Baitimbetova Bagila Abdisamatovna
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Associate Professor
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Materials Science, Nanotechnology and Engineering Physics
Email: b.baitimbetova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Teacher with over 18 years of experience. Participating in a number of projects devoted to the study of nanoscale structures. Author of over 100 publications in scientific and educational methodological editions. She has three innovative patents for inventions. She is a winner of the International Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the "Bolashak" program and grant "The best teacher of 2018".
In 1996 she graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi. In 2007 she defended her PhD thesis.Scientific projects
Scientific direction - nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. She was the scientific head of a grant project on the topic "Development of a new methodology for the production of graphene and research of its properties."Publications
1.Способ получения графена Патент 2 013/0559.1
2. Способ получения углеродных наноструктур путем магнетронного реактивного распыления графита в возгоняемых парах ароматических углеводородов Патент 2013/0803.1
3. The study by spectroscopy method of carbon nanostructure in carbonized ferrochromic spinel Spectroscopy Letters. Аn International Journal for Rapid Communication. -2008. -Vol.41(1). -Р.9-14. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0038701070179958 IF 0,886
4. New method for producing graphene by magnetron of discharge in an atmosphere of aromatic hydrocarbons.// Graphene. -2015. -№4. -Р.38-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/graphene.2015.42004
5.Study of graphene formed in the atmosphere of vapors of aromatic hydrocarbons // Russ. Physics Journal -V.58, №3. 2015 –P.394–398. Q4, Процентиль 31% https://doi.org/10.1007/s11182-015-0513-x (Thomson Reuters, IF 0, 671)
6 Preparation of porous rice husks by pyrolysis methods for the removal of emulsified oils from wastewater //Transylvanian Rewiev, http://transylvanianreviewjournal.org/index.php/TR/article/view/2238 2018. IF 0,2. Процентиль 40%
7.ЭПР регистрация углеродной пленки на некоторых подложках //Горение и плазмохимия. №3. -2019. –C.184-188. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41433256
8. Изучение графена, образующегося в атмосфере паров ароматических углеводородов //Известия высших учебных заведении. Физика. –Т.58, №3, -2015, –С.101-105. ://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23370727 IF 0, 671, Процентиль 31%
9.Монография “Перспективность создания и исследования углеродных наноструктур” . – Алматы. -2020. – 221с.
10. Modeling the process of formation of fractal structures in thin films Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1141 (1), 012004. -2018. IF 0,45 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1141/1/012004
11.Микроскопическое исследование поверхности печатной бумаги, модифицированной наночастицами золота и серебра. Горение и плазмохимия. – 2019. –№17. – С. 209-213. IF=0.093. http://cpc.icp.kz/index.php
12.Electron paramagnetic resonance in graphene structures. Inter. conference “Carbon 2019”. Lexington, Kentucky. USA. 2019.-P.42. https://carbon2019.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/237-1-ext-epr-in-graphene-str.pdf
13.Использование нестационарных сигналов ЭІІР для решения ряда вопросов по разделению парамагнитных центров. -№5(135). -2019. -С. 605-610 https://official.satbayev.university/ru/research/vestnik-satbayev-university/publications
14. EPR signal of carbon films on some substrates. Inter. conference “Carbon 2019”. –P.41. https://carbon2019.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/237-2-ext-epr-carbon-film.pdf
15. Влияние термической обработки на оптические и парамагнитных характеристик углеродных пленок Известия НАН РК, №378(5). -2015. –С.71-77
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Potential research studies of doctoral students
1. Development of methods for the synthesis of nanomaterials to create elements of instrumental devices.
2. Development of a method for manufacturing sorption-active nanomaterials for hydrogen storage.