Bakhmagambetova Gulnara
Ph.D., Master of Technical Sciences
Associate Professor
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Mining
Email: g.bakhmagambetova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Worked at the Mining Institute of the Academy of Sciences of KazSSR, the National Patent Department, and the production experience received in JSC "Embaneftygeophysics."
Kazakh polytechnical institute named after V.I.LeninScientific projects
Mining, mine aerology
Participation in scientific projects (in the last 3 years):
№ 747.МОН ГФ.12.19 "Innovative Technology of Well Cutting of Solid Minerals Taking into Account Changes in Technology and Technologies of Drilling and Blasting Works in Modern Conditions" 2012-2014, Associate Researcher;
№ 747.МОН ГФ.12.4 "Development of innovative technology of underground mining of ores of various types from complex structural close-up steeply falling ores of layered structure of medium capacity taking into account the market demand in each type of ores" 2013-2014, Associate Researcher.
№ 4104 GP "KPS-II" 2021-2022, Production of sodium silicate using innovative energy saving technology. Researcher
2. Бахмагамбетова Г. Способ выщелачивания забалансовых руд в местах их складирования.
11. Абен Е. Х., Рустемов С. Т., Бахмагамбетова Г. Б., Ахметханов Д. Повышение извлечения металла на основе активации выщелачивающего раствора.
Москва: Горный информационно-аналитический бюллетень (научно-технический журнал). №12/2019 С.169-179. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2019-12-0-169-179.
12. Бахмагамбетова Г. Б. Подготовка руды и штабеля технологической операции кучного выщелачивания бедных руд золота. Международная научная конференция Fundamental and applied science, г. Шеффилд, 30 октября – 07 ноября 2020.
13. Юсупов Х.А., Рысбеков К., Бахмагамбетова Г. Инженерное обеспечение участка для кучного выщелачивания золота. Международная научная конференция «ОБРАЗОВАНИЕТО И НАУКАТА НА XXI ВЕК», г.София, 15-22 октября 2020http://www.rusnauka.org/cgi-bin/search/step7_info.cgi?id=284524&idw=ce5QFI4naVHYcdtBdr
14. Onika S. G., Rysbekov K.B, Aben E.Kh, Bakhmagambetova G.B. The dependence of the leaching rate on the temperature of the productive solution. Bulletin KazNITU, 2020, No. 6 https://doi.org/10.51301/vest.su.2020.v142.i6.122
15. Yusupov H.A., Rysbekov K., Aben H.H., Bakhmagambetova G.B. Increasing the efficiency of leaching gold with a change in the rheological properties of the solution. Scientific Bulletin of the National Mining University, Ukraine. No. 3, 2021. https://doi.org/10.33271/nvngu/2021-3/014
16. Rysbekov K.B., Bakhmagambetova G.B. Influence of reaction of solution with dispersed particles in heap leaching. Mining magazine of Kazakhstan. No. 4, 2021 https://doi.org/10.48498/minmag.2021.192.4.007
17. Bithimbayev M.Z., Bakhmagambetova G.B. Development of innovative technology of continuous heap leaching of gold. Bulletin of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2021. № 2 (80) https://doi.org/10.47533/2020.1606-146X.95
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