Baimbetov Bolotpay Sagynovich
Candidate of technical sciences
Assistant professor
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing
Email: b.baimbetov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
1968 - carpenter SMU-13 of the trust Almaatotdelstroy;
1968-1973 student of the metallurgical faculty of Kazakh PTI;
1973-1976 graduate student of the metallurgical faculty of the Kazakh Technical Institute;
1976-1978 Junior and Senior Researcher, NICH of Kazakh Technical Institute;
1978-1980 Senior Lecturer, Department of ITMC of the Kazakh Technical Institute;
1980-1998 Associate Professor, Department of ITMC of the Kazakh Technical Institute;
1998-2000 Chief Specialist of the Monitoring Department of the State Property and Privatization Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2000-2001 Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee of KazNTU, Director of the Information and Analytical Center of KazNTU;
2001-2008 Associate Professor, Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals, KazNTU;
2008-2011 Director of the Institute of Metallurgy and Polygraphy of KazNTU;
2011-2016, assistant professor of the Department of MCM of the Mining and Metallurgical Institute of KazNTU;
2016-2019 Associate Professor at the Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing Satbayev University
• 1969-1973 metallurgical faculty of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, metallurgical engineer;
• 1973-1976 full-time postgraduate study at the Department of ITMC of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, candidate of technical sciences.
Scientific projects
2023-2025 - "Research and development of technology and equipment for electrodialysis of solutions of tungstate and sodium sulfate with alkali and acid regeneration", GF No.АР19677216 scientific hand.
2018-2020 - “Development of a technology for thermohydrometallurgical processing of polymetallic sulfide materials”, Topic GF No. AR05133403, scientific hand.
2015-2017 Project "Development of processing technology for collective concentrates using alkali metal salts." GF4 / 1488, Subprogram “Grant financing of scientific research”, priority “Rational use of natural resources, processing of raw materials and products”, scientific hands
2007-2008 Project "Development of a method for producing and researching the properties of nanodispersed metal powders", CJSC "Rare and Pure Metals", Almaty.
2003-2004 Project "Development of a method, technology and equipment for the production of highly pure substances", CJSC "Rare and pure metals", Almaty, registration number 0102РК00223, answer. executor.
2003-2004 Project "Technology and apparatus for the production of ultrapure gallium", CJSC "Rare and pure metals", Almaty, registration number 0104РК00008, answer. executor.
2003 The project "Creation of the production of silent PC monoblocks with an innovative cooling system." “Laboratory of network technologies”, Almaty, 2003. Registration number 0101РК00051, answer.
1987 Project “Development of a model for predicting the quality of phosphorite pellets”, State Registration No. 01870003270, KazPTI, Alma-Ata, 1987. Scientific adviser
1986-1987 Project "Development of technology for pelletizing and Waelz pellets from the cake fraction of oxidized zinc ore and coke breeze." State registration No. 01860014299, KazPTI, Alma-Ata, 1987. Scientific. supervisor.
1986 Project "Development and implementation of a method for removing material balances, and optimization of operational parameters of the units of the Waelzcomplex." State registration No. 01880001968, KazPTI, Alma-Ata, 1986. Scientific. supervisor.
1986 Project "Study of the thermophysical properties of flux pellets." State registration No. 01.86.0014300, KazPTI, Alma-Ata, 1986. Scientific. supervisor.
1983-1985 The project "Studies of the thermophysical characteristics of the initial phosphate raw materials and pellets with mathematical modeling of the thermal treatment of phosphorites.". State registration, No. 01.86.0014300, KazPTI, Alma-Ata. Scientific supervisor.
1981 Project "Modernization of an electric furnace for processing copper slips by direct reduction with natural gas." State registration, No. 80003264, KazPTI, Alma-Ata, 1981. Answer.
1981 Project of the State Pharmacopoeia Institute “Physicochemical Basics of Sulphide Materials Processing Processes. "The study of the interactions of sulfides and oxides in slags and their effect on the loss of metals." State registration No. 73033684, KazPTI, Almaty, 1981
1979 The project "Study of the recovery processes of sulfides of heavy non-ferrous metals with natural gas and hydrogen." State registration No. 78026671, KazPTI, Almaty, 1979
1978-1979 Project "Improving the process of granulation and roasting of pellets and briquettes on roasting machines." State registration number 770060897. KazPTI, Almaty, Response.
