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Alova Zhale M.

Alova Zhale M.


Institute of Project Management

Department of Foreign Languages

Professional biography

2017 - present a teacher of English at Satbayev University.

2007 - 2010 language educational center “BBT Success”

2010 - 2017 Secondary School No. 129, Almaty, teacher of English.                                               

 2011 - 2013 Deputy Director for Educational Work of Secondary School No. 129           



- Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition online course by Arizona State University. February -March, 2022.

- Speaking Assessments in Multilingual English Language Teaching. Training course by Kaz Prom Education. February 2-19, 2022. Online –webinar. 

- Teach English Now! Foundation Principles by Arizona State University. January-February, 2022.  

- “Developing Educational Leadership and Management Vision”, training course in the volume of 72 hours, November 2021.

- Предотвращение плагиата перед публикацией в научных журналах, индексируемых SCOPUS, Web of Science. Что законы Казахстана, ЦА и ЕС говорят о плагиате? 15.10.2020г. Онлайн вебинар от польской компании Сертификат.

- Teaching and learning online in Tertiary. 27.10.2020 г. Онлайн конф.

- Teaching Professional English Through Case Study Is Effective.

"The Europe and the Turkic World: Science, Engineering and Technology" Materials of the VI International Scientific-Practical Conference May 5-7, 2021 Bursa (Turkey) 

- SCLAD международная  онлайн-стажировка «Университет 4.0. Цифровая трансформация»,  7 – 23 апреля 2021 г., 72 часа.

-  Augmented Reality in Foreign Language Education, 23 января, 2021

-   The Fаculty of educaiton and humanities of Suleyman Demirel University in cooperation with the Education University of Hong Kong. Kazakh national University. KIMEP University. ETU, Center for Multilingual Education and the association for Applied linguistics of Kazakhstan (AALK), October 2019.



Master of Social Sciences

No. 00001717124

Faculty: Psychology

Specialization: “7M03102 - Psychology”


Kainar University

Specialty: English teacher.   


1. “The use of technical terms in English classes at a technical university”, 2022 co-authors: Imanbayeva S.A. Lecturer of the English LanguageDepartment of Kazakh Research Technical University named after. K. Satpaev.

 2. The article title: IMPROVING READING APPREHENSION THROUGH SPECIALTY-ORIENTED TEXTS "Pedagogy of KHABARSHYSY" Scientific journal No. 2 (02), Kazan, 2020. Co-authors Nasimova (Alova) Zh.M. Ermekbaeva Sh.B. Adambayeva B.M

3. VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Europe and the Turkic world: science, technology and technology", Bursa (Turkey), May 5–7, 2021 Article title: Teaching Professional English through Case study is effective.

Article title Journal title Direction Year
1 Assessment as a means of motivation of the first-year students of technical education institution to learn a foreign language Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің хабаршысы. Педагогика. Психология. Әлеуметтану сериясы Педагогика және психология ғылымдары 2023