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Abitayeva Rakhimash

Abitayeva Rakhimash

Master of Technical Sciences

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Power Engineering

Email: r.abitayeva@satbayev.111


Professional biography

After graduating from the university in 1990, she began working as a design engineer in the electrical department of the Karagandagrazhdanproekt State Enterprise and Kazakhmys Corporation LLP, Dzhezkazgan NIPI Tsvetmet. She was engaged in the design of power supply for industrial and mining enterprises.

After experience in production, in 1997 she moved to Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baikonurov to the Department of Power Supply and Automation of Technological Complexes, where she worked as a senior teacher for 11 years.

From 2008 to 2019 she worked as a senior lecturer at KazNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev.

2019-2021 she worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Electric Power Engineering of the KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaev.

From 09/01/2021 to the present, she is a senior lecturer at the Department of Energy at Satbayev University.


1985-1990 - Almaty Power Engineering Institute, specialty - 10.04 - "Power supply". Qualification - Electrical Engineer. Diploma TB №730158.

2012-2014 - Humanitarian University of Transport and Law. D.A. Kunaeva, Master's degree in the specialty - 6M071800 - Electrical power engineering. Qualification - Master of Engineering Science. Diploma ЖOOK-M №0043120

2015-2018 - NJSC "Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev". PhD doctoral studies in the specialty 6D071800 Electrical power engineering.

Scientific projects

Conducts research in the following areas:

- increasing the reliability of high-voltage overhead transmission lines;

- research of the influence of atmospheric and climatic phenomena on the reliability of overhead transmission lines.


1. А.Б.Бекбаев, М.А. Джаманбаев, Р.Ш. Абитаева. Крутильная частота и крутильная жесткость расщепленной фазы линии электропередачи. Материалы всемирного Конгресса инженеров и ученых WSEC-2017 «Энергия будущего: инновационные сценарии и методы их реализации». Астана, 19-20 июня.

2. A.B. Bekbaev, M.A. Djamanbaev, R.Sh. Abitayeva. Development of the engineering method of the conductors galloping characteristics calculation for the split phase of the power transmission line. Материалы всемирного Конгресса инженеров и ученых WSEC-2017 «Энергия будущего: инновационные сценарии и методы их реализации». Астана, 19-20 июня.

3. А.Б.Бекбаев, М.А. Джаманбаев, Р.Ш. Абитаева. Оценка ожидаемой интенсивности двух полуволновой пляски проводов. Вестник Национальной инженерной академии РК. №2(68) 2018.

4. А.Б.Бекбаев, М.А. Джаманбаев, Р.Ш. Абитаева, Д.Б. Акпанбетов. Распорка-гаситель для подавления пляски проводов расщепленной фазы воздушной линии электропередачи. Патент на полезную модель. № 108828. 17.03.2020.

5. M. Zhamanbaev, R. Abitayeva, D. Ilieva, B. Ongar. Determination of the minimum wind speed leading to the galloping of conductors. E3S Web of Conferences, Volume 180, 2020. 9th International Conference on Thermal Equipments, Renewable Energy and Rural Development (TE-RE-RD 2020), Румыния. 04019 Q2 (2019), IF 0,17.

6. A. Mergalimova, A. Georgiev, К. Каlieva, R. Abitaeva, P.Bissenbayev. Parameters of heat treatment of coal to obtain combustible volatile substances. EGY-D-20-07807: Energy, Volume 224, 1 June 2021, 120088. Q1, IF 6,082

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