Amralinova Bakytzhan
Associate Professor
Institute of Project Management
Email: b.amralinova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Director of the Institute, PhD , Associate Professor. BEST UNIVERSITY TEACHER 2023.
Associate Professor of the Department "Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits" SU
Mining engineer-geologist, teacher with more than 18 years of experience. She worked as the head of the department, dean, scientific supervisor of a number of projects. Corresponding member of the National Mining Academy of Kazakhstan
She is engaged in a wide range of tasks in the geology of solid minerals. Author of more than 80 scientific papers, in publications recommended by the authorized body - 25, in scientific journals included in the databases of Clarivate Analytics (Clarivate Analytics) (Web of Science Core Collection, Clarivate Analytics) (Web of Science Core Collection, Clarivate Analytics)) 4, Scopus (Scopus) 12, as well as in other scientific publications and collections of international conferences
She has 3 patents for inventions and 1 copyright certificate.
The Hirsch index: according to Scopus – 8,
She is constantly working to improve her skills, in different years she has completed scientific and pedagogical internships at the Natural History Museum (London), Tashkent State Technical University named after I.Karimov (Tashkent), FSBI "TSNIGRI" (Moscow).
Has certificates:
"Management in education" 28.11.-09.12.2022 in the amount of 72 academies.hour's. Almaty. IP Paradise. "Project management" of the professional development program 30.04-05/23/2022 in the amount of 72 academies.hour's. Almaty. Satbayev University 17.05.2020. Inspiring and Motivating Individuals MOOC based on the COURSERA platform, University of Michigan. 05/17/2020. - MOOC "Talent Management" on the COURSERA platform, University of Michigan. 18. 05/12/2020-Precious stones: diagnostics and expertise. MOOC based on the SOURSERA platform, Novosibirsk State University.
2013-2016 – doctoral studies at the Department of Geology and Mining of D. Serikbayev EKSTU.
2017 - defended her doctoral dissertation with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) majoring in Geology and exploration of mineral deposits at D.Serikbaev EKSTU.
2004-2006 – Master's degree in Geology and Mining Department of D. Serikbayev EKSTU.
2003-2005 - East Kazakhstan Regional University, specialty "Jurisprudence".
1997-2002 – East Kazakhstan Technical University, specialty "Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits".
Scientific projects
- Head of the state budget topic AR08052707 "Conducting hydrochemical studies of lakes in Eastern Kazakhstan in order to identify the mineralization of rare metals in them".
- Senior Researcher g/b topics: AP08052371 "Patterns of formation, forecasting criteria and assessment of prospects for non-traditional types of tin-tantalum-lithium mineralization in order to strengthen the mineral resource base of rare metals (East Kazakhstan)",
- Senior Researcher g/b topics: AP08856325 "Development of a scientific and methodological basis for forecasting and searching for deposits of critical metals within the Kazakh part of the Greater Altai and the Rocky Mountains (Colorado)".
- Chief Researcher of the PCF: BR10264558 "Scientific assessment of the investment attractiveness of Kazakhstan's structures promising for the identification of mineral deposits".
- the contractor according to the contract: BR21882257-OT-23 "Creation of a national model of engineering education in the context of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals".
1. Rare-Metal Mineralization in Salt Lakes and the Linkage with Composition of Granites: Evidence from Burabay Rock Mass (Eastern Kazakhstan) Amralinova, B., Agaliyeva, B., Lozynskyi, V., ...Mataibaeva, I., Mizernaya, M. Water (Switzerland), 2023, 15(7), 1386
2. PREDICTING OF VERTICAL DISPLACEMENTS OF STRUCTURES OF ENGINEERING BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES | Прогнозування вертикальних зсувів конструкцій інженерних будівель та споруд. Sailygarayeva, M., Nurlan, A., Rysbekov, K., ...Amralinova, B., Baygurin, Zh. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2023, (2), страницы 77–83
3. Improving a geophysical method to determine the boundaries of ore-bearing rocks considering certain tectonic disturbances. Kassymkanova, K.K., Istekova, S., Rysbekov, K., ...Soltabayeva, S., Dossetova, G. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2023, 17(1), страницы 17–27
4. Mineralization of rare metals in the lakes of East Kazakhstan Amralinova, B.B., Frolova, O.V., Mataibaeva, I.E., Agaliyeva, B.B., Khromykh, S.V. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2021, 2021(5), pp. 16–21
7.Specific Features of Geotectonic Development and Ore Potential in Southern Altai (Eastern Kazakhstan) Dyachkov, B.A., Bissatova, A.Y., Mizernaya, M.A., ...Kuzmina, O.N., Orazbekova, G.B. Geology of Ore Deposits, 2021, 63(5), pp. 383–4088. Silver halides in the hypergene zone of the Arkharly gold deposit as indicators of their formation in dry and hot climate (Dzungar Alatau, Kazakhstan). International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 2020, 13(1), P. 181–190.
