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Akhmetova Sholpan Dauletovna

Akhmetova Sholpan Dauletovna

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

School of transport engineering and logistics named after M. Tynyshpayev

Transportation Engineering Direction



Professional biography

Currently – Associate Professor at the M. Tynyshpaev School of Transport Engineering and Logistics, in the field of Transport Engineering.

Scientific and pedagogical experience is 43 years.

Within the walls of this university, she worked her way up from a teacher to the head of the department.

Over 60 articles have been published, two innovative patents for inventions have been obtained, and two (2) textbooks have been published.

She was awarded for active participation in public life, for conscientious work with Diplomas of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education; the medal «Airyksha enbegi ushin», Honorary diplomas «Kurmet gramotasy» of the university.

Full member of the International Academy of Informatization.

She was also awarded the Wilhelm Leibniz Medal, established by the European Scientific and Industrial Consortium for her contribution to the development of technical sciences recognized by the world community.


Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin,

faculty of Engineering,

specialty "Engineering technology, metal cutting machines and tools,"

qualification "engineer - mechanic," diploma Г-1 No. 275317.