1978 Project "Research and implementation of sintering of copper blends using air-oxygen blasting." State registration No. 75039307, KazPTI, Alma-Ata, 1978. Answer.
1977. Project "Improving the process of granulation and roasting of pellets and briquettes on roasting machines." State registration number, KazPTI. Alma-Ata, 1977. Senior Scientific
Selected Publications:
1. B.S. Baimbetov, G.Zh. Moldabaeva, А. Yeleuliyeva, S.K. Jumankulova, A.N. Taimassova, Zh. Adilzhan, R. M. Baisultanov , Е. Yakob, V. Serikbayev. Prospects of Processing Tungsten Ores from the Akchatau Deposit. 12(1), 77, 2024.
2. E.K. Esengaraev, B.S. Baimbetov, E.S. Kanaly, L.S. Bolotova, M.D. Akzharkenov. The effect of hydrogen peroxide on the leaching of gold. Materials of MNPK “Innovations in the Integrated Processing of Mineral Raw Materials” - Almaty: GNPOPE Kazmekhanobr, 2018, pp. 90-91.
3. E.K. Esengaraev, E.S. Kanaly, L.S. Bolotova, B.S. Baimbetov, M.D. Akzharkenov. The influence of the method of ore preparation on indicators of heap leaching of gold. Materials of MNPK “Intensification of hydrometallurgical processes of processing of natural and technogenic raw materials. Technologies and equipment ”-St. Petersburg: Publishing House. SPbGTI (TU), 2018, p. 297-299
4. Dauletova A.A., Baimbetov B.S., Aytenov K.D., Bekisheva A.A. Investigation of the process of leaching of metal sulfides in the presence of alkali metal salts. Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, No. 6, 2018, p. 38-43
5. B.K. Kombaev, B.S. Baimbetov, K.K. Kombaev, B.K. Tleubekova, D.Қ. Kokkozov. Distribution of alloying elements of VT 5L titanium alloy obtained in a vacuum induction furnace. Bulletin of KazNTU, No. 1, 2018
6. B. S. Baimbetov, K. D. Aitenov, A. A. Bekisheva, B. E. Abdikerim and L. A. Anarbek. Selecting circuit processing sulfide raw materials using alkali metal salts. International Journal of Chemical Sciences: 14 (4), 2016, 1-14, ISSN 0972-768X.
7. B. S. Baimbetov, K. D. Aitenov, A. A. Bekisheva, B. E. Abdikerim. Metallic sulphide and sodium carbonate interacting processes. Metallurgical and Mining Industry, No. 10, 2015
8. Alybaev Zh.A., Baimbetov B.S., Boshkaeva L.T., Omirzakov B.A. Thermodynamic analysis of processes during the melting of ilmenite concentrates on titanium slag. Integrated use of mineral raw materials. No. 2, 2014, S.32-37 - Almaty, JSC "NNTKh Parasat", "JSC TsNZMO", ISSN 2224-5243
9. Baimbetov B.S., Aitenov K.D., Bekisheva A.A., Spitchenko V.S. Problems of processing polymetallic raw materials and possible directions of development. Proceedings of MNPK "Development Strategy of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Kazakhstan" - Almaty, KazNTU, 2013, from 81-88
10. Baimbetov B.S., Kanimov B.K. Growth of gallium single crystals in the melt volume and purification from impurities. Proceedings of MNPK "Training for the implementation of the development program for the mining and metallurgical complex for 2012-2014" - Almaty, KazNTU, 2011, from 296-306
11. Osipov P.A., Alybaev Zh.A., Baimbetov B.S. Modeling the magnetic properties of binary iron-holmium alloys. Collection of scientific works of MNTK "Modern problems of metal science of non-ferrous metal alloys" - Moscow, NUST "MISiS", 2009, p.277-282.
12. Baimbetov B.S. Development of methods of technological calculations in metallurgy. Proceedings of the international forum "Science and Engineering Education without Borders" - Almaty, KazNTU, 2009, from 419-421.
