Amirzhanova Gaukhar Yerlanovna
Master of pedagogical Sciences
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Project Management
Department of Foreign Languages
Email: g.amirzhanova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
From September 2019 - to present time a Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages at Satbayev University.
2018 - 2019 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Journalism at Al Farabi KazNU.
2016 - 2018 – English Teacher at NIS ChB, Almaty.
2012 - 2016 – English Teacher at Kazakh Abylai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.
2010-2012 – Kazakh Abylai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages". Qualification: Master of Pedagogical Sciences.
2006-2010 – Kazakh Abylai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages".
Scientific projects
Teaching English as a foreign language: traditional and innovative methods.
1. The development of multilingualism in the cyberspace of a communicative personality // Bulletin of Al-Farabi KazNU series "Journalism" 1(37) 2018. - Almaty, 2018 - p.53-57.
2. The Curriculum design of foreign language teaching // Republican scientific and practical conference "Scientific and methodological foundations of professional training of a foreign language teacher", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Prof. P.G.Kozlov. - Almaty, 2016 - p. 52-56.
3. The specificity of authentic texts in teaching listening // "Modeling of competence in foreign professional education" III International scientific and practical conference. - Almaty, 2015 - p. 226-230.
4. The quantitative effect of using podcasts in teaching listening // Bulletin of Kazakh Abylai Khan UIR and WL series "Philological Sciences" 2 (37) 2015. - Almaty, 2015 - p. 37-42.
5. Innovative technologies used in teaching listening in the process of teaching a foreign language // International scientific and practical conference "Modern innovations in foreign education: experience, problems and prospects". - Almaty, 2013 - p. 125-129.
6. Materials of Internet resources used in teaching a foreign language // Bulletin of Kazakh UIR and WL series "Pedagogical sciences" 4 (31) 2013. - Almaty, 2013 - p. 75-81.
7. The use of Internet resources in teaching listening in a foreign language lesson // Republican scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Prof. P.G.Kozlov - Almaty, 2011 - p. 110-113.
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