9. Improvement of informational technologies in ecology. E3S Web of Conferences, 2020, 159, 01008.
11. Главные типы золоторудных месторождений и рудопроявлений Зайсанской сутурной зоны большого Алтая. Научный журнал «Вестник ВКГТУ». №1, 2019. С.19-27;
12. Редкометалльное оруденение гранитоидов Калбы. Научный журнал «Вестник ВКГТУ». №2, 2019. С.34-41;
13. Оценка возможности перезахоронения лежалых хвостов цианидного выщелачивания золота. Научный журнал «Вестник ВКГТУ». №2, 2019. С.13-17;
14. Рудоносность интрузивно-дайковых поясов Восточного Казахстана. Научный журнал «Вестник ВКГТУ». №4, 2019. С.
15. Mathematical models for assessing and forecasting the state of quality of surface waters by GIS and remote sensing. Вестник Восточно-Казахстанского государственного технического университета им. Д. Серикбаева. Научный журнал. № 1, 2020. - С.25-31.
16. Пути накопления Ge в углях Карагандинского угольного бассейна. Научный журнал «Вестник ВКГТУ». №1, 2020. С.3-
17. Изучение осадок и смещений хвостохранилища и карьера месторождения «Секисовское» как основа для последующего прогнозирования деформаций. Научный журнал «Вестник ВКГТУ». №1, 2020. С.60-64.
18. Кен технологияларының тізбегіндегі орындалатын операциялардың тиімділік динамикасы. Қазақстанның кен журналы, №1, 2020. С. 18-23
19. Петрохимическая характеристика гранитоидов месторождения Акчатау. Научный журнал «Вестник ВКГТУ». №2, 2020. С.3-9.
20. Разработка картографического обеспечения мониторинга радиоустойчивости территории ВКГТУ им. Д. Серикбаева с применением современных ГИС-технологий. Научный журнал «Вестник ВКГТУ». №2, 2020. С.29-34.
21. Особенности геологического строения и оценка перспектив Дельбегетейского оловорудного узла (Западная Калба). Научный журнал «Вестник ВКГТУ». №3, 2020. С.36-43.
19. Геохимия поверхностных вод озер Бурабайского массива. Научный журнал «Вестник ВКТУ». №4, 2020. С.14-17.
20. Кенорнын өңдеу кезінде тау-кен құрылымдарының тұрақты жай-күйін қамтамасыз ету. Научный журнал «Горный журнал Казахстана». №11, ноябрь 2020. С.37-42.
21. Features of the geological structure and assessment of prospects of the Delbegetey tin ore node (Western Kalba). КАРТУ, Труды университета, 1(86)2022. C.127-233. DOI 10.52209/1609-1825_2022_1_127
22. Шығыс Қазақстанның көлдерінің геохимиясының ерекшеліктері. Қазақстанның кен журналы .№10, 2022. С.26-31
24. Шығыс Қазақстанның тұзды көлдерінің геохимиясы. Труды университета №2 (91) • 2023 С. 90-94.
25. Роль науки в комплексном освоении и сохранении земных недр в историческом масштабе времени. Горный журнал Казахстана" №5, 2023. С. 15-23.
26. Бурабай массивінің көлдерінің жер үсті сулары геохимиясы. Қазақстанның кен журналы №5, 2021. С.22-26.
27.Geospatial Insights into Ophiolitic Complexes in the Cimmerian Realm of the Afghan Central Block (Middle Afghanistan) 2023, 13(11), 1453.
29.Шығыс Қазақстанның тұзды көлдерінің геохимиясы. Геотехнологии.Безопасность жизнедеятельности. Раздел 2. 2023_2_90. С. 90-94.
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Experimental and methodological studies of remote sensing methods in the practice of geological exploration in the East Kazakhstan region