13. Baiysbekov Sh., Sazhin Yu.G., Baimbetov B.S. Flotation of ordinary ore from the weathering crust of the Zhartas territory. Bulletin of KazNTU. - Almaty, 2007. - No. 1/1 (58). - S. 155–157
14. Baiysbekov Sh., Sazhin Yu.G., Baimbetov B.S. Flotation of a mixture of ordinary and rich ore in a ratio of 50/50 weathering crust Zhartas. Reports of NAS RK. - Almaty, 2007. - No. 2. - C.102–109
15. Popova T.M., Umanets V.N., Baimbetov B.S. Problems of licensing methodology and spectrum assessment of third-generation mobile technologies. Materials of the republican scientific-practical seminar "Modern problems of valuation of property complexes", Almaty, 2002, p.41
16. Baimbetov B.S. Application of methods for solving incorrect problems in the calculations of material balances of technological processes. J. "Vestnik KazNTU", Almaty, 1996, No. 1, pp. 57-61.
17. Spitchenko V.S., Baimbetov B.S. Studying the kinetics of leaching of sulfides and industrial mattes in an autoclave. J. "Vestnik KazNTU", Almaty, 1995, No. 4.
18. Spitchenko V.S., Khudaibergenov T.E., Baimbetov B.S. On the issue of cleaning solutions from the processing of titanium chlorinator waste. J. "Vestnik KazNTU", Almaty, No. 2, 1995, p.20-24.
19. Baimbetov BS, Golikov AN, Voloshin and others. Prediction of the quality of phosphate pellets during heat treatment on firing and conveyor machines. J. "Complex use of mineral raw materials", ANKazSSR, issue 3, 1989, p.29-33.
20. Baimbetov B.S., Lapshin V.I., Ospanov Zh.O. et al. Determination of thermophysical characteristics of granular materials. Sat “Intensification of technological processes in metallurgy and ore dressing”, KazPTI, Alma-Ata, 1984.
21. Almagambetov U.N., Spitchenko V.S., Baimbetov B.S. et al. Depletion of slag from copper smelting by pyrite concentrate. J. "The integrated use of mineral raw materials", Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata, 1982, No. 5, pp. 71-74
22. Baimbetov B.S., Kalashnikov M.Yu. About the withdrawal of pyrite concentrates from the charge of electric smelting and their processing in converters. Abstracts of RNPK reports - young scientists and specialists, Alma-Ata-Dzhezkazgan, 1981, p. 110
23. Panfilov P.F., Shumakov V.V., Onaev I.A., Baimbetov B.S. Lead recovery from lead dust and cake with converted natural gas. Interuniversity Sat scientific works "Questions of the theory and practice of processing raw materials in non-ferrous metallurgy", Alma-Ata, 1980, p. 53-62
24. Baimbetov B.S., Spitchenko V.S., Slyamov E.B. To the calculation of the hydraulic resistance of a layer of bulk materials. Interuniversity Sat scientific works "Questions of the theory and practice of processing raw materials in non-ferrous metallurgy", Alma-Ata, 1980, p. 98-102
25. Spitchenko V.S., Kalashnikov M.Yu., Ischanov T.K., Almagambetov U.N., Ilyasov N.I., Baimbetov B.S. On the processing of pyrite concentrates in a converter. Abstracts of reports and communications at the 15th scientific conference of the faculty, KazPTI. Alma-Ata, 1980, p. 178-180.
