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Bakytzhan  Anapiyayev

Bakytzhan Anapiyayev

Doctor of Biological Sciences


Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov

Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Email: b.anapiyayev@satbayev.111


Professional biography

He defended his doctoral dissertation at the Moscow Agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazev (Moscow, 2001), specialty 03.00.23 - “Biotechnology”. He worked at the Institute of Nutrition of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Botany, KazNU. Al-Farabi, Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, at NAC KAZATOMPROM, since 2010 I have been working as a professor at Satbayev University. I am an autor of more than 200 scientific papers, including monographs, patents and copyright certificates. Currently, I am reading biotechnology courses: Engineering Bioecotechnology for Wastewater Processing, Quality Standards for Bioecogeotechnological Systems and Production, Modern Trends in Nanotechnology in Environmental Protection, Bionanotechnology, Industrial Biotechnology, etc.

The best teacher of the university in 2012

Scientific internships:

Passed scientific internships at the Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, internship at the UNESCO Foundation (Szeged and Godollo, Hungary), Mastering the methods of genetic engineering; National Institute of Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (Faisalabad, Pakistan), Mastering Molecular Labeling Methods; Ben-Gurion University, Institute for Desert Research (Beersheba, Izrail), Desert Agrobiology and Ecology; US Biotechnology Centers (Washington, Des Monis, San Francisco, USA) by the Cochrane Foundation, Biosafety and GMOs; University of Nebraska (USA) on the CRDF Foundation, ecology and biological diversity, resistance to extreme environmental conditions, ecology; Readable disciplines: “Bioenergy: sources, technology and utilization”, “Biotechnology of production waste processing”, “Fundamentals of space biotechnology”, “Bionanotechnology in industry”, “Enzymatic biotechnology”, “Modern methods in biotechnology”, “DNA technologies” and other

Training 1. International certificate of advanced training: Regional Training Course on Accelerated Breeding Techniques for the Development of Crop Tolerance to Abiotic Stress, under the framework of the IAEA technical cooperation project RER5024, “Enhancing Productivity and Resilience to Climate Change of Major Food Crops in Europe and Central Asia”, to be held in Ankara, Türkiye, from 6 to 17 November 2023. 2. International certificate of advanced training: Regional Training Course on “Plant Mutation Breeding and Efficiency Enhancing Techniques to Increase Resilience to Climate Change”, Vienna, Austria, 14 to 24 June 2021 - Virtual Event; 3. International certificate of advanced training: Regional Training Course on “Molecular Techniques for Crop Improvement of Mutant Populations”, 01 to 05 August 2022 - Virtual Event; 4. International certificate of advanced training: Regional Training Course on Field Experimental Design and Data Analysis for the Advancement of Mutant Populations, from 21 November to 3 February 2023 Virtual Event;



Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Biology, Biologist-Teacher, NV No. 084516


Diploma of Candidate of Biological Sciences, KD No. 068524


Diploma of Doctor of Biological Sciences, specialty 030023 – “Biotechnology”, DK No. 010066


Diploma of Doctor of Biological Sciences, specialty 030023 – “Biotechnology”, No. 0003048

Scientific projects

Member of the National Coordinating Committee for the United Nations Environment Program and the GEF “Development of a framework for biosafety in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Executive of the targeted funding project “Scientific and technical substantiation of the innovation of the chemical cluster in the field of creating new materials and technologies to increase the efficiency and environmental sustainability of industrial production. Head of the International Atomic Energy Agency International Project "Selection of wheat Triticum aestivum L. for drought resistance in arid conditions of South-East Kazakhstan", 2020-2023.

Supervisor for commercialization AR 15573770 “Industrial production of Baldai sweet sorghum syrup for multi-purpose use” 


Sagymbayeva A.M., Tomlekova N.B., Anapiyaye B.B. The use of phytoremediation technologies for the purification of soils contaminated with heavy metals // Engineering Journal of Satbayev University Volume 144 (2022), Issue 1, 43-47.

Belyankova Y.O., Dauletbakov A.A. ., Anapiyayev В.В., Synthesis of 1-propargyl-1-(2-methyl-3-oxo-3-(p-tolyl)propyl)- piperidin-1-ium bromide and its plant growth-stimulating activity assessment // - Chem Bull Kaz Nat Univ, – 2022, -№ 2, - Р.  20-25.

Dauletbakov A.A., Belyankova Y.O., Tursynbek S.Y., Anapiyayev В.В., Conventional and non conventional methods of synthesis and growth-stimulating activity of 3-chloro-N,N-diethyl-N-(2-(mesitylamino)-2-oxoethyl)propan-1- aminium iodide //-Chemical Journal of Kazakhsta, - 2022, - Volume 3, Number 75 (2021), 58 – 66. https://

Искакова К.М., Анапияев Б.Б.,  Бейсенбек Е,Б., Капалова С.К., Омарова А.Ш., Сагимбаева А. М.  Изучение факторов влияющих на продуктивность Sorghum bicolor L. в условиях Юго-Востока Казахстана // Сборник Материал. V Междунар. Научно-методической конфер. Роль физиологии и биохимии в интродукции сельхоз. Растений. Москва, 15-19 апреля, 2019 г. – С. 197-202.DOI: 10.22363/09359-2019-197-202

Iskakova K.M., Anapiyayev B.B., Beisenbek E.B., Omarova S.S., Sagimbayeva A.M. Study of Sorghum bicolor L. for bioethanol production in the conditions of the South-East of Kazakhstan // PlantGen2019,  - Р. 88. DOI 10.18699/PlantGen2019-070   

Анапияев Б.Б., Искакова К.М., Бейсенбек Е.Б., Капалова С.К., Сагимбаева А.М., Омарова А.Ш. Особенности устойчивости Sorghum bicolor  L.  к биотическим стрессовым факторам в аридных условиях Юго-Востока Казахстана //   Cборник материалов  V Международной конфер. Москва, 2019,  - С. 197-202.   

Iskakova K.M., Anapiyayev B.B., Beisenbek E.B. et. al., Studying the infection rate of seeds of various genotypes of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.). by fungus and bacterial microflora // PlanrGen2019, Plant resistance to patogenes and other biotic stress, 2019, -P. 80-82.   DOI 10. 18699/ICG-PlantGen2019-25.

Тен А.Ю., Зазыбин А.Г.,  Ю В.К., Анапияев Б.Б., Искакова К.М.  и др., Патент РК  «Йодид 1-пропил-1-(2-метил-3-оксо-3-(птолил)пропилил)пиперидин-1-иума, обладающий ростостимулирующими и радиопротекторными свойствами», № 35930, от 04.11.2022 г. 

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