Almenov Talgat
Candidate of technical sciences
Associate Professor
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Mining
Email: t.almenov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Candidate of technical Sciences, Professor of the Department " Mining"
* - from September 01, 2022 - to the present: NAO "Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev", Department of "Mining". Position: Professor, i.e. in July 2022, by the decision of the competition commission, he moved to the position of professor in the Department of Mining for a period of 3 years (until 2025).;
* 2016 August-present: NAO " Kazakh national research technical University. K. I. Satpayev". Department of "Mining". Position: senior lecturer;
* 2012. September-2016. July: PHV " Kazakh national technical University. K. I. Satpaeva "Department" Destruction of rocks by explosion and mine construction". Position: Associate Professor;
* 2008. September-2012. August: PHV " Kazakh national technical University. K. I. Satpaeva "Department" Destruction of rocks by explosion and mine construction". Position: Senior lecturer;
* 2005. September-2008 August: PHV " Kazakh national technical University. K. I. Satpaeva", Department "Destruction of rocks by explosion and mine construction". Position: Teacher;
* 2003. September-2005 August: PHV " Kazakh national technical University. K. I. Satpaeva", Department "destruction of rocks by explosion and mine construction", position: Assistant;
* 2001. July - 2003 August: JSC "Kazakhmys", Zhezkazgan mining trust (ZHSHPT). Zhezkazgan. Position: shift Manager (mining master) of the mining Department.
Almenov Talgat Makulbekovich, was born on October 31, 1976 in Zhana-Kurgan district of Kyzylorda region. He is married and has four children.
In the period from 2003 to the present, Almenov Talgat has published more than 50 scientific and educational works. Including after defending his PhD thesis, more than 20 scientific articles in republican publications, 20 reports in foreign international conferences, 6 articles in journals with a high impact factor included in the Scopus and Web of Science database; 2 patents for an invention (2015, 2021); 1 copyright certificate for an invention (2015); author of 4 textbooks (2012, 2017, 2020, 2023) and 1 monograph (2020).
T. M. Almenov conducts classes for bachelors and undergraduates on the courses "Mechanics of underground structures", "Calculation of the structure of underground structures", "methods of fixing mine workings and underground structures", "Special methods of construction of underground structures", "Special drilling and blasting" in Kazakh and Russian languages. All readable disciplines are provided by umkd.
18.05.2022 Almenov T.M. was awarded the title of Associate professor by the decision of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 203 dated May 18, 2022. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rosx0iBjDszX9ZyhI_RolxurGnTBWmBC?usp=drive_link
Education: Higher education (candidate of technical Sciences)
- 1991 to 1995. g. Kentau Mining and metallurgical College, Kentau, Republic of Kazakhstan. Specialty - "Technology of open and underground mining of mineral deposits". Qualification-Mining technician and technologist. OAB diploma № 0054871.
- 1995 to 2001 Kazakh national technical University named after K. I. Satpev, Mining faculty. Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. Specialty-1902 "Underground mining of mineral deposits". Qualification-Mining engineer. Diploma JB № 0122518.
- 2004 to 2007. g. Kazakh national technical University. K. I. Satpayev. A postgraduate applicant at the Department of "Destruction of rocks and mine construction". Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. Specialty - 25.00.22 geotechnologies (underground, open and construction); Scientific degree-candidate of technical Sciences (2009); Diploma of GK № 0003470. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gkLOmQXv9PS7t5SyfmP_QC_3yPQu6MBw?usp=drive_link
- 18.05.2022 Almenov T.M. was awarded the title of Associate professor by the decision of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 203 dated May 18, 2022. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rosx0iBjDszX9ZyhI_RolxurGnTBWmBC?usp=drive_link
Scientific projects
Scientific research is devoted to the issues of rational and integrated development of mineral resources and environmental problems in the development of mineral deposits.
