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Akhmetkanov Dalelhan

Akhmetkanov Dalelhan

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

Department of Mining

Email: d.akhmetkanov@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

Labor activity:

- 2006–2011 worked as an engineer in Tasbolat & K LLP specializing in design and blasting.

- 2010-2011 - Assistant of the department "Underground mining" of the Kazakh National Technical University. K.I.Satpaeva in combination.

- 2011 - 2014 - Lecturer, since 2014, senior lecturer of the department "Underground mining" of the Kazakh National Technical University. K.I. Satpayev.

- 2016 - 2021 Senior lecturer of the Department of Mining, KazNTU im. K.I. Satpayev.

- 2021 - Associate Professor of the Department of Mining, KazNTU im. K.I. Satpayev.

According to the results of the research work published more than 40 scientific papers. He has a “Single Explosive Book” for the right to conduct blasting operations (2005), a certificate for drilling and blasting independently, like an explosive in opencast mining (2009).


2003-2008 he graduated with honors from the Kazakh National Technical University. K.I. Satpayev in the specialty “190340 - Underground mining of mineral deposits”.

In 2010, he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences

2019-2020 – Master's degree in the educational program 7M04161-Economics, qualification "Business and Management", Almaty Technological University;

In 2023, Associate Professor in scientific direction 20700 – “Environmental Engineering”

Scientific projects

Participation in scientific projects:

Leading researcher of the project for 2023-2025. IRN AP19679911 "Improving the efficiency of uranium leaching in the development of complex hydrogen deposits"

AR14871011 "Creation of mining technologies for continuous and integrated use of the subsurface array in a controlled mode and a closed cycle". 2022-2024 Senior Researcher.

No. 747.MON GF.12.19 “Innovative technology for borehole blasting of solid minerals taking into account changes in drilling and blasting techniques and technologies in modern conditions.”, Senior Researcher;

No. 747. MON GF.12.4 “Development of innovative technology for underground mining of ores of various types from complex structurally converging steeply falling ore bodies of a layered structure of medium power, taking into account the market demand for each type of ore,” Senior Researcher.


- Improving the quality of ore crushing during borehole mining using the micromine program at the Zholymbet deposit. D.K. Akhmetkanov, A.A. Kasbek, E.Kh. Aben, S.S. Myrzakhmetov. Bulletin of the Kazakh University of Technology and Business. No. 4 (23). Astana, 2024, pp. 306-315. ISSN: 26631830

-Optimization of the number and quality characteristics of underground mining equipment using Micromine software. D.K. Akhmetkanov, L.E. Tyan, E.Kh. Aben, M. Eluzakh. Bulletin of the Kazakh University of Technology and Business. No. 2 (23). Astana, 2024, pp. 420-428. ISSN: 26631830

-Increasing the Efficiency of Underground Block Leaching of Metal Khalidilla Yussupov, Erbolat Aben, Sayfulmalik Myrzakhmetov, Dalelkhan Akhmetkanov, Nurzhigit Sarybayev Civil Engineering Journal (E-ISSN: 2476-3055; ISSN: 2676-6957) Vol. 10, No. 10, October, 2024

-Research into Uranium Characteristics and Content in a Pregnant Solution During Leaching with Oxygen Saturation Erbolat Aben, Saltanat Yussupova, Dalelkhan Akhmetkanov, Erbol Yelzhanov, Nurzhigit Sarybayev Civil Engineering Journal  Vol 10, No 5 (2024) 1606-1615


-Investigation of the solid oxidizer effect on the metal geotechnology efficiency Khalidilla Yussupov; Erbolat Aben; Dalelkhan Akhmetkanov; Khairulla Aben; Saltanat Yussupova Mining of Mineral Deposits 2023, 17(4):12-17

-NEW VARIANTS FOR WIDE OREBODIES HIGH–CAPACITY MINING SYSTEMS WITH CONTROLLED AND CONTINUOUS IN–LINE STOPING D.K. Akhmetkanov*, M.Zh. Bitimbayev, V. Lozynskyi, K.B. Rysbekov, B.B. Amralinova NEWS of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan SERIES OF GEOLOGY AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES Volume 3, Number 459 (2023), 6–21

