Assel Shampikova
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Mining
Email: a.shampikova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Shampikova A. Kh., while studying for a doctorate part-time, began teaching as an assistant at the Department of "Open Mining". She teaches undergraduate courses in the disciplines of "Mining Physics", "Special methods of conducting open-pit mining", "Resource-saving and low-waste technologies in ore quarries".
Shampikova A. Kh.conducts public and career guidance work in schools. She is an adviser of the 4th, 3rd courses.
Participated in the grant competition for Young scientists on the topic " Managing the movement of the working area of the quarry to ensure a stable volume of minerals of the required quality»
Participated in the competition of research grants of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Elbasy on the topic " Development of flexible technologies for the extraction of ores and complex-structured ledge blocks in quarries»
Shampikova A. Kh. is constantly working to improve her skills, that is, over the past three years, she has participated in several seminars to improve her skills in the field of education and science.
Shampikova A. Kh.participated in the project "Best young scientists-2021" among the scientific and educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, organized in the form of the association "National Movement "Bobek". She was awarded the breast medal "Best Young Scientist-2021" and a diploma of the 1st degree.
2007-2011 - Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.SatpayevKazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev. Bachelor in Mining.
2011-2013 - Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.SatpayevKazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev. Master of Engineering with a degree in Mining.
2013-2016 - Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.SatpayevKazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on February 21, 2018 (order No. 303)
Scientific projects
Participation in the “Grant funding for scientific research” for 2018–2020 under the project “Development of a new technology for underground leaching of uranium using a complex of synergistic chemicals for downhole mining of uranium ores” as a researcher and PCF “Modernization of technologies and production in mining and mining branches of the Republic of Kazakhstan "
Participation in the "Grant financing of scientific research" for 2020-2022 (27 months) AP08856422 "Development of an innovative technology for intensification of downhole uranium production using a hydrodynamic decolmatation device in combination with a complex of multifunctional chemicals"Publications
1. Шампикова А.Х. Экономическая оценка эффективности применения минерального сырья. Сборник трудов МНПК «Инновационные технологии и проекты в горно-металлургическом компическом комплексе, их научное и кадроовое сопрровождение». 18-19 марта 2014 г. – Алматы, 2014. - С. 294-298.
2. Шампикова А.Х. Применение редкоземельных металлов в высокотехнологических отраслях. Международный форум «Инженерное образование и наука в XXI веке: проблемы и перспективы», посвященный 80-летию КазНТУ имени К.И.Сатпаева. Алматы, 2014. –С. 320-324
3. К.Сейтулы, Шампикова А.Х. Ашық тау-кен жұмыстарының даму үрдістері. Горный журнал Казахстана, №9. Алматы, 2014. –С. 18-20
4. Б.Ракишев, Шампикова А.Х. Конфигурация различных частей уступа в развале взорванных пород. Вестник КазНТУ, №4. Алматы, 2015. – С. 450-455
5. Б.Ракишев, Шампикова А.Х, Казангапов А.Е. Прогнозирование конфигурации различных по форме тел в развале взорванных пород. XIV Международная конференция «Ресурсовопроизводящие малоотходные и природоохранные технологии освоения недр», Москва-Бишкек, 2015.-С. 111-113
6. Б.Ракишев, Шампикова А.Х, Казангапов А.Е.Размещение зон мелкого, среднего и крупного дробления в развале пород. Взрывное дело №114/71. Москва, 2015.-С.45-56
7. Rakishev, B.R., Shampikova, A.H.,Kazangapov, A.E., Geometric features of different parts lost in the collapse of the blasted rock International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2016, 11(21), стр. 10447–10453
8. Б.Ракишев, Шампикова А.Х, Казангапов А.Е. Горно-геологические характеристики взорванных сложноструктурных блоков. Взрывное дело, - Москва, 2018, №120/77, с.82-93
9. И.Тухтамов, Н.Бейсебаев, А.Шампикова, А.Нугман. Влияние диаметра заряда на эффективность взрывного дробления массива горных пород. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Рациональное использование минерального и техногенного сырья в условиях Индустрии 4.0»14-15 марта 2019г. С.223-226
10. B.Rakishev, Zh.Kenzhetaev, B.Toktaruly. Increasing of filtration characteristics of ore bodies in borehole uranium mining. E3S Web Conf. Volume 168, 2020 II International Conference Essays of Mining Science and Practice https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202016800014
11. I.Tukhtamov, N.Beisebayev, B.Bazhanov, A.Orynbay. Improving the effectiveness of explosives using a dispersed air gap.E3S Web Conf. Volume 168, 2020 II International Conference Essays of Mining Science and Practice https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202016800017
12. B.Rakishev, Matayev, M.M.,Zh.Kenzhetaev, B.Toktaruly. Innovative methods for intensifying borehole production of uranium in ores with low filtration characteristics.News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2020, 6(444), стр. 213–219
13. Rakishev, B., Mataev, M., Altaybayev, B., Shampikova, A., Kenzhetaev, Z. Research into leaching of uranium from core samples in tubes using surfactants.Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2020, 14(4), стр. 97–104
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