• In 2012-2014, he participated in research on the State grant under the budget program: "Scientific and / or scientific and technical activities", subprogram 100 "Program-targeted financing", "Scientific and technological support for the intensification of gold production in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2014". The scientific direction is the Development of the mineral resource base of gold mining enterprises and gold ore mining technologies. Project topic: "Development of a structural model and technical and technological methods for maintaining the geosystem" array-technology-underground construction " in the underground development of gold deposits (Akbakai, Bakyrchik, Maykain) and complex mechanization of mining operations in the development of groups of gold deposits (Akbakai). Senior research fellow (SNA) - (2012-2014). Project Manager-A. Begalinov, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor.
• In 2017, has participated as the lead researcher (ANS) for hozdogovornoiy project No. 4.946.17 "Scientific study of optimal parameters of drilling at clearing and excavating jobs with the definition of a decrease in the specific consumption BM", mine Akzhal LLP "Nova Zinc", performed under contract No. 487/17 from 19.04.2017 G. Supervisor – doctor of technical Sciences, Professor of Department "Mining" Begalinov A. (2017).
• Currently, I am a Leading research scientist on grant funding of scientific research for 2018-2020. g. on the topic of GF№2018 / AR05133041 "Development of cyanide-free technology for extracting gold from difficult-to-enrich natural and man-made mineral raw materials". Head-Begalinov A., doctor of technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of "Mining", GMI, Kaznitu named after K.I. Satpayev – (2018-2020).
• In 2021-2023, he participated in research on grant financing of scientific research for 2021-2023 on the topic of IRN AR09259631 "Development of technology for mining and processing sands of ancient large-volume placers of depressions with a predominance of fine, fine, free and bound gold (Takyr-Kaldzhirsky site)" as a Leading researcher. Head – Begalinov A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Mining, GMI, KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev – (2021-2023);
• Currently I am a Leading Researcher (VNC) Research on grant financing of scientific research for 2022-2024 on the topic of IRN AR14869802 "Development of innovative technologies for gravitational enrichment and mineralogical analysis of ordinary geological samples for gold" as a Leading researcher. Head – Begalinov A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Mining, GMI, KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev – (2022-2024).
In the period from 2003 to the present, T.M.Almenov has published more than 50 scientific and educational works. Including after defending a PhD thesis, more than 20 scientific articles in republican publications, 10 reports in foreign international conferences, 3 articles in journals with a non-zero impact factor included in the Scopus database and 1 article indexed in the Web of Science database (2020).; 1 innovative patent for an invention (an author's certificate for an invention in 2015), as well as 1 application for an author's certificate for an invention (2020), research reports on grant financing of scientific research and on a contractual project (2014, 2017, 2020); 3 textbooks (2012, 2017, 2020) and a number of educational and methodological guidelines, UMKD disciplines of the specialty "Mining", 1 monograph (2020) completed within the framework of the project No. AR05133041 "Development of cyanide-free technology for extracting gold from hard-to-enrich natural and man-made mineral raw materials".
A.B Begalinov, YT Serdaliyev, TM Almenov, EE Iskakov, DB Amanzholov Improvement of gold ore mining of the Akbakai ore field Дата публикации 2012 Журнал Mining Journal Номер 12 Страницы 4-7.
Бегалинов А., Шаутенов М.Р., Медеуов Ч.К., Алменов Т.М. Бесцианидная технология извлечения золото из труднообогатимого природного и техногенного минерального сырья. Научно-технический и производственный «Горный журнал Казахстана», №11 Алматы, 2018г. 23-27 стр. http://minmag.mining.kz
Алменов Т.М., Духовная Г.М., Мейрманов Е.М. Перспективы развития аммиачно-селитренных взрывчатых веществ Сборник трудов Международной научно-практической конференции «Рациональное использование минерального и техногенного сырья в условиях индустрии 4.0» 14-15 марта 2019г., КазНИТУ имени К.И.Сатпаева г.Алматы. (276-278 стр.)
