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Askar Syzdykov

Askar Syzdykov

Ph.D., Candidate of technical sciences



Satbayev University

Researchers of Satbayev University holding

Email: a.syzdykov@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

Professional biography

Director of the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business named after Karatay Turysov.

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences (diploma TN No. 117776 dated 03/15/1989, Moscow, Higher Attestation Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR).

Academic title: SNS/associate professor (certificate of CH No. 066321 dated 17.10.1990, Moscow, Higher Attestation Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR).

Mining engineer specializing in technic and technology of exploration of mineral deposits.

Academician (member of the Presidium) of the National Academy of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan  / , Academician of the National Academy of Mining Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization at the United Nations

He began his professional and pedagogical activity in 1980 as an engineer at the branch laboratory "Effective methods of drilling exploration wells" of KazPTI named after V.I. Lenin. From 1980 to 1984, he worked at the MNC, SNC laboratories. From 1984 to 1992, he worked as a teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor of the Department of Technology and Technology of Drilling Wells.

From 1993 to 2017, he worked in various domestic and foreign production and management companies in the geological and oil and gas industry of the republic. He held various executive and managerial positions in the system of JSC National Company KazMunaiGas

- Zhambyl branch of KazTransGas CJSC (now JSC NC QAZAQGAZ) - Director of the enterprise under construction (construction of production and infrastructure facilities of the Amangeldy field, commissioning of production and infrastructure facilities);

- Amangeldy Gaz LLP - Deputy General Director, General Director (operation of the Amangeldy gas condensate field, construction of production and infrastructure facilities of the Amangeldy group of fields);

- JSC KazTransGas (now JSC NC QAZAQGAZ) - Director of the Department for the Development of Gas fields; Managing Director for Geology and Subsoil Use (formation of a resource base for gas, including associated petroleum gas and coalbed methane);

- KMG Karachaganak LLP - Director of the Business Support Department;

- Kaspiymunaigas Research Institute LLP (now Atyrau branch of KMGI Engineering) - Advisor to the General Director.

Since January 2018, he has been working at Satbayev University.

Over the years, he completed internships in Norway, Oslo (Statoil oil and gas company - ); USA, Houston (Miller & Lents - Global oil and gas consulting firm - ); Great Britain, Reading (University of Reading - ); Spain, G. Solterreno (Mindful Academy Solterreno –;

Author of more than 50 published scientific papers (scientific articles Scopus Q1, Q2, Q3, monographs – 1, textbooks - 1, textbooks – 1; inventions -10, including copyright certificates of the USSR and patents of the USA, Sweden, Canada, Japan and Germany. The Diamond Drilling Crown passed large-scale industrial tests at the deposits of the USSR and the state acceptance commission has accepted it into serial production at the Kabardino-Balkarian Diamond Tools Plant (now the Tersk Diamond Tools Plant)..

He is the supervisor of 5 doctoral students.

He prepared and graduated one Doctor of Philosophy PhD (


- member of the editorial board of the magazine "Oil and Gas",

- Member of the NTS for the review of R&D projects of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan,

- Independent Director, Chairman of the Human Resources, Remuneration and Social Affairs Committee of the Board of Directors of JSC National Geological Survey.

He is the holder of the titles:

- "Honorary Prospector of the Subsoil of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

- "Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

- Laureate of the K.I. Satpayev State Nominal Prize for scientific work "Ways to improve the efficiency and environmental friendliness of the development of mineral resources".


1975-1980 - V.I. Lenin Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Petroleum, specialty – "Technology and technology of exploration of mineral deposits" (specialty);

1985-1988 - Leningrad Mining Institute named after G.V. Plekhanov, specialty "Development of technology and techniques for drilling wells" (postgraduate study);

2010-2012 - Kazakh-British Technical University, "Management in the oil and gas industry" (doctoral degree).


1975 - 1980 - Kazakh Polytechnic Institute. V.I. Lenin, oil faculty, specialty - "Technology and techniques for exploration of mineral deposits."

1985-1988 - graduate school of the Leningrad Mining Institute  named after G.V. Plekhanova, specialty "Development of technology and techniques for drilling wells";

2010 - 2012 - doctorate of the Kazakh-British Technical University, Phd program, "Management in the oil and gas industry."

