaty). Old and new Moscow: trends and problems of development. Sat. nauch. Moscow branch of the Russian geographical society-Moscow: 2018, ed. SP Matushkina I. I.-P. 288-300.  

9 Principles of sustainable architecture. Textbook. Almaty: 2019, ed. Too "Lantar trade". - 150 s.

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Sustainable development of architecture and urban planning in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Environmental and energy efficient foundations for urban design and development

Architectural design of buildings and structures