Бегалинов А., Медеуов Ч.К., Шаутенов М.Р., Алменов Т.М. Перспективы эффективного использования реагентов на основе соединений серы в технологии извлечения золота из упорных видов сырья. XII Конгрессе обогатителей страны СНГ, НИТУ МИСиС, г.Москва, 25 – 27 февраля, 2019 года. -С.332-334. http://minproc.ru/ru/glavnaya/?utm_source=profiminer.ru&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=profiminer-partner
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control SystemsVolume 11, Issue 8 Special Issue, 2019, Pages 1791-1796 Prospects for the effective use of reagents based on sulfur compounds in the technology of extracting gold from resistant types of gold ore(Article) Begalinov, A.a, Shautenov, M.b, Almenov, T.a, Bektur, B.a, Zhanakova, R.a
Begalinov, A., Almenov, T., Zhanakova, R., Bektur, B. «Analysis of the stress deformed state of rocks around the haulage roadway of the beskempir field (Kazakhstan)» Satbayev University, Almaty, 50013, Kazakhstan. Mining of Mineral Deposits.Volume 14, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 28-36.
Zhanakova, R.a, Pankratenko, А.b, Almenov, Т.a, Bektur, В.a «Rational selection of the form of support for the formation of genetic composition of rocks in the conditions of the Beskempir». aKazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev (Satpayev University), Almaty, Kazakhstan. bNational University of Science and Technology (MISIS), Moscow, Russian Federation. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences Volume 1, Issue 439, 2020, Pages 106-113
R. Zhanakova, A. Pankratenko, T. Almenov, B.Bektur "Rational selection of the form of support for the formation of genetic composition of rocks in the conditions of the Beskempir field" Published: 15 February 2020y. by NEWS of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical sciences. ISSN 2224-5278. Volume 1, Number 439 (2020), 106 – 113. http://geolog-technical.kz/images/pdf/g20201/106-113.pdf
Алменов Т.М. Учебное пособие / «Жерасты ғимараттары құрылысының арнайы әдістері» Жоғарғы оқу орындарына арналған оқу құралы. Алматы, «Алманах» баспасы, 2016ж. –144 б.
Бегалинов А.Б., Шаутенов М.Р., Алменов Т.М., Бектур Б.К., Искаков Е.Е. Монография / Бесцианидная технология переработки золотосодержащего минерального сырья – Алматы: Издательство КазНИТУ им. К.И.Сатпаева, 2020. -332 с.
А.Бегалинов, М.Р.Шаутенов, Т.М.Алменов, Жанакова Р.К., Б.К.Бектур. Учебное пособие / Переработка труднообогатимого золотосодержащего природного и техногенного сырья – Алматы. Издательство КазНИТУ им. К.И.Сатпаева, 2020. -229 с.
А.Бегалинов, М.Шаутенов, С.Юсупов, Т.М.Алменов, С.Б.Юлусов Заявка на патент / Способ извлечения золота из тиосульфатных растворов. 2020.
Т.М.Алменов, Ф.К.Турагулова. Совершенствование методов крепления подземных сооружений в условиях Алматинского метрополитена (доклад). Международная научно-практическая конференция «Сатпаевские чтения-2021». ISВN 978-601-323-246-1, Алматы, Сәтбаев университеті, 12 апреля 2021г. С.779-782.
Т.М.Алменов, Н.С.Тоқсанбай. Шалқия кенорнының шарттарында тау-кен қазбаларын өту және бекітудің оңтайлы параметрлерін негіздеу (баяндама). Международная научно-практическая конференция «Сатпаевские чтения-2021». ISВN 978-601-323-246-1, Алматы, Сәтбаев университеті, 12 апреля 2021г. С.764-767.
NEWS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. SERIES OF GEOLOGY AND TECHNICAL SCIENCES. ISSN 2224-5278. Volume 6, Number 450 (2021), 46-52. https://doi.org/10.32014/2021.2518-170X.118. UDC 66.022:53.097. Shautenov M., Medeuov Ch., Almenov T., Bektur B. Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. MECHANOCHEMICAL ACTIVATION OF THE PROCESSING OF GOLD-BEARING SULFIDE RAW MATERIALS.
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