Scientific projects

 he main research areas:

Development and creation of diamond rock cutting tools; Drilling and exploitation of oil and gas wells; Management of oil and gas field development; Optimization of oil and gas recovery, including the development of new methods for stimulating the inflow into the wells, the development of new methods of waterflooding and EOR, and the "digitalization" of fields.

Manages and participates in the following research projects:

“Optimization of the process of steam gravity drainage of oil by constructing a physical model with the possibility of changing the location of wells; “Hydrogen energetics of activated aluminum alloys for cleaning tubing and CCD from ASPO, demetallization and desulfurization of oil and greening production”; “Reagents for improving the rheological parameters of oil while protecting equipment from corrosion and scaling”; "Polymeric surface-active substances (surfactants) for inhibiting corrosion, scaling and paraffin based on industrial waste polyethylene terephthalate and polyolefins"; “Development of technology for cleaning pipes from solid deposits”; “Improving the technology for repair and restoration of oil and gas wells6 with the help of special technical shells of KazNITU”; "Development of a domestic biopolymer to increase oil recovery."

The research and development work “Diamond Drill Bit” developed by A.Kh. Syzdykov within the walls of the university was confirmed by patents in the USA, Sweden, Canada, Japan, Germany, passed large-scale all-Union industrial tests, and the USSR State Acceptance Commission was introduced into serial production of diamond tools at the Kabardino-Balkarian plant.

Scientific Project Management:

Since 2018, he has been the supervisor of the grant financing project “A multidisciplinary approach to optimizing steam and gravity drainage of oil using geomechanical calculations and changing the location of wells”;

The main results of scientific research are presented in more than 50 articles published in journals and scientific conferences, including those indexed in the Scopus database.


1. Syzdykov A.Kh., Delikesheva D.N. Automatic measurement of rheological parameters of the drilling fluid. Mining Journal of Kazakhstan Scientific, Technical and Production Journal No. 9 (173) 2019, pp: 15-18. Almaty city, ISSN 2227-4766

2. Syzdykov A.Kh., Delikesheva D.N. The current state and prospects of measuring the rheological parameters of the drilling fluid. Proceedings of the Satpayev International Readings “Innovative technologies are the key to the successful solution of fundamental and applied problems in the ore and oil and gas sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan” 2019, Almaty: KazNITU, ISBN 978-601-323-145-7.

3. Biletsky M.T., Ratov B.T., Syzdykov A.Kh., Delikesheva D.N. Research and development of a device for automatic monitoring of the content of sludge in the upstream mud. // Oil and Gas Journal No. 2 (110) 2019 S: 89-99. (ISSN 1562-2932). Almaty city

4. Biletskiy M.T., Ratov B.T., Syzdykov A.Kh., Delikesheva D.N. Express Method for measuring the drilling muds rheological parameters / / 19th International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference (Science and Technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining / Issue 1.2) / ISBN 978-619-7408-77-5. ISSN 1314-2704, DOI: 10.5593 / SGEM 2019/1.2 Volume 19, Issue 1.2 (2019), р: 861 – 868.

5. Biletsky M., Syzdykov A., Delikesheva D.N. The Method of Measuring the Rheological Parameters of Drilling Fluids. IV International Scientific-Practical Conference "Integration of the Scientific Community to the Global Challenges of Our Time" February 13-15, 2019. P: 87-94 Sapporo (Japan), ISBN 978-601-267-055-4

6. A.V. Logvinenko, A.Kh. Syzdykov. The use of chemical solvents for the extraction of high viscosity oils. Proceedings of the Satpayev International Readings “Innovative technologies are the key to the successful solution of fundamental and applied problems in the ore and oil and gas sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan” 2019, Almaty: KazNITU, ISBN 978-601-323-145-7.5, p. 345-350.

7. Marat T Aubakirov, Esengali L Limanov, Askar K Syzdykov, Ravil S Abdrazakov, Murat G Tleuov, Vladimir S Khazhuer, Ruslan D Buzdov, Vladislav K Khashirov. «Diamond crown bit»

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