-INCREASE IN FLOW RATE OF EXTRACTION WELLS DURING URANIUM LEACHING USING A CHEMICAL REAGENT E.Kh. Aben; D.K. Akmetkanov; S. Chukharev; A.K. Omirgali Горный журнал Казахстана №6, 2023, 26-30 

The role and importance of chemical elements clarks in the practical expanded reproduction of mineral resources MZ Bitimbayev, KB Rysbekov, DK Akhmetkanov, MS Kunayev, ..Engineering Journal of Satbayev University 2022, 144 (1), 48-56

PROVISIONS FOR CLEANING-UP DEEP ZONE OF OPEN PIT MINES USING LOADING DEVICES Moldabayev, S.Issakov, B.Sarybayev, N.Nurmanova, A.Akhmetkanov, D. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 2022, 22(1.1), pp. 339–346

IMPROVEMENT AND SYSTEMATIZATION OF PRINCIPLES AND PROCESS FLOWS IN MINERAL MINING IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTANRysbekov, K.B.Bitimbayev, M.Z.Akhmetkanov, D.K.Miletenko, N.A. Eurasian Mining, 2022, 2022(1), P. 41–45  DOI10.17580/em.2022.01.08

Substantiation of mining systems for steeply dipping low-thickness ore bodies with controlled continuous stope extraction  Rysbekov, K.Bitimbayev, M.Akhmetkanov, D., Barmenshinova, M., Toktarov, A.,Baskanbayeva, D.Yelemessov, K. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2022, 16(2), P. 64–72  DOI10.33271/mining16.02.064

-  Ахметканов Д. К. Массивтердің жағдай-күйін басқару: Оқу құралы. – Алматы: Қ.И. Сәтбаев атындағы ҚазҰТЗУ, 2022. – 136 б.

IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF DENITRATION OF SORBENT SOLUTION IN URANIUM GEOTECHNOLOGY Omirgali, A.K.Aliev, S.B.Yussupov, Kh.A.Aben, E.Kh.Akhmetkhanov, D.K. Ugol, 2022, (4), стр. 72–76 DOI10.18796/0041-5790-2022-4-72-76

- Reliability of modeling of the stressed-deformed state of outcrops of deep frank mountain clippings Moldabaev S.K. Adil T.K. Sultanbekova Zh.J. Akhmetkanov D.K. Kozhantov A.U. " Map "Proceedings of the University" 2 (87). Karaganda, 2022 p.129-136 DOI 10.52209/1609-1825_2022_2_129

- The technology of crushing rocks in a safe high-frequency explosive way. Monograph. / Akhmetkanov D.K.-Almaty:KazNRTU, 2022.-P.144

- MATHEMATICAL MODELING ROADWAY STABILITY BEHIND A LONGWALL FACE IN WEAK ROCKS. Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, N10, 2021, pp.39-45 O.Sdvyzhkova, D.Babets, V.Pilyugin

- Studies of solution activation in geotechnological mining methods | Khairullayev, N.B., Aliev, S.B., Yusupova, S.А., Eluzakh, M., Akhmetkanov, D.K. Ugol, 2021, (9), стр. 55–57. DOI10.18796/0041-5790-2021-9-55-57

- An innovative way of tunneling by destroying rocky soil with shaped charges. Bulletin of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 2 (76), Almaty, 2020, p. 111-117

- Aben E. Kh., Rustemov S. T., Bakhmagambetova G. B., Akhmetkhanov D. Increasing metal recovery based on activation of a leaching solution.

Moscow: Mining Information and Analytical Bulletin (scientific and technical journal). No. 12/2019 S.169-179. DOI: 10.25018 / 0236-1493-2019-12-0-169-179.

- Destruction of rocks by high-frequency explosion. KazUTB Bulletin, N1, Nur-Sultan 2019, pages 10-16

- On the question of the breakdown effect of the cumulative jet and the distribution of specific explosion pulses along the generating well. KazUTB Bulletin, N2, NurSultan 2019, Pages 20-24