26. Baimbetov B.S., Onaev I.A., Spitchenko V.S., Sagadiev B.Kh. Processing of polymetallic sulfide materials by natural gas reduction. J. "Complex use of mineral raw materials", Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, issue 3, 1979, p. 34-38
27. Baimbetov B.S., Spitchenko V.S., Onaev I.A. On thermodynamics and kinetics of sulfide reduction. Abstracts of the All-Union meeting "Chemistry and Technology of Chalcogenides", Karaganda, 1978, p. 28-30
28. Baimbetov B.S., Spitchenko V.S. Onaev I.A. On the kinetics of reduction of zinc sulphide by methane and hydrogen. Sat “Metallurgy and enrichment”, issue 12, Alma-Ata, KazPTI, 1977, p. 87-91
29. Baimbetov B.S. On the kinetics of the reduction of certain sulfides by methane and hydrogen. Abstracts of RNPK reports, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 1977
30. Baimbetov B.S., Spitchenko V.S., Onaev I.A. Kinetic laws of reduction of lead sulfides and iron by methane. J. "Proceedings of universities. Non-ferrous metallurgy ”, No. 1, 1977, p. 47
31. Spitchenko V.S., Baimbetov B.S. To the methodology for determining the concentration of gases on a chromatograph. Sat "Metallurgy and enrichment", issue 10, Alma-Ata, KazPTI, 1975, p. 58-62
32. Spitchenko V.S., Onaev I.A., Baimbetov B.S. Research on the processing of oxidized nickel ores using smelting on ferronickel. Sat “Metallurgy and enrichment”, issue 9, Alma-Ata, KazPTI, 1974.
33. Onaev I.A., Spitchenko V.S., Baimbetov B.S. Studies on the recovery of heavy non-ferrous sulfides by natural gas. Sat "Metallurgy and Metallurgy", issue 3, Alma-Ata. KazPTI, 1974, p.190
34. Onaev I.A., Spitchenko V.S., Baimbetov B.S. Thermodynamic analysis of reduction reactions of heavy non-ferrous metal sulfides. Sat Metallurgy and Enrichment, vol. 9, Alma-Ata, KazPTI, 1974, p. 58-63
35. Baimbetov, B.S., Bekisheva, А.А., Aitenov, K.D. Distribution of the complex sulfide raw stuff components on roasting with soda, aqueous and acid leaching of calcine / Non-ferrous Metalsthis link is disabled, 2019, 47(2), стр. 31–37
36. Baimbetov, B.S., Bekisheva, A.A., Aytenov, K.D., Abdikerim, B.E. Kinetics of roasting of copper and iron sulfides with soda in a vibratory boiling layer / Metalurgijathis link is disabled, 2020, 59(2), стр. 207–210
37. Yessengarayev, Y.K., Baimbetov, B.S., Surimbayev, B.N. Studies on heap leaching of gold with the addition of sodium acetate as an intensifying reagent / Non-ferrous Metalsthis link is disabled, 2020, 49(2), стр. 25–30
Patents and copyright certificates:
1. Baimbetov B.S., Aitenov K.D., Bekisheva A.A. Soda sulfide is a sulfate method for processing polymetallic concentrates and industrial products. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 33152, 01/10/2018
2. Spitchenko V.S., Baimbetov B.S., Sagadiev B.Kh. A method of processing copper-lead matte. RF patent No. 2030465, dated March 10, 1995
3. Baimbetov B.S., Dzhalmagambetov B.A., Plakhin G.A. and others. A method of producing a copper powder by electrolysis from sulfate solutions and a device for its implementation. RF patent №2022717 from 11/15/1994.
4. Spitchenko V.S., Baimbetov B.S., Shabalin V.I. and others. A method of separating iron from a chloride solution. Patent for the invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 1862, 06/03/1993
5. Spitchenko V.S., Kalashnikov M.Yu., Baimbetov B.S. et al. A method for converting lead-containing matte. AS of the USSR No. 947211, Bull. "Discoveries, Izibretiya", 1982, No. 28
6. Baimbetov B.S., Spitchenko V.S., Onaev I.A. A method of processing polymetallic sulfide materials. AS of the USSR No. 648628 of 02.28.79 Teaching aids:
1. Baimbetov B.S. Firing and smelting processes in the metallurgy of heavy non-ferrous metals. The publication of the Ministry of Onshore Refinery of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KazNTU, Almaty, 1998. , 159 p.
2. Dauletbakov T.S., Baimbetov B.S. "Cape Jene Nickel Metallurgy". KazYTY Basp Ortalygy, Almaty, 2003; 146 p.
3. Baimbetov B.S. Technologies of metallurgical processes. Electronic textbook. ISBN 978-601-228-561-1. KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty, 2013, 221 Mb., 761 pp.
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