Balykbayev Baizhan
Candidate of Architecture
Associate Professor
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Architecture Department
Email: b.balykbayev@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Research fellow of the Independent Academy of aesthetics and liberal arts. The Department of theory of architecture, Moscow architectural Institute.
Assoc.Professor of the Department "Architecture of the city" Kazakh head Academy of architectre and construction (KazHAAC), Almaty.
Professor of Kazakhstan multidisciplinary Institute "Parasat" in Almaty. Head of the Department of architecture and design.
Assoc.Professor of "Architecture" Department of KazNTU named After K. I. Satpayev, Almaty
1988 - Diploma of architect, MARKHI (Moscow Architectural Institute), specialty architecture, qualification of architect.
1991 - Diploma of candidate of Sciences, MARKHI (Moscow Architectural Institute) degree of candidate of architecture.
1999 - Doctorate of the Independent Academy of aesthetics and liberal arts of MARHI (3 courses, without degree protection).
Scientific projects
The range of scientific interests is determined by the significance of clarifying the meaning of modern innovative searches that develop non-standard strategies and methods of shaping in architecture. Problems of style in architecture. The study of the formation of radical new trends in the late twentieth century.
He developed an effective method for finding and identifying rhetorical figures in the artistic text of the plastic language of architectural works.
Actively applies the methodology of spatial - imaginative thinking in courses of lectures and practical classes in professional disciplines.
1 Interview – the Cultural revolution. High-rise creation. What is it, the culture of modern architecture. Newspaper-Freedom of speech. Almaty 24-30 July 2013.
2 To the problem of information explosion. Architecture in the global Internet network. Questions of planning and development of cities. Materials of the XVII international scientific and practical conference may 28-29, 2010, Penza. ISBN 978-5-9282-0598-0, Penza state University of architecture and construction, 2014.
3 On the phenomenon of mirror architecture. State-of-the-art. 2015.
4 Interview - principles of aesthetic shaping. Modern architecture of Almaty under seismic conditions. Interview for a master's student from England-research topic-the Problem field of fear research in sociological research of crisis consciousness. Almaty 3 October 2015.
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Conceptual and innovative aspects of architecture and urban planning
The problem of regional and national originality of the architecture of Almaty. Features of the perception of architectural space
Semiotics of architectural space (artistic language of architecture)